Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Christian Bookstores And Those Bestsellers, Are They Going to Help Or Harm...

Bookstore, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

I read a very interesting statement a while ago;
And let's just say it rocked my thinking.

The statement was this;
~One Of The Most Dangerous Place For A Christian Was A Christian Bookstore~

Okay, now this article had my full attention now!
It stated that in these Christian book stores there is every kind of popular book,
Every bestseller, and every belief system known to man.
These displays made up of the Bestseller List, and are jumping up and down saying
"Buy Me"

The article said the object is still to sell books...
It is not necessary for these books to be biblical, just bestsellers!

Spending our hard earned money on something that will not be a good read;
But rather something that twists or contorts biblical truth.

Is there anything really new under the sun?

I think every lie, since the beginning of time is actually the same old lie.
But it has been remolded and shaped to fit the culture we're in.

Ask yourself this question, why are all these new books being written?
They are selling their wares, book peddlers.
Every author will tell us to be watching for their next new book!

I am not talking about fiction or biography, but rather the teaching kind!
Or how many times they died and went to heaven.
The worst are those that don't even die, but travel to heaven!
(Just like Paul right!)
But he even didn't know if he was in his body or not!
And he was very careful what he was to share.

Tell all and nothing can be verified except I just thought or felt this and this and this...

I for one have decided to do my homework on anything else I buy or read!

Firstly, we need to know the truth to be able to distinguish the counterfeit!

I will still visit our Christian Bookstore;
But let's just say just because she or he is a popular author does not make them safe!
I always like to know the background of the author!
Ask the questions that matter;
What do they believe?
If it is a woman is she living as the scripture teaches?

Look, most of this stuff is physiological babble,
Umbilical nonsense and un-scriptural, things taken out of context!
They make God sound like our lover and magic genie.

Just watch and read the Bible first, and be leery of what is the new way of thinking!
I do believe I have heard about almost every bit of nonsense I can possibly hear!

We now live in an Ecumenical spiritual whirlwind!
Tornadoes will cause destruction and death...
Yet a gentle breeze can refresh and inspire.

Please be very cautious in these days of anything goes!
Remember those that died to preserve the TRUTH...

Ask yourself this;
"All these books and authors have they drawn men to Christ or themselves?"

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Freedom To Do As You Please...

Home, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Freedom To Do As You Please...

Believe anything you want to*
Treat people any way you want to*
Say anything you want to*
Go anywhere you want to*
Dress any way you want to*

See this freedom really came with a price;

Most of these so called freedoms has brought in sin and death!

See we no longer have any absolute truths!

Many of us without realizing it may just have one foot
on the broad path and one on the narrow path.
This will lead to a very uneven walk...

Look, I just want to be popular and have everybody like me!
I want to be invited to your social gatherings!
I just want to laugh at your gossip and off colored jokes!


I really no longer want to be a part of the crowd
I no longer feel like I fit
I no longer think those things are worth listening to
 or your jokes don't make me laugh!

What has changed?

These very freedoms will destroy the very fabric of our society
These freedoms have destroyed the God given pattern of a true family
Real FREEDOM will cost you something!

We can use our own homes as a place of peace and safety and truth and light!
What does the banner or flag over your home say?

Where are you leading those you have been entrusted with!
The broad path... Anything goes
The narrow path... Godly choices

Everything that is really going to stand the fire test
And will not be burned like wood, hay and stubble.
Must be pure as gold!

Just see if you can discern how dark things are becoming?
Your course of action must expose the darkness
And set God's Word on the lamp stand...
Your Life

Friday, July 1, 2016

Housework And Taking Care Of What We Have...

Hanging Clothes, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...


There are all kinds of work out there ladies...
You may have a job outside the home.
You may not be a stay at home wife.
You may love working outside the home
You may think staying at home is boring
You may think many thoughts about Housework!
(My thoughts are that being able to stay home is an honor and a blessing)
I never run out of things to do!!
Many women work just so they can have more;
But Christ is the only one that can truly fill any void...

So, we can all see that housework is a part of any home life
And it must be done!
Keeping a home clean and tidy and filled with good and useful things.
But most homes are becoming cluttered and filthy and unorganized.
It may be due to having just to much stuff
It may be from the fact we have so many lazy people.
Or it may be because no one is home or doing what needs to be done!

