Saturday, November 4, 2017

Keeping A Watchful Eye, Or Shall I Say Eyes...

Be Aware Of Your Surroundings, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...


Now is the time to make sure you have your eyes in your head,
And looking in the right direction...

You remember the saying:
"I have eyes in the back of my head"

Well, you better be using them!

Things are ramping up...
The North wind will be blowing!

But we must keep our eyes on the SON

One thing you can be sure of in the days of Apostasy;
They will become more and more apparent!

As a Mother and Grandmother, I take my role to heart!

Making sure I pray for their safety and for them to walk away
From lies and deceptions...

But this world is filled with smoke and mirrors;
We are not seeing what is really there anymore.

It just teaches me, to be watchful!!

Be aware of your surroundings..
Evil purposes lurk in the very places we might have felt safe.

Keep Your Heart With All Diligence

Pray for all your loved ones to be in the TRUTH...

Error and Deception are trying to lead many astray...

One Prayer I have earnestly taken to heart is this...

Lord, Please open my eyes to any lies or deception or false doctrine
That I may be believing or trusting in!

The Great I Am will answer a prayer like that one!

Just sending out a bit of WARNING here Dear Ones

As Always,

Living From Glory To Glory
~By His Grace~

Monday, October 30, 2017

A Pathway Of Right Or Wrong...

Right Or Wrong, Living from glory to glory blog...

The Path Way Of Bliss...

Walking the path less traveled can be a bit freeing yet intimidating.

It's obvious that I do not fit in...
Well, just maybe I am not supposed to!

Just because everyone else is doing it;
Does not make it right...

Discernment is considered old fashion!
Women are being led astray
Men are being led astray

Where are those that are willing to speak truth!
Why are we following the others to the ways of the world?

We have way too many influences that will lead you astray!

Many will do something wrong and then they will do it again!
Why, Because they got away with it!
Why, Because we do not want anyone to tell us what to do!

Well. you should be glad and count your blessings if
Someone in your life or your family sees a character flaw;
Or they see you going down a slippery slope.

We no longer want to be corrected!

Maybe it does feel really bad to be corrected;
But, I would rather be corrected than to be considered a fool!

Look, I no longer want to fit in with the in crowd or the higher echelon!

The great thing is that I can sleep at night knowing I did the right thing;
Or that I spoke the truth in love;
And I let the truth lead me in the right path!

It is not my job to convert anyone or to change their hearts!

I get to mind my own business and lead a quiet life;
Until the lie or the deception creeps up on my front porch.

If you ask for wisdom and the Lord gives it!
Do not try to reason it away with what the whole world is doing!

There are only two ways;
Right or Wrong

Living From Glory To Glory

Monday, October 23, 2017

Do You Have To Initiate Everything...



Elks bugle
Tarzan used to bugle

Can You Hear Me?

My Husband tells me all the time that if you want to fellowship;
or have company or have someone to do something with;
You must be the initiator...

The way I look at it, most the time it's no problem.

But it is becoming so hard for others to do anything outside
Their daily schedules in life to life.

Finding time to fellowship with others is getting harder!

So the priority is God first
(Prayer, Bible Reading, Prayer)

My Dear Hubby
(Making time to cuddle and to chat)
Making good meals
Keeping the Home in good order
These things make his life easier!

So sometimes we just need to keep things to a dull roar...
I no longer want to initiate everything!

Stay close to home and only keep the
Friendships that are worth making time to show them
That they are special to you and worth the time and effort you make!

Using our days wisely is very important!

A friend told me this morning;
Everyone gets on the treadmill every morning;
And some may never get off.

But remember some things are so worth initiating!
Ask for wisdom in this...

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

How To Be Polite In Your Home And Society...

Emily Post and Etiquette, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...


The code of polite behavior...

Polite Behavior
Attitudes that reside in your heart

These are really all character traits!
The Good and The Bad and The Ugly

There are books written on this subject!
But I tend to think they are not on the Best Sellers List

There was a time when children that had parents and grandparents
That took the time, to not only use good polite behavior;
But taught it to their children and grandchildren.

This does not mean we teach our children to do whatever
 An adult might tell them.
But to choose wisely, between using appropriate words and actions!

There was a time that when using good manner,. Was considered
A sign of good standing in a culture of worth.

It seems that because the focus on self worth and how special
We all are to perceive ourselves;
We would be the most kind and polite society in the world!
Self- centered and Selfish come to mind.

Children's first words tend to be such as

But we all know that the magic words are truly;

We should all be using these;
And also the words

Even our tone of voice, has become a bit of a snarky comeback!

Many have become impatient with others!
Many will not even take the time to RSVP to an invitation sent!
Many will not even take the time to return a phone call!

In a world that has technology at ones finger tips;
We can send Emails, Ecards, Photos, RSVP's
A quick Text...

Look, it's not all about you!

It is never too late to educate ones self on good manners!
Being Polite will never go out of style...

Lets help each other!!
Help your children (Old or Young)
Help Your Grandchildren

~Use Your Very Best Manners For Your Family And Home~

When you walk away from someone you have just spoken with,
Try to only say things that are kind and to speak of all the faults!
We all have them!

~If you have nothing nice to say, please say nothing at all~

Being polite is a heart issue!

What might be a good manner that you are working on?

Truly Thankful For Each And Everyone One Of You...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

My Grand Mothers Blue and White Stoneware...

Blue and White Antique Stoneware, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Vintage Blue And White Stoneware...

I have so many memories from this set of canisters;
They were all in my Grandmother's kitchen!
They were all used everyone of them!
There are 16 of them!
There is smaller ones for the spices and one for rock salt.

I have had this set from the first year I was married!
I once had a friend's sister come out to the house;
And she had an antique store in Kansas.
She told me she has never seen a complete set of this canisters!
Only two of them have a chuck missing on the top.
But I still have the little broken pieces of them!

I think many of us have such fond memories of those special things either from 
Our grandparents or our parents' homes.

I love my things that have sentimental value...
I find comfort in them!

I do not think I would be very good at having to live a lifestyle of
Less is More...
No, not me!

I love my books and my doilies and my tablecloths!
I have more tea cups and tea pots, then you need!

I love having seasonal decor and decorations to display!

Living in a warehouse for many is so popular!
Not me, I prefer a cottage and a home that is filled with love!
And my stuff...

Pretties are important to me!
Not that I couldn't live without them.
But since I can have them, I enjoy them!

As I believe you can make a home lovely with pretty things!
But clutter and just junky stuff is not good for anyone.

I ask myself;
Do You love this?
Does it carry wonderful memories?
Is it worth, the space it takes up?

P.S. Just a thought;
Do you ever go back to a blog and to see if the author has
left a reply to your comment?
I now have a new comment section with a reply response;
So I may be using it to respond!
Tell me what you think!!

Blessings, Roxy
Living From Glory To Glory

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