Saturday, February 20, 2010

Noah My Grandson...

Here is one of my most treasured gifts from the Lord,
 Noah walked with God, Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord Genesis 6:8-9.

 Prophesy, speak words of life and health over your children.
 All of my Grandchildren, will walk in their inheritance, because
  I will call those things into being and they shall come to pass.
 I have the privilege and honor to plant seeds in all of my grandchild's life.
 I plant them when I speak to them and about them to others.

Your words that these little ones hear will produce the fruit of what is heard by their own ears.
 The word they hear will either produce 
Faith and Encouragement,
 Joy and Strength,
 Righteousness and Truth,
 ~Which produce Life~
Remember, even our little lambs given to us from the Father will become
 What you say over them. 
 So lets start being mindful of what you say and speak into their lives.

Training Hint:
 Through my years of being with the little ones,
 I have found that if I will just speak to them in a tone of a kind voice, yet in a suggestive (great idea) mode their little eyes look up to say hey, (great idea).
 Really, The all in control mode is not always the best approach for all kids. Like Noah!
 He will remind you, Be Nice Omma, or Papa.

Friday, February 19, 2010

My New And Improved Living Room...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog Voila
After almost two weeks of painting and new wood floors, voila our new living room!
It was really worth all the work.
 Our son did all the wood floors and most everything else.
 My Hubby and I helped with the painting and painting and painting.
All good things take time and energy.
Which reminds me, I finally feel rested and can fully enjoy it!
I love new and improved most the time,
 Yet other times I want to say hey, what's wrong with the way things use to be?
Sometimes the things that our most familiar to us, help us to feel safe and a sense of home.
But I can truly say that the feeling I get when I see the results is (change can be good).
The Lord spoke a word to me in the beginning of this new year and it was "extravagant".
He truly wants to bless and prosper His children. He wants to give you the desires of your heart.
 I had been praying for almost a year about doing a wood floor and updating the colors.
He is a good God and He wants to give you good gifts.
"Home is where Your heart is"
After all, the word tells us to Be Home Makers or keepers of the home.
So making them cozy and comfy and beautiful is biblical.

Living From Glory To Glory

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What Is Really Important...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I want to take this time and reflect on what is important. 
 I know there is a shift in the air and it's not just frost nipping at your nose.
 We are living in a season of the greatest revelation of God incarnate Jesus in
 Full power and flow through the Holy Spirit.
 We are a people that will have the opportunity to see and move in great power. 
Signs and wonders will follow His name working through His people.
 Be watchful for all will come to pass, not in our strength
And not just by our words.
 I want to encourage you all to make sure that you have oil in your lamps.
 It is time to read the word and pray like no other. 
 And when you pray to God, always ask in Jesus name.

This can be the very best Season you have ever had
 If you will press in and make your time with the Lord the most important time of your day. 
 Get-up you sleepy head for arise and shine, for your redemption is at hand!

Take time everyday to do the most important thing each day!
~Refresh yourself in the Lord daily~

Living From Glory To Glory

Monday, October 19, 2009

Resting And Listening To His Still Small Voice...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

There are so many wonderful things we can find to do each day, many are necessary, but some things are just distractions from what is really important.

Yet, I could feel the tired weariness of my body. It feels so good to just stop and say enough. I will stop and wait upon the Lord and He will renew my strength. My job is to wait.
Waiting can be tough if you have never trained yourself to "wait"

Business seems to be the tactic of the enemy in this generation. I have asked many different people (how are you doing?) And these are their responses, I am just ssssssssssssssssssssssssssoooooooooooooooo Busy.
Come on, let's get a new line. Or better yet we could just simplify our lives and schedules.

We must ask ourselves, are we doing what we want to be doing? And are these things bringing glory to God in our lives and marriages? We must learn to discern what is necessary and what is just business. We will one day give an account of our days and time He has given us.

I just want to encourage all my sisters! Stop and listen to the still small voice, rest in His rest.
Take stock of your to do list. What can you eliminate or cut back on. Make better choices and your family and your relationships will prosper. He is our strength, but He even went away and rested alone.

Blessings, From Living From Glory To Glory

Monday, October 12, 2009

Kingdom Keys, Using His Authority...

Feeling Like Someone Is Up To No Good!
It  does not matter what our size is big or small, 
we have been given a position and authority
to not feel like we are bait for the enemy.

We have been given keys to help in times of being in danger or over powered. 
There are times I ask myself what is the key to unlock this door of problems.
 He is willing to help us!
We just forget to ask Him.
Yet, here is what we will do when we lose something;

 How many times have you lost your keys, and then asked the Lord,
 please show me where I left my keys? 
And then you look in the same place that you looked before and there they are!

The Lord wants us to ask Him about even the little things!

Instead of always thinking the enemy is harassing me:
I now say, Lord help me!
 and look at these little trials as building endurance and patience.

A key is something that allows us entrance into somewhere;
So use the truths in God's word to help you get through those
little annoyance that makes us so frustrated.

Blessings, Roxy

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hearing God's Voice...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Hello Lovelies,

I want to start with the fact God is not finished with me yet! It has been a month of getting things in order and WORK. Painting our home outside, it looks so nice.
We chose Pony Tail as the color and a real nice hunter green for the trim. With all our red accent pieces of furniture it looks real country and has a sense of coziness. The guys have made one trip down to the river bottom to cut firewood. I started teaching a women's Bible study on Tuesday. We have a women's conference this week-end.

I have spent much time just praying and asking of the Lord and waiting on Him. Here are some special words, words that I thought of, but I would love to share them with my sisters in Christ. I am yours, you are mine
My beautiful bride of Christ
Flow as you wear my robe of righteousness
Laughter makes you lovely
Let My gems adorn you, His Word
I asked the Lord the other day, Lord what time is it? I continued my reading and just being in His presence, I asked again Lord what time is it? Pray and rest in the quiet.
Once again, I ask the Lord what time is it? He said (Be Ready)

Dress yourself with what He provides, His Glory looks rather lovely upon His Bride. My life is not just what I see and do, but rather what I hear my Father speaking in His Word. It is not just where I go, but rather where the Holy Spirit leads me. I have sensed a flow and its becoming easier to just step into it. But also the battle has intensified!
Gird up girls and prepare yourselves, for He has trained us for such a time as this. We will be overcomers, but we must be steadfast and resist the enemy!

I believe it is now time to learn to hear God's voice as we read the Word Obey His Words. He has said my sheep hear My voice!

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory
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