And if you do something each day it does not become overwhelming!

I think it is wonderful if you train your children to be clean and aware of the mess they make!
And to teach them to put away what they have taken out.

Many women may have a husband that does not mind pitching in either;
It is this topic that has gotten much attention.
Do we demand our Husbands to pull their own weight in Houeswork??

If you are doing this very thing it makes a man feel like well you might as well
 be out there earning a paycheck also!

We all need to work!
But where your sphere or place of working is important,
To both men and women and the children...

A Firefighter, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
Some jobs just belong to a mans stature and strength!

Lazy is a terrible thing, and when you look and live like a slob;
Well, that's what you get, everything is a mess
Emotionally and physically and spiritually...
Order in our homes and in the church and the courts is a must...

Look when a woman asks her husband for help with moving the furniture
Because she cannot move it herself, that is something that honors him.
His strength and his willingness to help His wife...

Most men are willing to help their wives when it is appreciated and not expected!

That is one of the reasons that as Mothers we are to train our children
To be honest and love the Lord
To pull their own weight in home life and chores!
Teaching the girls and the boys to be clean and take care of what they own or are given!
We are all just stewards of all things...
Adults and Children

When a man truly cares about his home;
The one he pays for and lives in having a sense of stewardship and responsibility,
Is hopefully the way he perceives it!

We are to all be good stewards of all that God has given us!

The world takes the goodness that God has given and
Skews it till we look like we are all wrong!

Men were created to work and bring home the bacon,
Women were created to fry it up in the pan!
Children are to have a table to sit down and say grace!
And to learn what a good job well done looks like...

We all must do our part!!

We can all give each other praise and appreciation for jobs well done!!

Wives keep your homes clean and tidy
Men may you appreciate and help when and if you can.
(Just telling your wife how much you appreciate them is worth everything)

Telling others how much you appreciate all they do is a powerful thing...

I always taught my children this;
If you will learn to take care of what God has given you,
He will always provide what you need!
God wants all of us to take care of His gifts and provisions!

God says if you will not work, you shall not eat!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Why We Must Provide Our Homes With The Staples That Give Life...

Antique Blue Stoneware, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Staples Within Our Homes

So many homes are just so empty anymore!

Sometimes it is the absence of the people;

Other times it is an atmosphere;

I have been in homes where the television is on all the time
the noise just glares from the home.
Or a lonely dog barking in a back yard.

But that is not what we are to be hearing from a home.
But rather conversation and laughter!

The world seems empty now days!

I think we are missing the main things, the real staples of a home.

We now even have Doggie Day Care
Why? Because even those little dogs are missing having a person at home.

All the little children are in Day Care all year round!
Mothers work outside the home!
Some have to, but others by choice.
Fathers are working as they should, but some are gone from the family!
They just can't take the pressure at home, or will not take
Their God given role and responsibilities!

We have more spacious homes in size and expense then ever,
But no one is home...

What has happened to our homes?

Why is it that being anywhere else is better than being home?

Always on the run!!

I believe we have lost so much from the very fact no one stays home!

Truly, why is the bigger and better syndrome being allowed
To take all the sweet precious memories from our children and grandchildren?

Giving stability and a good home cooked meal is more valuable than
being a part of every sport team and function that the world gives!

Before another school year starts or this summer is but history,
Get the family together and talk about what is important!

The family nucleus is dissolving as I write;

Make your home a place where the heart can grow and blossom!

We all know we must have the basic staples to do most things;
Hugs And Prayer

Why then do we think the family can survive without what a home needs?

I will tell you this when I look back into my memories as a child,
Those that were about camping trips and swimming with my family are the ones that I remember.
And it is the daily activities that surrounded my home life,
Walking home for lunch, as my Mother was home.
Playing outside till Mother called us in!
Dinners of home cooked simple meals!
Prayer while Mother listened to us!
Being tucked in a cozy bed at a normal bedtime!

Our Fathers worked and was carrying the full weight of his family!

You had to ask his permission before you had the full okay to do most everything!
Someone was in charge!!

