Monday, September 22, 2014

You Have HOW Many Children...

Artist Jim Daly

YOU Have how many children?

You may have no children;
You may have only one child,
Or perhaps two or more...
Maybe 10 babies if you could afford!

We have all heard someone ask other women this very
Question, in this very way.
"You have how many children"
"What they're all yours?"
What were YOU thinking!

Very rude in so many matters concerning this question or response!

Some women have grieved over being infertile.
Others may have only been able to have one child.

Others have been blessed and love children and have had many.

We act like children are such a burden in this world!
Well, having children is a blessing!
God tells us this in His word!

I remember as a child, I loved and so wanted to be a part of
A really large family!
(And I was a child of a family of five)
I still think others that had more brothers or sisters were lucky!

The show the Waltons has always made me feel that same way,
That being a part of a large family was somehow very special!
Even as a child, I felt this way!
 A HOME where you are loved and cherished!
And there are enough of you to feel like a party is going on,
No matter what you are doing!
Someone to play or talk with at all times!

I just wanted to help us to be more aware of how we might voice,
Our responses to those women who may have many children.

Having children is a gift and we also must realize many families have
strong convictions in having children!

Others only want small families, or are unable to have children!

We are called to encourage all Mothers to their callings.

There will always be movements that come and go;
But the Lord has a desire to see us bring our children up in 
The ways of the Lord...

I was so happy to see so many large families come to
A Fall function at our home this last weekend!
It was a delight to see so many happy children running around!
We must say yes to life and to tender hearts!
You go Mommas!

Being a good Mother that Loves the Lord and teaches,
Her children right from wrong!
That is what will make a happy world!
And a Home that loves and cherishes each child,
"Is a woman of great worth!"

Friday, September 19, 2014

Pearls Never Go Out Of Style...

Living from glory to glory blog

I just loved her pearls...
It was that little added touch that made her so soft and gentle looking.
So many homemakers, do not care how they look anymore.
I believe there is a direct correlation to how you dress as to how you act!

So to see this simple pearl necklace that June is wearing, we are
still feeling the effects today!
Women who keep the home full time can still look
lovely and fashionable!
As we all know pearls will never go out of style.

I almost always wear an apron as soon as I dress for the day;
So I will not ruin my clothing while I cook and clean.

Being aware of how you dress and not looking frumpy;
Will help you feel more positive and proper.
We have such a casual attire;
Sloppy and manly seems the norm for most stay at home mommies!
And the older women have decided that it is just too much work.
Why has dressing lovely for the day become such a chore?
Just throw on some jeans and an old T-shirt, and your good to go!

Just makes me wonder how so many are having Tats and how nice
they think they look!
I must tell you this;
I have never seen a pretty tattoo!
No, not even those little flowers;
Or your little hearts...
Believe me, when you are about 60 years old you are going to wish
You had just bought a set of pearls!

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Guiding Our Homes...


Scripture is a wonderful way to decorate your home.
You can buy it already framed and matted from a store;
Or you can find a scripture that has blessed you and spoken to you!
And then have it printed out and frame it yourself!
You can be as elaborate with this as you can afford;
Or you can do it as inexpensive as a thrift store frame
 Or a dollar Store frame. And I have found some pretty cute ones!
You can spray paint the frames to match the room where
You will be placing them!

I am very much a homebody and as scripture teaches us,
To be a keeper of our Homes...

But I have been looking at the word of Guiding our Homes!
We all will use some source to guide our lives.
What is the compass and guide book that you are using?
Where is the path leading that you are taking?
 women  have so much influence in the world;
But it is in the Home where the influence sticks and is biblical.

When a home is filled with love and God's Word,
And we are guiding it through what the word teaches;
We then can be a home filled with light and real strength.

I can see so many grabbing for what the world has to offer,
And I can see the sad eyes of the children, asking
What is real?
What is truth?

