Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Pretty Woman

Pretty Woman
All Women are beautiful!
I make this statement because it is true.
Every woman is an amazing gift.
We long to be loved!
We long to be appreciated, and noticed.
Love is the glue that holds this world together.
Being loved is more then just a basic need,
it is what gives us life.
We  women are the heart of our homes.
That is why it is so important each day to make
it a habit of preparing to meet each day.
We start with adoring ourselves with His Word.
Clothe ourselves with His love.
Then: We take the time to make ourselves ready.
Take the time to wash and do your hair.
Apply a good moisture to your face daily.
A bit of make-up if you choose.
Smell fresh and clean.
Be purposeful in your looks.
Dress as if you had an important engagement with a King.
For you are a Queen!
Take care of yourselves dear ones.
"Dress like a lady
And you will act like one."

The best part of beauty is that which no picture can express...

Blessings, Roxy


Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Truth About Tattoos and Piercings...

 With great trepidation, I write this post.
I always want to love and encourage woman!
Let there be no condemnation to any of
My dear sisters in this post, 
May it be perceived in love.
We stay quiet at times for fear of offending.
But, we may be too quiet and in that we not addressing
Showing, what might be harmful to someone. 

Also, there is a scripture about tattoos in the Old Testament
Leviticus 19: 28

We live in such a day that we really don't think
about the way something will affect us long term!
Years ago I had a clip on this subject of tattoos,
But it now has been removed from the web.

At the rate of how the tattoo population is growing just blows my mind!

I an say honestly in my own opinion; I have never seen a tattoo on anyone
that I thought looked beautiful or lovely!
And for the record I love art and sketching and paintings!

I want to cry when I see so many beautiful arms and legs
covered with some picture of an other's persons art form.

Just for the record;
 If you have never seen a very old tattoo on a very old person!
Well, it is not a very pretty picture...

Look, You are gonna sag, and get crappy skin, you will lose muscle and fat!
Or get more fat, so it will stretch...

The colors will fad, they turn black and bluish.
What other health risk will soon be discovered from getting these?

Time will tell all...

One day we will be a minority of the few that said NO to this fad!
Trust me; this is all just a fad.

Its about standing out and look at me;
I want to do this just for me, I don't care how it will affect my future.

Kids now days think all these things are normal behavior.
Look, I am not bashing them, I am just saying this;
some of us do not want them...

The clip was really good,
 it was about a man that had covered his whole body in them!
He was the actual artist, but he realized that it was an addiction.
and caused him to regret it!

He now wears a long sleeved shirt and pants!
He first thought he looked beautiful, but soon felt regret!

Just think about it, before you do it!
Just Saying

Blessings, Roxy

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


The Simplicity In Christ
The simplicity which is in Christ
is rarely found among us.
In its place are programs, methods,
organizations, and a world of nervous activities
which occupy time and attention
but can never satisfy the longing of the heart.
A.W. Tozer
May these days of cold weather
and early arriving of dark evenings be used
for getting rest and reading some good books.
Taking time for writing a letter to a loved one.
Taking extra time for evening prayers for others.
For these are not nervous activities.
They bring peace and calmness to
ones heart and mind.
May we learn to practice entering;
His Presence
In all things He desires our focus to be upon Him.
Be still and know I am God.
Psalm 46:10
Blessings, Roxy

Friday, January 25, 2013

Wise Counsel...

Now, what was that she said again?
 I am so thankful for the wisdom that comes from
Godly counsel.
Do you realize that God tells us to get wise counsel!
I am always searching scripture for answers to
questions I might have about any given subject.
We join Bible studies to grow.
 We buy books and read them.
We educate ourselves in many ways.
But there is a way to gain knowledge
and to get insight that we can use.
Godly counsel, is a wonderful gift we
can give to one another.
We are a body of many parts, and we function
much better when we use each other.
Would you dear sisters love to be called a
wise women who builds her house?
Listen to advice and accept instruction,
and in the end you will be wise.
Proverbs 19:20
Now, that just does not mean anything anyone tells you!
Look at the women and see if there is fruit.
Is there wisdom from above in her life?
Godly counsel always lines up with the Word.
Godly counsel operates in Love.
Godly counsel brings Peace.
May we all be teachable and ready to learn!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Queen Of The Home

A Lovely Lady
This is one of my most favorite treasures.
I was given this plate as a young women, it belonged to my Grandmother.
This was in my Grandmothers china cabinet as long as I could remember.
I believe this is the very first encounter of a women of a sweet
demure countenance.
 A princess or a queen maybe?
I remember thinking, who is this pretty women, my imagination was sparked.
I always knew in my heart she was real.
Where did she live, in a palace so grand or a castle far away.
I think we as women have such a desire to create and surround ourselves
with beauty.
As I have lovingly taken such good care of this plate, I have wondered
as to if maybe one of my own grand daughters would
find an attraction as I once did?
Has our culture and days of longing for the princess ceased?
We are all Queens of our own homes!
And this why my dear ladies we long to surround ourselves
with beauty and charm.
We were born (princesses).
Blessings, Roxy

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