I have taken off my comments as I think we are all so busy to even leave comments.
I do hope you will continue to read my heart, thoughts about what a home keeper
might be interested in. Or even someone that desires the old path!
Many of you still have my Email!

Just think of all the amazing things you can do with the staples God has given you!

Always, And With HIS Love,

Sunday, June 26, 2016

What is Being Seen From Your Reflection...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Sometimes we see in a mirror dimly...
Other times we can see so clearly!

What do you want to be doing with your life and days and seasons?

I really enjoy just doing the simple things!

I find that they are not so complex and filled with the unknown,
Yeah, all you have to do is take just one wrong turn off;
And believe me, it can really show just how adventurous you are!
Following directions closely and reading them properly is so important!

~I prefer the way of right doing and thinking and being~

It seems that the road well traveled may seem safer, but then you have 
to contend with all sorts of thoughts and ideas and agendas.

May I suggest you look for the ancient path!

Look, if you have a husband
You must love him well!!
(If you do not, there is someone who will)

If you have children guide and protect them!
(Something is wanting to destroy them)

If you have a home, take great care of it!
(A home can be torn down with your very hands)

If you have food, make a feast every day!
(A bowl of soup can truly taste like a meal fit for a King)

If you have a tongue use it to give encouragement and truth!
(The world is bombarding our ears with filth)

If you have been given life, live it with joy and God's divine plan!
(So many have forfeited true biblical living)

I want to see a reflection of all that is good!
( Someone is always watching YOU)

What is your reflection and image of?

My audience is small
My arena is my home
My heart feels deeply
My days are numbered
My life belongs to Him...

You are not alone!
Try to be content with the portion He has allotted to you!
Ask the Lord to help you to not be deceived!
Even if it comes as an angel of light...

Monday, June 20, 2016

Not Showing Honor To Your Parents Or The Elderly...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Why Do We Allow Our Parents To Suffer Depression
And slowly dying Of A Lonely Broken Hearts?

I have seen and heard so many lovely ladies who have been just
Forgotten and left alone.
As our grown children have their own children and lives and jobs.
I do understand how busy and demanding life can be.

With no thoughts about their day after day of being alone...
No phone calls, or taking them out for a drive!
Or even going over for a short visit!

Some of these elderly people have lost their spouse of 40 to 60 years of marriage.

A lovely elderly lady called me and she told me how hard and difficult
 it was to even get out of bed just knowing that there was no one to even talk!

She said she has no purpose any longer;
She feels she does not fit anywhere anymore.

Oh dear ones do not think that this could never happen to you!

Our son works for an assisted living facility and he has told me many times;

"Mother, so many of these elderly folks have hardly any family to come and visit them"

It is a shame we are so busy we no longer have or make time for the aged!

Women work outside the home so much now days;
So we have complete strangers raising our children.
We no longer have an older generation to inspire and teach the older ones!

We are all so absorbed with our own stuff;
I can promise you this, we will all find ourselves old and wrinkled
And not able to drive or take great care of ourselves.

(Just think about this little reminder, is it getting harder to get up off the floor)

Well, that's where it starts...

Oh, and the next time you tell your aged parent or relative or friend this;
(Well, you already told us that)
Beware; we are told to be a quick listener, they may add a new tidbit you missed last time!
Oh, and rolling your eyes and talking behind their backs is not showing respect!

We show no respect for the elderly and we treat the aged like old fashion styles.
We are really telling them YOU now no longer have any use!
They're not stupid!
(This what they are hearing)

They don't even call you that often anymore because they have
learned the lesson that you are just sooooo busy!

Geesh, we all should be ashamed of ourselves!

I am so saddened to think we think doing all this other stuff is our ministry!

When you do not show honor to those who have done the best they could;
And now are unable to do much at all.

God, Help me to be aware of those around me to notice them,
And to write a note to them. To stop over and say hello!
Offer to help with something.
(Just give them a phone call)
Many of them are not technically savvy, and they have some hearing loss!

Yup, there old fashion and may repeat themselves;
But mark my words you will too!

This alone is a sure sign we have grown cold
(The hearts of many will grow cold)

Make an effort it can make a difference!

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