I had a comment that asked where is your conviction now?
Well, it is still in the same person of Jesus Christ...
But I am an imperfect vessel growing in grace and truth!
If I even for one week posted all the scriptures
Pertaining to what God has in His Word concerning Women,
I would only be writing His truth!
And that should be enough,
But this Blog is about my journey, slow and steady.

So many are looking for truth;
And it is only in the Person of Jesus Christ!
Don't look to me, but to the only infallible word!
The Bible

Scripture offends many;
They gnash their teeth at Stephen, Acts 6,7,8,

Those that ridicule others to be hateful, hurt themselves!
Those that correct with a gentle and kind word, helps another!
A conviction can only come from the Holy Spirit!
I will not try to be that in any person's life,
That is called control!

Rather may we seek Him and allow Him to help us!
Only then will our lives help guide others!
There has never been but one perfect man...
Jesus Christ Of Nazareth!

Not Afraid
When they heard this, they were furious and
gnashed their teeth at him.
Acts 7:54

Christians must come to a decision in life.
For some it comes in incremental direction and steps.
For others it may come in a crisis,
Either way we must stop having our feet in two
Different arenas.
Will we plant both feet in eternity and face up to
God's opponents?
Or will will live with one foot in the world
And one in the kingdom!

God wants the whole you!

"I am learning this one thing;
Truth is better and more important than life"

Living from Glory to Glory

Friday, September 12, 2014

Different, Yet The Same...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

I was flying our friendly skies on this September the 11th,
It was very different because there was so much security!
You almost could feel the fear or panic!

I saw so many different walks of life;
Every race, and creed and age!
My heart was full of compassion and hope!

We are all so different, yet we are the same!
Our journeys may cross each others path,
Will be a blessing to each one we come across?
May I aspire to be a blessing

I grew up in a time of a cultural turning point!
I was a friend to all those of different groups or clicks that were,
So prominent in school.
Why or how they all liked me still shocks me!
I guess it was because I was just being me!
I had no agenda. I just truly loved people!
And on the other side of that coin, they loved me in return!

We can all feel strongly about a certain thing,
But it is when we think everyone else should or must see it in the same
way is where the problems start to surface. 

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

I saw a woman who had no hair from cancer treatments,
I talked with her and just chatted.

I saw a very old man that was telling his story about how things
were, when he was a young man.

I saw a woman who was scared to death to fly;
I tried to calm her.

I saw a young woman who could speak only a few words of English,
she had missed her flight, and I helped her get her papers
and passport arranged in her folder.
(She looked me in the eye and said I am so lost)

I saw a child riding on his suitcase like it was a skateboard.
I laughed at him as he had not a care in the world!

I have my opinions
You have yours
We all have this same life to live...
Live it as well as you can!
Remember opinions can change...
Things can change in a blink of an eye!

Living From Glory to Glory Blog

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

There's No Place Like Home...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Home is where the heart is....
On a lighter note from my last blog post,
What are some of those most special moments of your childhood?

I can remember watching the movie,
Wizard Of Oz
The movie did frighten me as a child!
And I still do not care to watch it as an adult.
But I did love the end of the movie...
Where Dorthy just clicked her shoes three times and said aloud
There is no place like HOME...

We are all so blessed to have a place where we feel safe and
have a family to love and cherish!
Making memories and learning together;
and growing and grace.
I do not want to be critical or judgmental in my writings!

My heart wants to encourage women in their walk and journey!
But I do not want to write to a generic audience.
But rather homemakers and like minded sisters in Christ!

I ask for your understanding as I grow and learn to be an example,
to others who are looking to grow into Godly women!
There is a pendulum that can swing too hard in both directions!

Grace and Growth for all of us!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Women Wearing Pants Everywhere...


Now, I am not trying to be contentious about this pants matter!
We may all want to cover up our behinds as we do show too
much backside!

This was just an observation, from my point of view.
(The Rear)

I guess this is the very first time I really stopped to notice how a woman
wearing pants, may look like they could be
 just showing too much to others!

