Monday, May 4, 2015

How To Make A Ironing Board Cover...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

How To Sew Your Own Ironing Board Cover...

Making a new ironing board cover can be really a great idea;

My Reasons for wanting to make one myself;
I wanted a certain fabric to match my new sewing room that had pink in it
and has a vintage look to it.
 And as we know most fabrics used in ironing board covers are so modern looking.
I must admit I was a bit intimidated over the idea,

Firstly, may I suggest using the old cover as a pattern.
Measure how much length of material will be needed to cover your board
All ironing boards are not the same size or width!

Purchase a fabric that you love in color and design
Make sure it has a sturdy feel to it and will wear the use well.

Buy two packages of single bias tape to use for the draw string.
Purchase a color that matches your fabric

Purchase one package of Velcro Tape.
This will be put on the underside of the cover to keep it in place;
While on your ironing board.

Buy enough draw string cord to go completely around the cover,
Once again measure from your old cover for the length needed!
But buy at lease 12 inches longer to tie a good knot or bow,
And to assure not running short of the amount needed!
(You can buy all these things from the fabric store)

And of course you will need thread and a good pair of scissors!

Now lay out your fabric and lay the old ironing cover on top;
Measure twice, then start cutting around it and leave at least two inches extra!
Now lay this fabric on your board to check to see if it will be too large;
Or just right, that is why we add a bit extra.

Now, Add your bias tape,
Slowly start pinning it to the fabric, starting at the bottom flat edge of cover;
You will be leaving a small opening to add your draw string!
Once again refer to your old ironing board cover.
Pin the bias tape completely in place first!
Remember to keep the tape even so your draw string will go through it!
Have your pins facing into the cover so as you sew, you can remove them.
Start sewing from the flat bottom (remember to leave your space)
Go completely around the cover!
Remember to back stitch when you start and finish to reenforce your stitches!

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

To add the draw string, use a safety pin and tie one end of string to it;
Then start pulling it through the bias tape that is sewn on your fabric.
Once it is all pulled through, make sure the other end does not come out.

Now lay this over your ironing board, start allowing it to contour to the board.
Pull it gently to you get a nice fit!

Then, once I make sure all fits well, Now, I sew into the backsides some
Velcro tape to keep it in place and it does not slip or move around!
I place the Velcro  tape in about three places, but two places might be sufficient.

When I had my sewing room painted our son put in an ironing board unit 
right into the wall for me. And because of its smaller size I was needed
A cover that would fit properly, but also I wanted a pretty one!
These Hide A Boards are really nice...

So because of this unique size needed it inspired me to make my own!
I am really glad I did as it was a fun and not really that hard!

I always leave the old cover and padding on as I like the extra padding
it adds to the board. So I just place the new cover over the older one!

 A new ironing board cover!

A few years back, I purchased from Etsy a new ironing board cover for myself 
 and I loved it as it was a fabric that had roses on it!
So I guess it won't be long and I will be making a new one for that board also!

I enjoy ironing and find it quite relaxing;
Also, I use it while crafting as a table for my items!

A good quality ironing board is a wise investment, just like a good pair of scissors!
My kids knew not to touch my good scissors (smile)

Hope you enjoyed seeing how I made mine;
Sometimes we need to try our hand at something different!

Also, I think this would make a nice item for stay at home Moms to make and sell!

Blessings, Roxy

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Is The Dandelion An Obnoxious Weed Or A flower...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Is the Dandelion an obnoxious weed?
Is it a flower preferred by Mothers everywhere!

 Mothers all over this country have likely experienced, the joy
Of a bouquet of yellow button dandelions.

These flowers are usually delivered in a the clutches of a little hand!
Those little hands are a bit sticky and covered in dirt.
The aroma of these little yellow buttons smells a bit pungent.
But the smile that spreads across these little faces, as they deliver them!

~I have always chosen to think of these little flowers as a ray of sunshine~

To see a lawn that carries no dandelions, may be a big achievement
For a master gardener in his profession!
No obnoxious weeds growing in their lush grass!

But as we all know beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.

I have loved every dandelion that has ever been presented to me;
And all the memories and love that were presented in the gift and the giver!

Mary Mary how does your garden grow?

What are you cultivating, what seeds are you tenderly planting?
I will tell you this;
Whatever you plant this season, you will harvest!

Now is the time to break up the fallow ground;

I have heard so many statements from people that have said things like;
I wish I had raised my children differently
I wish I had never gotten divorced
I wish I had more children
I wish I had been kinder to my family
I wish I had loved them more deeply
I wish I had more faith...

Accept the love offerings and the olive leaf;

One day I believe the Lord will ask us this
"How well did you love one another"

I choose to think of dandelions as a lovely flower;
Not an obnoxious weed...

Tell me how much these yellow buttons have meant to you!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Shaking Of Mount Everest...

 Everything That Can Be Shaken Will Be Shaken...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

This Earthquake touched me personally;
I have on the ground three young adults living in that area,
That I know personally and attended the one couple's wedding!

I received a TXT message shortly after the earthquake
 and we heard that all of them were safe.

