Monday, December 28, 2015

A Little Sadness As Another Holiday Cheer Ends...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

There is just something about a soft light of a candle;
But my favorite is a string of twinkling lights...

I must share with you a deep sense of sadness that came over me today.
We decided to take down the Christmas tree and decorations;
As we had the thought it would be good to start the 
New Year out with the house in order and fresh and tidy!

Yes, it was a good idea, but the feelings and emotion of sadness
Just came over me, but I did find myself weeping a few tears.

I always feel such a sweet and tender range of thoughts and emotions at
this time of the year...
I know that it is such a busy time of year;
But there are so many memories attached to Holidays...

The house looked oh so lonely with all the snowmen put away
No more jack frost nipping at my nose!
All the red and white and golden tinsel put into a box and put away!

All my old fashion Santas are packed away!
My tree is down and the needles swept up...
Oh, what a very sad day!

One thing I do to console myself and to keep some Christmas cheer
All year round, is to keep two separate strands of the multi colored lights up.
I place one at the bottom of my mantel and the other is on top
of my kitchen cabinets over my stove.

So whenever I need the soft and comforting light, I just turn them on!
My Mother-in-law always had a strand over her kitchen sink.
She used them as a night light until bedtime.

I also have been using those fake candles with timers on them.
I place one in the kitchen window and some on the tables.

I am missing the Christmas songs and presence under the tree!
I must tell you all this;
I took pleasure in every detail of Christmas this year!
I did a bit of sewing and some baking!
I did get a few Christmas cards sent out!

So as we say goodbye to another Christmas,
I pray you all heard the bells on Christmas Day!

We never know what the New Year will hold...
Live each day by taking pleasure
 And holding memories close to your heart...

Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Gift...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

The Lord Indeed gives what is good.
~Psalms 85:12~

Our God does give many, many gifts.
And in the course of our lives, I believe many gifts go;

How different this world would be and I own lives if we started
 Viewing all the good things of our lives

If we would start with the small and insignificant things:
All those things that bring us pleasure!
Start looking at these things as love gifts from our Father.

Dear Lord, may I not have an ungrateful heart!
May my eyes not be blinded to your kindness!

If there was one gift I want to give myself is this prayer...
"Thank you for your sovereign love;
 That is revealed in the little details of my life."

I do not want to go through life being unaware of
Gifts from my heavenly Father...

I think it is the same as when we give gifts to our children,
We do hope that they will tell us thank you!

So we are his children, and I know we are a blessing to Him
when we give Him thanks...

Good Will is a powerful thing...
Give Gifts
Give Thanks

Much Love To You All
"Living From Glory To Glory"

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Little Pins And Little Tree And A Little Giving Goes A Very Long Way...

Just a Little...

I am always amazed at how much a little can mean to someone!

Just a little bit of sugar helps the medicine go down!

She was cooking and baking and wrapping all day;
She lives to make her house a home.
She answers the question at ten times a day,
Yes, Christmas is on its way!

She makes every effort to put a twinkle in each person's eye.
She smiles and wonders how she will make it through another day!

The joys of being the one who makes Christmas special...

Oh, how I pray for all those special women who have the bare
Minimum to make their Christmas cheer.

Life is not easy for many,
 they feel the stretch and the lack and some cupboards are bare.

I have prayed that someone out there will become aware 
and give a special gift to someone unaware of a little help coming
Their WAY

If you can be a little bit of help to someone near you,
It is not too late to give a gift and little help...

A little given in much love;
Is better than many with little love!

I am reminded of the widows mite;
She gave all she had!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Family Circle...

Good Morning...

Christmas each and every year seems to come more quickly,

Yet, I have found a deep sense of peace in the process this year!

It really goes back to not allowing the worlds commercialism to rule.

We have the ability to stop and do what is important!

Every Christmas has a great potential to teach us the real truths!
God and His Son, given to us as a gift, a babe wrapped in a manger!

Why do we blow it all up and try to act super human?

Taking two lovely, godly young mothers out to lunch today,
I want to give them a moment to breath and relax...

Helping each other to do things in a way that breed love and family!

Is your Husband feeling the comfort and joy coming from you?
Is your home peaceful and Christmas softly playing in the background?

Do you have a few sweets in the freezer?

Have you watched Christmas movies as a family!

Have you read the Christmas story yet?

Well, no worries...
Just enjoy this most wonderful time of the year!

Give Your Husband what he really wants for Christmas
Give Your Children what they really need for Christmas

We are a family, because God put us together!
We are part of God's family if you are His child!

Blessings, to each of you!
Take a deep breath and sing;

JOY to the world, the Lord has come!

Just file away all those  wonderful Christmas ideas for next year!

Merry Christmas
Living From Glory To Glory

Saturday, December 19, 2015

A Cookie Formula...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

 Sugar and Butter And A Few Cups Of Flour + Love = Cookies

Just A thought from my heart to yours today!

Cookies and gifts galore, or very simple and quaint...
I think many of us have looked at the simple and sweet things
 That makes Christmas special!

Spend time in the kitchen baking and decorating is so very therapeutic;
We need the warmth and the feel of dough in our hands...
Stirring and cracking and measuring and rolling out the dough
Then bring out the cherished cookie cutters. So many shapes 
Stars and Bells And Angels, And Christmas Tree's
 Can bring comfort and a sense of HOME...

This world was created accurately and with form. No element missing.
We have a recipe for cookies that bring a few simple elements together.
That creates a very sweet and simple enjoyment that gives joy.

We can lose sight of what is really important!

Give, and it will be given back;
In smiles and awe, saying this is so good...
Thank you so much for thinking of me!

It is in what we had to everything we do that makes it special!

So many of us together really do change the world;
Maybe for me it is one cookie at a time...

I am what I am by the grace of God!

One cookie One step in His direction daily
Makes a woman very wise!

Okay, it is time to share the name of your favorite cookie that you 
"Bake This Time Of Year"

Thank You ALL for coming to my Home
Living From Glory To Glory...

Thursday, December 17, 2015

The Candle And Preparing To Be A Homemaker...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

The Candle Stick

A candle placed within a candelabra, or a simple candle holder.
Can cause a soft and loving atmosphere.
It has always been a very visual and symbolic picture of being the source of light!

Years ago these were the only source of light used as it was carried from room to room.
I think the use of those tapered candles for the home lighting, were very simple.
Yet they were a major item of a home.

The making of these candles was a very big job and needed to be completed
In a timely fashion. It did take a long process to make them.
They would have to use quality ingredients.
And to also make enough to get through the long winter nights.

I believe when a young maiden fills their Hope Chest;
They know that they will need a strong and sturdy candle holder!
Having the actual candles will be an ongoing need.
But the holder was something that needed to be unbreakable,
Yet, lovely and functional!

And as a contrast
We are carriers of the light as lady's we must shine with love.
We will need to be strong;
And not easily broken or haphazardly put together.
One thing we can be certain of as we walk and live out our calling;
We can either be a bright and happy light that fills a room with joy.
Or a dark shadow of doubt and worry.

We must try to be a positive light for others to see the love of Jesus in us!
For He has asked us to let this light shine…

Keep your candles and candlesticks handy!
For as soon as the sun starts to set we will need them to make
All the rooms of our hearts bright and filled with light.

I have always loved how the word tells us to expose the darkness!
Allow the Lord to work in your heart to keep the flame flickering brightly!

He is our only HOPE…

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