Thursday, March 26, 2015

How To Make A Delicious Dumpling...


Homemade Dumplings, Living From Glory To Glory Blog


Ingredients Needed:
2 cups flour
1-1/2 tsp salt
1 TBL. Baking Powder
2 TBL. Vegetable oil
1 egg, beaten
1 cup warm milk
Salt and pepper the tops of them after you drop them in the broth...

Add dry ingredients, mix well in a bowl
In a measuring glass warm your milk, then add your oil and the beaten egg!

Pour this into the dry ingredients, the dough will be a bit sticky.

Now, Drop a spoonful of the dumpling mixture into hot chicken broth;
Cover and steam for about 4 to 5 minutes. Do not allow it to be a roiling boil
 The tops will look cooked and a bit firm after cooking time.

Carefully remove dumplings with a slotted spoon onto a plate with paper towel, to drain extra liquid
Cover in a separate container from the soup or broth, as this allows you to keep them from getting soggy.  These taste yummy warmed up and topped with a bit of butter. Or place in a bowl and add your chicken soup stock with veggies!

 I like to eat them just by themselves!

These are very simple to make and require only a few ingredients!

This was my own version for making dumplings!

I have very fond memories of eating dumplings as a child,
Our Mother made them often for dinner.
It is a nice change from having potatoes or rice all the time!

But I finally came to the conclusion something was just missing from the
Flavor and texture of my Mothers dumplings;
So I did a bit of testing and found it needed more salt and an egg for richness!
The liquid needed to be thicker than broth or water, so I tried warm milk.
Warming the milk really did make a difference in the batter.

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

These dumplings only take about 5 minutes to cook;
Just have them at a light boil and cook with the lid on the pan!

So if anyone ever calls you Dumplen,
They my dear are giving you a compliment...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog, Dumplings

I promise you will love this easy, yummy comfort food!
They last for about 5 days covered in the refrigerator.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Amazing Strength And Know How Comes From Teaching And Learning...

Teaching one another, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Why we need each other...

Some of you are great cooks and amazing bakers
Some of you are so funny and have the greatest sense of humor.
Some of you are so beautiful in your physical appearance.
Some of you are very strong with physical strength.
Some of you are so crafty.
Some of you can sing like a bird.

~No one is good at everything~
That is why we are in need of each other;
I may admire your special strong points, but they are not mine!

I have heard that we can develop gifts and traits at any age.
We must never stop experimenting at learning new things...

We are all called to teach and train one another in many arenas;
Older women teach the younger woman!
It does tell us that it encompasses how to love ones husband and children.
But God has also many things that develop a warm and loving home.
Like being a better cook, or baker of special treats.
(A Hubby Loves Good Food)

I was talking to a friend about reading a pattern instruction that teaches
You how to sew something or crochet an item.
I told her it required me to pray and ask God for help as I did not understand the How To!

We need help from Him!!
But we need each others expertise in so many other areas!

My friend told me well at lease think of all the new brain cells I was growing!
(I loved hearing that line in our conversation)

Now, this is a powerful truth dear ones;
We will only stop growing if we stop...

Growing each and every new season is real living!

Strength comes from Him
When we are weak, He is strong
When we do not know how to do something we ask a friend or find a class,
That teaches what we need to learn! God wants us to learn and grow!

And my challenge here for you is this!
What do you know that you can teach another?
What do you need to learn, that another could teach you or help you with it?

Lack of know how is no excuse...
Ignorance is not a disease!
It is what comes about when we as women are not teaching the next generation!

What is it that you have a good knowledge of that you could share with others?
This is what helping and teaching others really is about!
We must never stop learning and growing...
You are never too old or too young to learn something new!

Grow in spirit and truth and learn how to be the best
Homemaker you can be...

Maybe you could plan a class and invite some people over,
To share something that is a real blessing!
In these settings you grow in relationships and love
And we fulfill our biblical calling;

What skill do you know that you could teach another?

Saturday, March 21, 2015

What Is A Watchwoman...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

A Watchwoman And Roses...

One of my favorite scriptures or word picture that I just find
Fascinating for me comes from Proverbs 31:27

~She "watches" over the ways of her household~

As wives and mothers and homemakers, we are the "Watchwoman"
That is referred to in this scripture!

Glory to Glory Blog

There is a wall that surrounds your home and land and sphere of influence;

As we walk upon the tops of this wall that surrounds are loved ones,
We look out into the far distance, watching for prey that means to harm.

We keep our eyes close to the bottom of the wall for any danger trying
to scale the walls that surround our homes!

We need discernment to know what is trying to get close to our homes;
And even try to weasel its way into our sanctuaries.

I have had to keep watch for the things that bring harm!
We can so easily just allow so many things into our lives and relationships
that can destroy a foundation built on truth!
We can not become careless in this calling.

I hope you ladies lovingly keep watch daily for whatever might bring harm!

