Saturday, June 1, 2013

Imagine All The People...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog


 If we the people could just really love and care for one another.
What a change it would incur on our cities and families
We are all just passing through.
 Time is so precious! 

 I have always thought that if I was just kind and smiled it would change the atmosphere.
 And on the most part I can feel the shift.

But there are times when it feels hard and stiff, and even dark.
Why do we stop and smell the roses in some stretches of our days and others,
We do not even see?

Today is almost over and I have a sad feeling of being not loved by those that passed me by.
Yet, I feel a peace that I was able to be kind to a few, and to exchange a smile, and nod.
~Imagine all the people we could of encouraged with just a smile~


Thursday, May 30, 2013

Dangers Of Carring A Cell Phone In Your Bra

The Word Is Out!
Dear Ones,
   I have just become aware of a danger that is lurking and preying on women.
 It is the carrying of cell phones in a Women's bra!
 I was very shocked to realize this, as I was not aware
 That woman even carried it there
 I have always carried it in my purse or my pocket.
But this is about the younger women and those who do not carry a purse.
I want to make others aware of this very scary practice.
 Let us help educate those who are doing this.

 This is the video clip that was sent to me!
 You can google this some more as I believe there are a few others clips
 on this precious young lady that has lost her breast.
And because she did not know the dangers of carrying
A cell phone next to her chest.
 Also, this same danger can affect men also!


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Big Or The Best...

Welcome Aboard
 The luxuries of the very wealthy!!
You can own this floating mansion for only
$5.7 million dollars.
The cost was just reduced!
Talking about getting a bargain...
A Vacation Home!
Belonging to someone...
A pretty mint green in color with a boat to match.
Now, this is living!!
Well, at least for some!
Back to my real world...
We had such fun on our children's sailboat on our last visit to Florida
 A fewYears back.
I guess seeing the pictures and experiencing just  
Where and how the real wealthy lived.
Made a big impact.
The real interesting part of all this is, I love my life!
I am so happy with the portion God has given me.
We are so rich in His love!!
We are blessed with every spiritual blessing.
"Big is not always better."
"If you take the left, then I will go to the right; \
If you go to the right, then I will go to the left'
(Genesis 13:9).
Many of us do not continue to grow spiritually
Because we prefer to choose on the basis of our rights or wants!
Instead of relying on God to make the choice for us.
Yes, I have rights that are given to me. But sometimes I can
use this wrongly to my harm.
We must allow the Lord to help us choose the best, not just
The biggest or the grandest.
Here is my home sweet home!!


Saturday, May 25, 2013

Just Call Me

Just Call Me!
How many times have you heard this as you were walking away from someone?
How many times have you said this to someone as you were leaving them?
Help me Lord to follow through!
Hello to all of my blogger friends, I have been on a lovely visit
With my daughter and her family in Florida.
It was really wonderful to see her home and her life there.
Our grandchildren are getting so big and smart.
My thought today is this;
We are living in different times, and most families have at
least a few of their children living in another state,
Or city, or another country.
Staying connected becomes a wee bit harder.
I have learned many matters of the heart with this!
God places us in our boundaries.
He places us where it is best and we will grow there,
If we will look at what He is doing!
Being connected is so important,
We are not called to be an island in the stream.
As I was on this trip, one thing was really prominent to me.
I was in many airports and restaurants and all over the place.
And it was the same thing I observed,
It was this;
Everyone was looking down!!
Gazing into cell phones, ipads and screens of many colors!
I heard in my spirit;
Look up for your redemption draws nigh.
When was the last time you put down these distractions?
And really looked into someones face.
Or really picked up the phone and had a good chat??
Just Call Me!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Staying On The Right Path

There are two main trips the enemy enjoys for the children of God: the guilt trip and the power trip. I call them trips because satan's plan is to take us away from the path we are on by leading us astray on detours. At times, it may be trips others are on and they try to pull us into theirs instead of us remaining on our own course. Boundaries are important when we are following the directions of the Lord.
Self-condemnation leads us into a guilt trip. We take responsibility for some situations where we have no control. We keep thinking on the what if and the if only. Regrets bring sorrow and grief. Self-glorification leads into a power trip; when we are too proud of what we have done and are prideful. It's legalistic, self-righteous and glorifies self instead of God. Whether it's the bad or the good things we look at, it's a stumbling block in the midst of our path.
The Lord knows how to bring us back onto the right path, His. With love and care He picks us up from the middle of the wrong road and removes us from our own ways. He leads us on a glory trip, guiding us from glory to glory!

Let us keep our eyes and heart focused, and stay on the path Christ has;
Prepared for us!  And He will guide us! With love and care.
 We can know that we are not  to live in regrets and live in someone elses shadow. We are to live in His light!


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Animals Just Wanna Have Fun

 Just a swinging !
I can see for miles and miles !

I 'am telling you I see spots !

Making the time to have fun and enjoy all of God's creation!

We are given many reasons and seasons,
It is up to you to take pleasure in joy
right where you are!

We Mommas and Grandmas
And wives, need to let our hair down and have a good time.
We are not suppose to work all the time.
We must have a balance to keep our homes in order,
But also be able to make merry and laugh.

Take some time and make some memories,
Take some pictures and capture your adventures.

May the wind be always at your back!


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