Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Why We Must Guard Our Husbands Reputation...


Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Guard Your Husbands Reputation...

"The Heart of her husband safely trusts in her,
And he will have no lack of gain."

Why guarding our husband's reputation is a powerful way to help our husbands to trust in us!
So many men are run down by their wives in their words and actions!
When we do these things it gives others an open door to think less of him.
I have even seen it when a Mother talks in a demoralizing way about their father,
and just laugh as it is a big joke.

A reputation can be smeared in an off colored joke or an action
that shows we do not respect or honor them.

We must be very careful to speak only of their better qualities;
to our parents and friend and mostly the children.

We are not to compare our husbands qualities to other men!

Praising our husband's strengths is a gift we can give our husbands!

We also must not be a source of embarrassment to our husbands.
Crude talk or joking
Our manner of dressing
The way we manage our finances
Being where we are suppose to be
(He knows where you are)

We are called to be a treasure to our own husband's!

Can Your Husband safely trust in you?

Friday, April 29, 2016

Lilly Of The Valley Flowers And A Memory...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

When I was a child, we had amazing patch of Lily Of The Valley Flowers
The memory of the aroma of these flowers still lingers with me!

How can something so small and dainty leave a lifelong impression upon me?

I remember one time laying down next to this patch of flowers;
And I said I am going to remember this wonderful sweet smell forever...
~ I did ~

We need to make the effort to capture moments,
It is such a powerful thing to remember a sweet memory!

I remember my mother had the most lovely periwinkle blue dress.
She would wear it for only very special occasions.
I loved it on her!
I remember seeing her one time in that dress and I said to myself,
"She is the most beautiful mother in the world"
~ She was ~

I remember sitting in a big white Chrysler vehicle one sunless day,
And in front of that car stood a black hearse.
My Grandmother was in it, waiting to be buried in the cemetery.
Our family matriarch had died!
~ Gone ~

It is just another day in the life and times!
Will I leave a legacy of a sweet smelling aroma,
Is the fragrance arising day and night!

Will the day God calls me home be etched in a loved ones mind;
And the small and special moments of a special day be remembered?

We can make a difference...
We can be the one to deposit wonderful memories!

Every day has great big possibilities to change and encourage;
To each and every person God has given you!

I think as I have looked over the worst lie of the enemy of my soul,
Has been this one;
What you do does not make one bit of difference in this world or in the lives of others!

I know it is a lie, because I have seen the fruit of my life now!
And I am still here to plant seeds and sweet memories...

~ Sweet Memories are a gift of love ~

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Blossom Where You Are Planted In The Country Or City Or Young Or Old...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I think Wild Flowers Are So Pretty...
They just grow wherever they find a bit of soil and sunshine and rain!

~Blossom Where You Are Planted~

Well, we have all heard that saying I am sure;
But it really can help to think of it in each new season of our lives.

Some days we can feel a bit out of sorts!
Like when a new season starts or ends,
But I always try to take stock and look at the positive. and count my blessings!

I think one of the loveliest women I know are the ones who blossom
and grow in every season of their lives.

We can become tired and worn out at times, but we must revive
our hearts back to life and live...

How many decades have you been graced to walk and live and breathe?

How many times have you looked out into the future and felt overwhelmed?
But when you look back you can see the hand of God molding you!

The reason we can blossom in any season, is because we have been
given the endurance to allow our roots to go deep!

It does not matter where we live;
Every place will have its own struggles
Every season has unique situations.
We have wisdom and grace that comes from each year we live!

I am a country girl at heart;
But I also lived on  the outside of NYC

But what I have learned is this---
You must blossom in every place God sets your feet;
Because sometimes in the beginning your heart might not be there yet!

We have so many that need to see the genuine and real contentment in us!
~We can be a source of hope and encouragement to others~

I think we enjoy blogging because it gives us a safe place to love and guide,
others that have a kindred spirit.

You can blossom even in the darkest days and the dry soil;
When we look for the blossom in another life or blog post of another blogger we get inspired.
Thank you to so many of you with your cooking and crafts and words of wisdom!
We all play a role in each others life.
But it must be for the good to help us adapt and blossom!

We can grow where we are planted and blossom and produce fruit!

Sometimes it requires some true grit,
(Or manure)

Other times it's pure grace...

Friday, April 22, 2016

The Jesus Calling Book Is A Very Scary Devotional...

If this blog post will open even one ladies' eyes it is all worth it for me!
We do not like to rock the boat or step on toes, but a false teaching is like
Drinking a bit of poison each day;
Eventually you will believe a lie and die...

Sarah Young writes, 
This is what is written in the first few pages of this book!

I knew God spoke to me in the Bible;
But I was hungry and I wanted more...

She waited with a pencil in hand!!

Firstly, I want to say that I bought this book for a devotional for myself,
I thought it was so good and I bought a few copies for my dear friends.
I now feel very bad that I did this;
Because after a time I realized that this book had some real issues!

After I read it, I saw some things that were very unsettling for me.
It reads like it was to be on the same level as scripture for one.
I also saw that it really hit the emotional button for women!
(Almost a romance novel written to each lady)

We now have a church that expects and believes in
"Divine Revelation Knowledge"

A devotional book that is written from the divine leading;
Is what my dear ones is what scripture is for!!
Written by
"The Holy Spirit"

Mostly Ladies are so drawn to this type of material!
I feel like I was deceived and that really bothered me...
So for that very reason I now write this post!
So maybe you will see the error of this false doctrine!
This devotional now sells to not only the women, but men and children!

If you are of the Apostolic movement you believe in divine revelation daily.
But I believe after the New Testament was written
"The Cannon Was Closed"

We are told NOT to add to God's Word

The battle is raging over the sufficiency of God's word!

Remember, Sarah Young said herself, she wanted something MORE...
Sounds a bit like Eve in the garden, she had everything!

We are told to contend for the faith!!
But now days the faith is now put in YOUR Faith,
See the danger?
God is not your lover or husband!
"Yes, He loves your soul and He cares about you in every detail!
But this practicing His Presence and waiting to hear Him speak is,
(Very NEW AGE)

This book is written in the first person FOR Jesus to each lady reading it...
(I Jesus will do these things)
Because that is only done in the Bible!
Is she writing "Scripture"
This is where you must look at this and decide for yourself Dear Ones!

Once again we ladies are being fed a warm and fuzzy Jesus, with a very emotional side!

Ladies eat this up!

I can write this blog post because I was not discerning enough at first to see the errors!
But I no longer feel that this book is sound in any way!

You can open a few links on the top of this post to do 
(Your Own Research)

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Speak Truth And Expose What Has Caused You To Stumble...

Sometimes I just think I stay in the quiet place!
I want to be shielded from the hard things!
But mostly I have walked right into the very things that would do the most harm to me!

I have written a post that has taken me way too long to publish;
But better late then never, but sometimes it really can be too late.

This post will come out tomorrow!
I may offend a few, but I know it is the right thing to do!

If we always stay far away from the hard stuff we will become weak;
And we are called to endure!

So I finally wrote it and I will either sleep like a baby tonight or cry like one,
As I repent and have sorrow in my heart for all the lies I believed.

Knowing what you believe is a powerful thing,
Truth will one day be revealed...

Read tomorrows post if you're interested in what I found out!

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