I have stated before, I will wear slacks occasionally.
My point here was this 
These are occasions where a lady might wear something more Lady like.
A Church function!
(Special Occasions)
These might be considered to be an appropriate time too
wear a skirt or a dress!
(In My Opinion)

We can be so vain or more, focused on comfort that we can
forget about dressing in a feminine way, where only a dress or a skirt,
might be a better choice of clothing.

Why is it that some ladies will not ever wear a skirt or dress?

This is not a matter of legalism.
But rather maybe a dress code!

Years ago, it was considered rude not to dress in a proper way!
Dinner, Dates, Holidays, CHURCH...

Will we make a choice to help turn the tide;
Wear a skirt or dress and say NO to pants for just the sake of,
Keeping skirts and dresses the choice of clothing for ladies only.
As it stands it is the only thing we as women can do that we do not share
with Men or Boys...

Saturday, September 6, 2014


Living from glory to glory blog

 A vineyard is a spacious piece of land
That will produce a rich and luscious vital fruit.
This fruit just doesn't happen
It is tended by the vine-dresser that plants and prunes
and fertilizes it.

A vineyard can be one of the most beautiful
and amazing visual experiences.

A cluster of grapes is like a heavy laden stem holding each individual
grape fully
 Developed and properly portioned of the cluster.

Each and every one of us is part of the vineyard
you can trust and know
That the vine-dresser will tend to you!
As to meet each and every need, you will ever have.

Allow the Holy Spirit to enrich your life
to be a rich tasting wine
As He fills the wineskin.
With His love and His timing!
His character is being formed in you;
This is the sanctification process.
We only get the sweet wine or juice as we are being pressed!

No branch can bear fruit by itself;
It must remain in the vine.
John 15: 9

This day is filled with appointments not the kind of appointments
we have for regular scheduled things like the doctors or dentist.
But rather with people whom God just puts in our path.
Being a part of the vineyard is something you should desire.
We all need others around us and beside us,
As the branch holds us!
Let me encourage you today
to be watching for appointments hand picked from God.
It is important to help others that might need encouragement today!
As we have the visual of grapes in our picture above.
Let it remind you how closely we intermingle with one another.
Let us encourage one another to be in a position to bear much fruit!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

I'm So Excited...

When was the last time you were this excited?

I really just got a kick out of this sweet little girls' enthusiasm.
She is a great example of what it might look like!

I am learning to take joy and pleasure in life moments!
Really each day has so many opportunities to be excited...

Sometimes we can feel so worn out it is hard to show enthusiasm 
for much of anything.
But this is where we need to give ourselves a good talking to!

It is a very good practice to choose joy!

Like can seem very unpredictable, yet we all know that
God alone is in control...

What are some of the moments in your life that bring a smile?
Or maybe a squeal of delight.

I am so excited; I get to go and meet our newest
Grand Daughter!

What a blessing Motherhood is!
Did you ever think that the Motherhood stage in your life would of gone so fast?
I think I blinked...

Being excited will set the atmosphere and tone for your marriage.
It sets the tone for the family.
We can feel that time is marching on, so why not
get your boots on, and start beating the pan!
And singing at the tops of your lungs!

At first we might feel a bit undignified,
But really, your children or grandchildren will think
You're something special!!

We have so much to be thankful for and to be filled with
Joy that is described in the Word is not due to
Favorable circumstances;
But rather a hope and love for Him and those He has given us!

Sure, my joy bucket feels dry once in a while;
But then and there I must stop and patch that hole,
that allowed my joy to leak out!

Sometimes it may be un-forgiveness
It may even be just not getting enough rest.
It can even be what we might call being a stick in the mud!

Do something special!
Make this moment magical!
Give out hugs like they were real!

Pray for special God assignments to bless others!
Have you blessed someone today?

Dear Ones we are all accountable for this day;
What a difference a day makes;
So make it count for His Glory...

I'm so excited I just can't hide it....
I got sunshine on a cloudy day...

Never ever let the song in your heart die!
Sing to the cows come home!

I believe we can encourage ourselves by singing with melody in
Our Hearts...
Or on my case a joyful noise unto the Lord!

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