We saw images of this massive mountain just moving and shaking...
Well, we are seeing the destruction and the loss of life!
I will say that I just think that many of these lives will not see the Lord.

The pagan gods and their idols were smashed, their temples are no more...

I have prayed and my heart does feel heavy for this upheaval,
And destruction and loss of loved ones for so many.

There is fear for them that it is still very dangerous to go inside any structure.

I wonder is this the shaking that might cause the world to look
and see that they need a Saviour and how they must make
Him Lord of their lives!

I am so grateful that my friends were on a bus traveling in a remote area!
God does know where each of us are at any given time.

We are told in the Holy Bible that earthquakes will happen!

We must all be ready for any such thing that might shake our lives or our world!

~Everything that can be shaken will be shaken~

Pray For Those To See and Hear The Truth
As destruction can come swiftly and some are not ready
To meet The Only One True God

Saturday, April 25, 2015

How To Take Responsibility And The Rhythm and Blues...


One of the greatest gifts to give yourself and to your husband and family is this;
Learning to move with the ebb and flow of life...

There is a rhythm that life takes on with just doing and trusting;
No stress and a deep, abiding wholeness.

Most the time when life gets chaotic and stressful is when we are doing too much!

We all can do something each and everyday;
But taking on other person's responsibilities is just foolish
And not biblical at all!
Now, hear me out, we will all have small slots when much more may be required of us.
When sickness comes or a move or trials come;
I fully get that, we must help and pull a bit extra.
We need to help someone in a difficult situation, that is biblical too.

I am talking about others getting away with dumping all their responsibilities on you!

It most cases we live in the overflow of the chaos of the bad decisions of others!

This is called sowing what you reap...

Now, that is a biblical term, and we have all seen the fruit of this truth!

We allow so many to do only what they want and hold no one accountable.
Then we are expected to do our share and carry burdens and work;
That was not intended for us to do or carry

So when we do more than what God has asked of us all the time;
We get overloaded, and we become stressed and filled with anxiety.
We can become feeling a bit down and blue!
The rhythm and blues get out of sync in your life.

And on the other hand, we may be the ones not carrying our share or load;
And we are causing this undo stress on another;

No matter who is not doing their share, this will cause an undercurrent and pulls others under!

I will also add this little surmise, some can carry very heavy loads and it does not
affect them so much. Some of us can carry only smaller loads!

This is what I mean by ebb and flow, we all need to learn this and adjust our days
And commitment to others as what will work and not break us down.
This is old fashion wisdom! And maybe what should be common sense.

"But as a nice person we may take on a false christian bear it all mentality"

We all need to learn these levels of commitment to helping others,
We have all heard terms like enabling or your really not helping them;
God just may be growing them and you are interfering with what God is teaching them!

And if you do too much that is what we really are doing;

Do not over commit, but do what you are suppose to do;
Just use wisdom and learn to say NO...

God has his way of training and maturing each of us;
So do not carry another burden that is theirs to carry,
You are not really helping!
We all must grow up and take responsibility for our lives!

We must always encourage them and lift them in prayer, but doing all the work
Is not really helping them at all!

Help others to have roots so they can stand the winds of adversity
Do not clip their wings!
Help them to soar and grow...
That is real teaching and disciplining and mentoring!
Not doing it for them...

Do you see yourself in this?

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

How My Mother Spoke A shocking Truth To Me...

The Heady Scent Of A Lilac:
Can Bring a Rush Of Childhood Memories

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

I believe the position and privilege that a Mother carries is so powerful!

A Mothers touch upon a feverish brow
The blast of warmth coming from the kitchen;
A pot of soup simmering on the stove;
A plate of freshly baked cookie aroma penetrates, many a kitchen wall.
Truths spoken in a timely moment that was heard and remembered for a lifetime

I remember dancing with my Mother in the kitchen to the tune of
 You Ain't Women Enough (To Take my Man...)
Loretta Lynn
I learned something that day, And I am going to share it with you!

~There are Women Out There That Want Your Man~

I am grateful to this day she spoke to me and told me,
Honey, Take care of your Man when you get one;
Cuz, there are women out there that will try to steal them!

They will get all gussied up and smell really pretty and act like
They just adore your man, flirty and such!
Smiling real big and smoking too!

So, Dear Ones
Here is the one time given a speech from my Mother on this subject!
Have things changed much in our world today?

I think NOT...

When we stop to ponder and think about what are Mothers;
Imparted to us as women, we need to remember to teach the next
Generations these truths. I get sick and tired of hearing
( I never thought It would Happen to Me)

Every time I happen to hear that song or put in my CD  to hear it;
I gird myself up and resolve to keep my Man...

No Matter how long you have been married;
A couple of years or decades;
There are women out there that would love to snatch up your man!

You may have come disillusioned with his words or appearance!
Maybe you have stopped taking notice of his smile!
Or how funny he can be!

But I will warn you with this...
My Momma told me to watch and be careful;

I am still taking her advice;

I am his women, and he is my man!

Take notice of your man!
Tell him how strong he is or smells good enough to eat!
For Petes sake, you did all that when you were dating him..
Now, Keep him happy and do not let another steal your man!
But the key is...
You got to be women enough to keep him

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