Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Kiss...

Keeping Our Hearts Tender
My, how wonderful it is to be able to greet our husbands
when they come home with a kiss.
I always, even tell him I am so glad your home honey.
It is not enough to only do this once in awhile.
we must always take their arrival home,
as a special thing.
There are some men that do not even want to come home.
Our part is to always make it a comfort zone,
not a battle zone!
When the Lord has asked us to be
 Keepers Of The Home...
He does ask us to establish certain things.
The atmosphere of the home is set and established,
by the woman.
Let Love rule and peace reign...
Sometimes it just means to wait and choose
A better time to discuss a matter that,
may be pressing.
I encourage you to keep your home with diligence;
For the thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy.
The home is where the enemy always is
trying to bring confusion and strife.
Keep your hearts tender, always remember
"The Kiss"
Blessings, Roxy

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Intimate Relationship...

Intimacy and Romance
We were created for relationships.
We were made in His image.
We were the very last thing God created.
He had created every amazing thing on this planet earth,
And yet something was missing!
The man made after God's image had everything...
Yet, he was alone.
The man had seen and named every exquisite animal,
and had experienced a new dawn of sunrise
and sunset.
Yet, it was God who saw his loneliness.
He Said;
For it is not good for man to be alone!
So God took the very rib of His image, and
fashioned the most feminine and lovely
creature upon the earth.
She was the grand final'e !
She was the one who would help Adam (Her Man)
She brought the heart of Her Creator.
Which is:
Just as a woman longs to be desired, and to be intimate
so does God!
Dear women of Christ take your rightful place.
Be to your husbands what God created you to be.
"sustainer beside him"
We were created to do this together!
Romance, beauty; relationships, adventure.
Prairies, and meadows and flowers.
Stars and music,
a kiss.
'I have loved you with an everlasting love'
Jer. 31:3
We were made for relationship!
Blessings, Roxy

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Friends Forever

Times Of Refreshment
A woman must have friends,
good friends.
Those chosen by God, just for her!
Those friends my dear ones; are a precious gifts!
We must treasure those who have come alongside of us,
in this journey called life.
Never take those little chats, or long conversations for granted.
For these are His little treats just for you.
Be thankful for those dear sisters that encourage you when,
your heart is heavy and your feet feel like lead.
When their words were aptly spoken,
in His love and Wisdom.
A friend who stood by your side as the river roared,
or when it was so hot and dry 
 that only a wee trickle flowed.
A fair weather friend who can find?
Alas my dear ones they can't be found they must be given
from the only true giver of life.
(May we invest in those God has given us.)
Invite a dear one to tea,
 for we have much work to do, before the night has come.
Encourage our dear friends in the Lord,
to love their husbands,
and to love their children.
Come, my friend and join me for a cup of tea.
Blessings, Roxy

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Pretty Woman

Pretty Woman
All Women are beautiful!
I make this statement because it is true.
Every woman is an amazing gift.
We long to be loved!
We long to be appreciated, and noticed.
Love is the glue that holds this world together.
Being loved is more then just a basic need,
it is what gives us life.
We  women are the heart of our homes.
That is why it is so important each day to make
it a habit of preparing to meet each day.
We start with adoring ourselves with His Word.
Clothe ourselves with His love.
Then: We take the time to make ourselves ready.
Take the time to wash and do your hair.
Apply a good moisture to your face daily.
A bit of make-up if you choose.
Smell fresh and clean.
Be purposeful in your looks.
Dress as if you had an important engagement with a King.
For you are a Queen!
Take care of yourselves dear ones.
"Dress like a lady
And you will act like one."

The best part of beauty is that which no picture can express...

Blessings, Roxy


Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Truth About Tattoos and Piercings...

 With great trepidation, I write this post.
I always want to love and encourage woman!
Let there be no condemnation to any of
My dear sisters in this post, 
May it be perceived in love.
We stay quiet at times for fear of offending.
But, we may be too quiet and in that we not addressing
Showing, what might be harmful to someone. 

Also, there is a scripture about tattoos in the Old Testament
Leviticus 19: 28

We live in such a day that we really don't think
about the way something will affect us long term!
Years ago I had a clip on this subject of tattoos,
But it now has been removed from the web.

At the rate of how the tattoo population is growing just blows my mind!

I an say honestly in my own opinion; I have never seen a tattoo on anyone
that I thought looked beautiful or lovely!
And for the record I love art and sketching and paintings!

I want to cry when I see so many beautiful arms and legs
covered with some picture of an other's persons art form.

Just for the record;
 If you have never seen a very old tattoo on a very old person!
Well, it is not a very pretty picture...

Look, You are gonna sag, and get crappy skin, you will lose muscle and fat!
Or get more fat, so it will stretch...

The colors will fad, they turn black and bluish.
What other health risk will soon be discovered from getting these?

Time will tell all...

One day we will be a minority of the few that said NO to this fad!
Trust me; this is all just a fad.

Its about standing out and look at me;
I want to do this just for me, I don't care how it will affect my future.

Kids now days think all these things are normal behavior.
Look, I am not bashing them, I am just saying this;
some of us do not want them...

The clip was really good,
 it was about a man that had covered his whole body in them!
He was the actual artist, but he realized that it was an addiction.
and caused him to regret it!

He now wears a long sleeved shirt and pants!
He first thought he looked beautiful, but soon felt regret!

Just think about it, before you do it!
Just Saying

Blessings, Roxy

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


The Simplicity In Christ
The simplicity which is in Christ
is rarely found among us.
In its place are programs, methods,
organizations, and a world of nervous activities
which occupy time and attention
but can never satisfy the longing of the heart.
A.W. Tozer
May these days of cold weather
and early arriving of dark evenings be used
for getting rest and reading some good books.
Taking time for writing a letter to a loved one.
Taking extra time for evening prayers for others.
For these are not nervous activities.
They bring peace and calmness to
ones heart and mind.
May we learn to practice entering;
His Presence
In all things He desires our focus to be upon Him.
Be still and know I am God.
Psalm 46:10
Blessings, Roxy

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