Monday, March 2, 2020

How To Prepare For Cornavirus And Other deadly Viruses As A Homemaker...

Keeping The Home Safe From Viruses, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...


Hello Ladies...

Here we are once again being challenged as a homemaker to keep watch...

Being diligent and being proactive is a powerful tool!

I wanted to share a few things to us that stay at home and are hearing,
All kinds of rather very alarming stories and scenarios.

But when these things start happening, are we to just laugh and ignore them?
And think everyone is an extremist?

I like to think of the Proverbs 31 Woman that laughs at the days to come;
Why did she laugh?

Well, I like to think she did because she made herself ready,
And also for her entire household!

We all know just how sick, we can get from the common cold!

These viruses are getting more and more powerful, but so many,
Are new to this century!

Well, firstly may I just share a few things I am doing!
Do not operate in fear, but in wisdom...

(I will start a list of what I do and how I prepared)

Wash your hands!!!
As soon as anyone comes into the house require them to wash their hands!

Wear those little gloves that cost a buck whenever you go out;
Once your home just throw them in the washing machine!

Make a new habit of not touching your face!!

Have antibacterial soap in the house;
I bought some Dial bar soap for very cheap.

Purchase some bleach super cheap; (If you can find any)

Rubbing alcohol; (If you can find any)

And we have been told to always have at least 2 weeks of provisions;
Just in case of house quarantine or natural disasters!

Also a fever reducing medicine!
Vitamin C

We are told elderly and children can have worse symptoms;
But these viruses can be deadly even in the healthy!
You can even have these viruses and not show signs of sickness.
But you could still transfer it to others!

Use Antibacterial wipes, wipe door knobs and phones daily,
Any surface that is touched by many people.
We have all seen the many ideas to stay healthy!
Abide by them...

Stay away from large crowds;
If someone coughs move away from them!

Always keep items you need to have if things escalate in your town or state.

Water, soups, crackers, juice or a pop you need to stay hydrated.
Extra food items that will last on your pantry shelves!
Extra items in your pantry are just plain wise!

You need to always have these things put back;
Rotate them and use them up!

If you have any ideas or suggestions to add;
Write them in the comment section!

Always learning and living from glory to glory...

Stay well and keep watch in every season...
Hugs, Roxy

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Sharing A Dollar Tree Bargain...

Sponges From The Dollar Tree, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Sharing A Dollar Tree Bargain...

Sponges in the kitchen;

Use a clean one every day!
Keep the sponge away from raw meat!
(If you are wiping up raw meat juice use a paper towel and throw away)
Do not keep them around for too long!
They say you can put a damp sponge in the microwave for One minute
(To Kill Bacteria)
But, with these very inexpensive sponges you can use a new one!!

Using a sponge in the kitchen is still a good tool;
Just be mindful of using a clean one every day!

On this same train of thought,
 Always use a clean dish cloth and towel every day!

And always keep clean rags available for cleaning up spills.

Also, I think you should have separate towels for hands and dishes!
I personally prefer to allow my pots and pans to air dry!

~Here is the clip showing the sponges I buy from Dollar Tree~

Framing And Sharing Your Loved Ones Art Work

Artist Corbin & Jenna

Taking the time to encourage our children and grandchildren
In hobbies and creating will help them use their God given talents!

Friday, February 21, 2020

Making Cinnamon Rolls And Zuppa Soup...

Roxy's Cinnamon Rolls And Zuppa Soup, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Making a loaf of fresh bread and cinnamon rolls;
I served these cinnamon rolls with my soup;
It is a copycat recipe from the Olive Garden restaurant!
Zuppa Soup
Click the link below  my clip and give it a try!

I laughed as this video clip just stopped short;
But anyone who has ever baked cinnamon rolls,
Just pop them in the oven at 350 degrees and bake till 
Lightly browned, Allow them to cool,
 Frost and enjoy!

This was the recipe I used from Delish!
Zuppa Soup from Delish, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

This was really delicious, I did not use hot sausage,
But I did add some cayenne pepper flakes for a bit of spice!

I may have to just write out my own recipe later for this blog post!

Happy Homemaking...
Hugs, Roxy
~Living From Glory To Glory Blog~

Monday, February 17, 2020

Sharing A Pretty Lace Treasure And The reality Of Homemaking...

Lace Doiles, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I really loved getting this set of four lace doilies or placements.
There is just something about lace and placement that I so enjoy!

~Being thankful for the strength and energy~

Also. Wanted to say that being at home and working
In your home and making it clean and tidy should be a joy!

But there will be days, that you just have to go with the flow;
It does not have to be a production,
Lights, music or perfection!

Doing two delicious things from my bread making moments...

Hope you enjoyed seeing Tasha, every time she hears this clip,
She starts looking around and does a little bark.

Here is a picture of the cards I made for my little grandchildren!
Homemade Cards, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Hugs, From Roxy @Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Saturday, February 15, 2020

The Video Called American Gospel Christ Alone...

American Gospel; Christ Alone Video 

Please take the time and watch this amazing video!
It is from YouTube...

I wanted to share this video about the Gospel!
I personally believe we have a watered down gospel,
And a feel good gospel!

This video is a powerhouse of truth!
Trust me, some of you may become offended;
But this is so needed in a culture of just try a little harder!
Build yourself up!
I am-----
Don't offend anyone...

Deception comes as an Angel of light;
In return you could be cast into the outer darkness,
~Separated from God for Eternity~

This is a long video, but you can watch it all at once or
In a few different settings!

Just click and be blessed!

Christ Alone

Beware of another Gospel being preached!

Always, Living From Grace for His Glory!
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