Saturday, March 20, 2010

A New Thing...

Purple Crocus, Flowers, Living from Glory To Glory Blog

I want to wish all of you a very Happy spring season, and may the sun shine upon your face! And remember to keep your eye's upon the Son. It is time to be refreshed and to look with great expectation to a new season, which holds the promise of a new thing.

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.
Isaiah 43:18-19


Friday, March 19, 2010

Welcome To Our Home...

Home, Living From Glory to Glory Blog  Welcome to my home this morning!! 
Take your shoes off and come in! 

What a difference a day can make, yesterday was 75 degrees and today it is a light snow. The saying of the month of March is coming in like a lion and going out like a lamb.

  But praise God our Savior came as a lamb and He is coming again, The Lion Of Judah. 
Only JESUS is seen as both the lion and the lamb. Gentle yet with all power and authority!

Home, even just the sound of the word can give us all different kinds of thoughts and emotions. May your life and home is a beacon of love and comfort and safety to those that God sends your way!

Remember the word says we could even entertain angels, so show hospitality. And this does not always mean a full course dinner, but rather to give generous treatment of guest or strangers while in our abode.
Also, remember to send each guest out with a spoken blessing over them!

 So now, May the Lord Bless you and keep you on this wonderful day.

Blessings, Roxy

Thursday, March 18, 2010

His Energizing Power...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog
Refreshing Waters

I cry out to all who are weary, I want to encourage each of you to brush off the dust of endless task, that have left you weary and tired. For rejoice, He has given all things to us to accomplish each and every task.

 It may be your a new mommy or a home school Mom, or a grandma of three very active boys.
 Just being a woman, a wife or a mother, puts you in the place of caregiver of life. Now you have the choice each day to give of yourself till your dry and weary or give from the overflow the secret holding tank?

There is no loss when we serve from this place, it is the place of doing all things in His strength.
Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on the (pilgrimage). This is key, it is a journey. As they pass through the valley of Baca, (deep valley of tears). THEY make it a place of springs; the rain also covers it with pools. As they go from strength to strength, till each appear before God in Zion. Ps 84

So each of us will struggle and cry those tears, we get weary sisters lets not discount our pains and fears. But rather, Love one another through it all. And do not forget a word of encouragement to all who cross your path today.

Energizing power comes from the time you spend with Him, it comes from reading His Word, it comes from a timely word spoken into you.
 Let's not forget the practical things that will give you energy. Sleep and good food to fuel your body and a walk outside to clear the cobwebs. And my favorite a good laugh till I cry. Blessings to all you gals out there!! Remember, we can do all things in His strength!

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory

Monday, March 15, 2010

He Hovers Over Us...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

I the Holy Spirit hover and brood over you.
 I have sealed you for the day of redemption.
 I am your teacher. I am your comforter.
 Your faith worketh by love. For it is I who has shed love abroad in your heart.
 For I am the Holy Spirit.
This is a sweet word that the Lord has given me.

Living From Glory To Glory

Dwellings And Our Boundaries...

May Your Home Always
Reflect His Heart!

He has determined our pre-appointed times
 And your boundaries of your dwellings. Acts 17:26

I take great comfort in this word, as they're our times I think
Where is the sunshine and the ocean view?
 He has put each of us in the place He has prepared for us.
 Sometimes it may just be for a short time or a lifetime.

 The most important factor in wherever you are is to make each place a pleasant home!
 Be content and take pleasure in all that He has provided.
 We do not want to miss the opportunities in each phase of our lives.
Even this pretty covering  of shade brings quiet and a hush in a busy world.
 May God Bless Your Home!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Tools Of Yesterday...

I was just thinking how blessed we are to have all modern tools to work the land.
This is a perfect example, really this thing weighs a ton. It is just used now as a yard
decoration. One day, long ago, it was used to help and make their workload easier.

Our job is to continue to plant seeds for the harvest is near. He will give you ALL the
tools you will need!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

This picture is my bad side!

Come on I know this like your second picture with your new digital camera,
 but really I didn't even get to pose.
 My first photo on a Blog and You didn't even say (cheese)
Max is adjusting to his new home, as we are also adjusting to a little dog who stays
really close by.

Dear little Max is no longer living, he belonged to my parents.
First my Mother passed away, then my Father.
So I inherited this little guy.

It was so sad because he became very sick and he died also!
I wonder if it was because he missed his master too much?

I looked at this post and almost deleted it and I decided heck this post,
is history now!

Blogging has been a very interesting journey for me!
If you're reading this post, it is one from the archives!


Cat and Max...

Here is the one who sleeps all day and plays all night!
Cats are really nocturnal...

Her name is Jasmine
 And my sweet Hubby got her for me on Valentines Day.

She is about 5 years old, and loves to eat and sleep.
Now can you see that little dog down on the floor?
His name is Max.
Now that little guy is a dog that belonged to my Mother and Father.
My mother passed away about 6 years ago, she went to be with the Lord
 now Max became my Dad's dog.

Now, this is what happened:
 My Dad arrived on Sunday night and we had only 3 days together and he passed away.
 I truly believed he knew he was dying,
 and he made the long travel by car so he could get his little guy safely to the family.
 Now Max belongs to me.
Now Jasmine is still wondering will this little doggie ever go home?
 I got news for you (cat)
I am Home!

Max did pass away shortly after my Father died;
And now Jasmine is 10 years old.

One thing I can say about having a house cat is this;
We do not ever have mice in the house;
As she takes her job very seriously!

Blessings, Roxy

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