I feel that we need to keep very alert and appreciate this position;
This is where you can practice wisdom from above,
A woman can just have that special knowing when something or someone
Is just not right, it can be a feeling or a prompting.
God has given this to us ladies to keep guard and go with that intuition that
helps us to know when something is just off!

The word tells us to not lean unto our own understanding;
But there is a gifting given to us to know and sense danger!

I have read and heard so many stories over the years that only
Another woman or mother would understand;
{It goes like this, I just had this feeling}

We can be very special force ops in this activity
Yet, not look one bit militant
But rather lovely and modest and smell like a rose!

May the Lord revive and refresh us in this line of duty...
Never give the enemy of our homes and loved ones one bit of territory!

Stand your ground and keep watch;
For you, dear ones are a

Can you recall a time that you said;
{I just had this feeling}

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Why We Need To Cover Our Cleavage Ladies...

Modest Clothing, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

(Writing This From What A Man Might Be Thinking)

Why do you wear clothing that shows off your cleavage?
I think You think I might want to see it...
Did you know that this is how I am wired?
My eyes just go to whatever is exposed!

Do you realize that when you even try to hide what is really exposed;
By pulling up on your top it just accentuates the problem.
You don't seem to care at all if I look at you;
Wait; I get it!
You want me to look at you and want you!
I really thought it was just my problem;
But it is just as much as yours; for, you will be held accountable for
(Causing me to stumble)

As A Man After God's Own Heart...
WHY Do You Dress Like A Harlot And Scream With How You Dress

(Writing From What I Am Thinking)

Do You Feel More Womenly By Showing Your Cleavage?

I have finally had to address this problem;
See I have had very close sweet friends that have just shown to
much to my husband and other young boys in my family!
 I ask you this, are you helping the problem of sexual thoughts?
Or are you exposing cleavage to the male gender...
Married men, Single men, Little boys

I know, you just have to say, I can't help it if they look at me like this;
Well, my dear ones, it will be you who will be held accountable
For making anyone stumble...

I do not care if your Husband has asked you to wear low cut shirts;
Because he likes it...
Any women or girl that exposes herself looks cheap!
I know this really makes some of you ladies mad
Some of you are saying Amen...

Look, we all like to feel pretty,
But beware of showing another male your breast
Even a glimpse of cleavage is too much for men!
You're going to be held accountable for this;
Because this is a matter of your heart and that is what God looks at!
Man looks at the outward (All that is exposed)

Well anyways, it is time to look at your spring and summer clothing!
If you ask the Lord about this, I can promise if you hear Him at all;
He will convict and confirm to you about this as being truth...

My job is to help you ladies make better choices;
To help all males not to stumble;
And to save you from the accountability that will come one day.

Try your swimsuit on;
Is it covering everything?
Have a covering top to wear over it while waiting to swim!
Get creative to look pretty and modest...

No Hot Pants...
No Cleavage...

Hey, wear what you want, it's your body
Don't let anybody tell you what to do

Well, see that's just the problem;
No one loves you enough to tell you the truth!!

Dress for the only one true KING...

What Are your thoughts on this?

Monday, March 16, 2015

How Much Does A Vacation Really Cost...

Glenwood Springs, Co  Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Medicinal Waters

I was told something many years ago from a lady that really stuck with me!

She said that you needed to take a vacation every year
And I responded with we can't afford that!
She looks me in the eye, and she said this;
"I can promise you this even after taking a vacation you will still have
the same amount of money at the end of the year"

It made no sense to me then...

Well, after many years of trying to heed her advice;
It has proven true and powerful.

Life has a way of becoming mechanical and routine;
Not always a bad thing;
But I think we are created in such a way we need to be inspired.

Finding ways to vacation close to home is great,
But planning a trip away from home and your familiar sights,
Can refresh and stimulate our hearts and our thinking.

Always keep in mind ways to keep your vacations, cost effective
We always pack snacks and take our own bottled waters,
(When we travel by car)
 We have also found that when we travel we look for
Very nice grocery stores that carry salads and soups, as they make nice choices for lunch
And Fresh fruit and drinks without
The restaurant cost and tip required.
And if you travel with a camper or 5th wheel, you can save a lot in food cost and sleeping!

My Hubby just had the privilege to go hear a Mountain Man speak;
One of the topics was spending time in God's amazing creation!

I believe it is God's idea for us to explore and enjoy
"His creations"

Need A Vacation, Living from Glory to Glory Blog

We need things that will jump start our wonder and love
Of others and a heart of thankfulness...

A walk in a park to a camping trip, to a wild adventure;
It is not how far or how much it cost, but rather the investment,
Of time and memories that are made!

So a vacation and planned times away really do not cost you much!
But rather allows you to invest in love, romance, feelings, inspiration
Ideas to create and have a healthy heart...

So enjoy and plan a getaway for yourselves!

Where is it that you like to go?
Or what do you like to do to be refreshed and blessed?

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