Monday, January 18, 2016

Husbands Love To Have Their Wives Pamper Them...

Don't Worry, He's A Big Boy He Can Take Care Of Himself...

Really, when I hear that from married women,
Or those who are engaged, it bothers me!

Having a desire for wanting to do things for your husband,
is very attractive to them!
They love to have their wives pamper them!

I am not talking about being their slaves;
But rather a helpmate...

Men enjoy having a nice meal prepared for them!
They enjoy having clean laundry!
They enjoy having someone wait on them after a long day or night working.

Look, my husband is perfectly capable to do most everything,
And that is my point...
I want him to want and need my help,
It is not like a child that is learning to take care of one's self,
I believe we take all the joy and the need out of taking care of them,
By simply expecting them to do everything for themselves!

This applies to stay at home wives;
And it applies to those who work outside the home!!

I will tell you this, as I have been taking the initiative to help
My husband all my married years, he in return helps me.

He knows when we are in the thick of something he will pitch
right in and help get it done.

He knows I have made him my first person in my priority list in my life!

I see being a helper requires a bit of imagination,
As he can have a secretary or a crew under him;
But he has you as his wife...
What can you do just for him that makes his life better??

You already know what you want or need to make your life better;
So give this some thought!
And please do not say that phrase
"Oh, He's a big boy he can take care of himself"

Yes, I am sure he is and you would feel pretty sad if he did not prefer
your help or input, but rather someone else.

It is even wise to train your children to show their Dad, love and honor!

We live in a "ME" culture, and it has overflowed into
Marriage and the helper portion of "I DO"

A Good Marriage Is Really Very Special And Sweet...
And It Is Not Made In Heaven;
But, Rather Worked Out Here On Earth!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Snowball Cookies Taste Great With A Cup Of Tea...

These little snowball cookies or some people call them
 Mexican Wedding Cookies;
But my Mother called them snowballs;

These little cookies are really a good tea cookie;
Serving a cup of tea with a snowball cookie is really quite satisfying.
These cookies have a small amount of powder sugar,
And it has ground nuts in them so they are a good source of protein
and good fats with the nuts in them.
I like to use two different nuts;
My choice is grounded up walnuts and pecans!

These cookies are a dry sort of cookie that is why they go great
with a lovely cup of hot tea!

Snowball Cookie Recipe

1 cup of softened butter
1/4 cup powder sugar
2 tsp. Vanilla
1/4 tsp. Salt
2 Tbl. Milk or Cream
1 cup ground nuts
 Walnuts or pecans or both of them!
2 cups flour

Cream butter and powder sugar
Add your milk or cream
Add vanilla and salt
Add ground nuts;
Then add your flour
Don't be afraid to add some more cream or flour;
To be able to roll them into little balls.
I make mine a bit bigger
(I like big cookies)

Place them on a cookie sheet
Bake at 325 for 15 to 17 minutes
You can tell they are done when they are lightly brown on the bottom.
Now, allow them to cool off slightly;
So now you roll these balls in powder sugar.

I like to keep all my homemade cookies in a tin, covered with wax paper and
Store them in the freezer; As this will keep them fresh
 Then you just take out what you need for your tea time!

I have found that when I am in the baking mood
 I will make enough cookies to last for quite a while...

 And then when I have company or tea time I always have a fresh treat to serve!

Do you enjoy a nice cookie with your tea?
 I have found that a shortbread cookie is also very good!

I do hope you are all doing very well! It seems that each season brings new things to do
And to overcome obstacles... But do not grow weary in doing good!
I am looking forward to doing a little craft for this next month, to keep busy and productive.

Always, Hugs Roxy

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

What Does The Wedding Cake Represent And Your Wedding Vows...

I am sure there is some great mystery to why we have cake after a wedding;
I haven't googled this or do I care too!

But to me, I think a wedding cake allows us to see that to start
One's life of becoming one flesh through symbolic traditions is a good thing!

Marriages are to be sweet and sturdy and filled with good things.
They should a have a lovely appearance!
A marriage should cover some of the flaws we carried when we were single!

The inside should be filled with substance and not just fluff;
Marriage is hard work, yet it is worth it all!

Did you know most marriage vows have no longer 
included the phrase till death do us part?

Look, I get it, sometimes marriage has not worked for some of you!
But I still think we need to look at marriage with the permanently,
Mindset that God intended!

Why is it that the bride and groom begin their marriage by;
Cutting the cake together?

Well, I think it is because doing life alone is not all the wonderful!
Many have lost their spouse and feel the deep loss of that daily!

I realize that this life is not all one big party!
But we are to start down the path in the right manner!
Marriage vows...
Wedding cake to say we are doing this together!

I think that is why when I have been at a wedding and have witnessed
A newly married bride and groom who shove cake into each others face,
It grieves me!

Give honor and reverence for those lovely traditions that;
Carry weight in showing love and respect!

I think of those that are starving in past history and in a dark time
"When someone who held prestige made the statement to those
who had none or very little;
Let's eat cake"

We are to be blessed and to eat the goodness of this life
and in the bounds of marriage!

It is never too late to start working on a better marriage!
Make your vows come alive again!
Fan the flame of your witness to each other!

Blessings, Roxy

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Learning To Adapt To Your Husbands Schedule...

Everyday things...

Before I went to bed last night I wrote out a small list of a few
things that needed to be done!
I have found that a list can help me prioritize things that must be done!

I can get overwhelmed at times so I do not always make up a list;
But when I get behind I can see the wisdom of writing out my chores.

1st on my list was baking a cake;
My Husband will ask me every once in a while to make his work crew a
 Pineapple upside down cake, as they really enjoy this!

Now, It was my most important thing to do today, because
He asked me if I would do it!

I find myself making it a point to ask my Husband if there is anything
he needs me to do more him; as he works long hours.

The second thing on my list to do was baking cookies;
When my Husband goes to work I packed him a lunch;
And we all know how wonderful a fresh baked cookie is in one's lunch!
This was a priority because when he eats one of those cookies,
He will think of me...
Trust me it is the little things like cutting their oranges in half,
Or putting a note in their lunch box, or a piece of chocolate!

Third on my list was cooking up a nice pork roast with sauerkraut;
As this is a dish his mother use to make him...
(He likes the way I cook mine now days)

Then I had to change out my tablecloth and placemats,
And then I swept and mopped the kitchen floor.

Oh, and I had to deep clean our bathroom!

And I still need to peel and cook up some potatoes.

Yet, I feel good about having done these things!
My home looks good and smells wonderful!
And Hubby has a nice treat to share with his crew!

"When you put your Husband needs first this will help to build
And strengthen your marriage"

Some days we just need to get our priorities right for each day is different!
Every day is not the same...

That is why we must learn to adapt to our Husbands life and schedule!
Being flexible is a fine art worth learning...

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Living The Dream...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Living The Dream...

My dream was to marry and have children and to live in the country!

I know that this dream was given to me by the hand of the Lord;
I am so thankful the Lord gave me a husband that wanted to be
Married and have a family. I think in this world we have so many,
Younger couples that never even plan to marry or to have children.

I heard a friend of mine say recently that she was lonely
 as she also lives in the country, but she said a very interesting come back;
I guess we would be just as lonely in the city...

It is really very true, as so many people do not even know they're
Own neighbors!

I really enjoy the quiet and solitude that the space provides.

Sometimes it does feel lonely;
But I think after we have been in town every day for a week;
We both say in unison, it is so good to be back home.

Where are the young ladies that want marriage;
And to love and honor their husbands?

Where are the ladies who desire to have children and not wait
Till they are finished with law school?
Does anyone want to live in the country?

Well, it really does not matter where you live!
~It is how you live~ 

I will never regret staying married and having children!
But I think we have a generation of people that have made choices;
That will feel empty and self absorbed one day!

I heard a professional today tell me this;
We now look like a city that could be called a ghetto!
I thought "what" She said it is the way people dress and
They do not even brush their teeth!
She said it is a disgrace!

I just nodded my head and said yes, it is true!

If the Lord will put a young woman in your life that you
Might be able to steer in the right direction;
To cause her to have a heart for home and hearth!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Can You Rate Yourself...

Sometimes we can rate our levels of good old fashion common sense.

If we never take the time to look at why we do what we do, we become
Stunted in growing of areas that need to shift and change.

Let's face it, are dynamics change and we need to reevaluate how we live
And what we do in our day.

I find myself not trying new things, like when I was much younger;
But I still think it is important to think about something that you would like to do!

I always like to go or do something new every year!
It always does not have to be something huge or expensive!!

Common sense can usually give you a heads up for what might be a new direction!

If you have not even tried a new food in a decade, then you might be in a rut!

If you think your happiness depends on others, you may be stuck emotionally!
(I have experienced this when my children grew up and left home)

Having a healthy state of mind for me depends on my heart's ability
To move on and to learn new things!
And to take pleasure in simple things!

That feeling of being able to clean out and to make a break of old habits,
Can allow us to revamp and overcome.

I have learned the hard way to rate myself...
I do not want to be naive of what and where I am in this place called life!

When we are learning to change things up, realize that it can take over 30 days to
Reprogram our thinking and our actions!

1-10    Rate Your flexibility

Always, Roxy

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