Saturday, January 20, 2018

Do You Make Time For Your Husband...

Make time for your Husband, Living from Glory To Glory Blog...

Making Time For Your Husband...

Making time for the things that matter!

We are all going to be in a place of accounting for our days and time!!

If I could say just one last thing on this Blog;
What would it be?

I do hope my posts have always led you to ponder the Great I Am...

But, I think I might have to choose how we treat our Husbands!
So Many times we get so busy as Mothers and Grandmothers,
We may forget our Husbands Needs and Wants...

If we would only just ask him, Hey Honey, can I get you anything?
Or can I do anything for you today?
Or to just notice how he is feeling or doing!

It's all about the ME
We make jokes at their expense, we may even ignore them at times.
Our needs and wants are front and center!
I don't feel in the mood!
I am tired
I am ...

No you're not "I Am"

Look, I want you to know that laying down your wants and needs are not easy.

When we serve him it is like giving a cold drink in the Fathers name!

I want to remind you that we must wash the feet of those in our own lives first!

Being at every prayer meeting and lunch social is fun;
But at what expense?

Women work hard and wear many hats;
But you are the only one who should meet his needs!!

Sometimes I will sit in the same room just being near him;
But I still sew or crochet, or read or write about something.

I do many things just for myself!!
Taking care of myself assures me that I will be happy and whole to be able
to love and meet my dear Husbands needs!

Many women have lost their husbands;
What might their advice be to us?

Let me remind you one day all the children grow up and should leave home!
Why not start now enjoying the time you have together??

I realize some of the marriages out there are not heaven sent!
But if you do what you can and love and laugh and live well, I believe
You will at least in your heart you will hear!
~Well done, good and faithful servant~

Is there a thought you might have about how you try to meet his needs?
We all love good ideas that are simple yet meet the needs.

Reminding myself of this very thing today!!
As always, Grace upon Grace
Thankful for the Goodness of the Lord...
Living From Glory To Glory

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Pearls Of Truth...

Pearls Of Truth, Wisdom Of Truth, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

~ Wisdom ~

Truth can be elusive in the life of most of us if we are not diligent.
It is not about just having facts or the right figures;

Many things that some might deem important,
 May one day be considered wood, hay and stubble.
What is of value, is something that endures through all the trials
and afflictions and those petty things that chap your hide.

Why should we worry about being led astray?

I find this very thought, upsetting because I believe;
So many are being led to the slaughter,
Like sheep with no shepherd.

Wisdom comes from the book of hard knocks for some;
Wisdom comes from being humble and is willing to learn;
Wisdom can be something that is handed down;
Wisdom is knowing when to say enough and walking away from evil or sin;
Wisdom is using words that give life and encouragement;
Wisdom is when you don't believe everything you read or hear!
Wisdom comes from precepts that hold life;
Wisdom comes in small nuggets;

I love this photo on this blog post. I took this many years ago!
I love the plate that is covered in sprigs of rose flowers and buds,
And a pretty gold edging that brings the class of richness!
Green leaves that speak of being alive;

But the pearls make me so very happy!
They work together and align in harmony!
The color and shine and endurance are superb!

Little by little...
Makes beauty and unforgetable string of pearls that will last!

Wisdom is a gift that is given from above!

When wisdom calls, will you answer?

Living From Glory To Glory

Life can be hard, but it will produce pearls of truth if you will;
Humble your heart...

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Are You A Bit Dazed And Confused In This World Of Information...

Conflicting Information, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Conflicting Information...

In a world of information overload,
 We can all be left a bit dazed and confused!

"If it's on the Internet it must be true right?"

It seems that there is nothing that is in agreement anymore.

If you Google a question you will find many answers;
And you will find that many answers will conflict with each other!

Who is right?
Who is wrong?

There is so much good wisdom that can be learned,
Yet, you can also be led astray;

God has given us all a head that contains a mind!
We must never empty it...
If you do there is a pull to fill it with garbage and untruth!
We are told to use it wisely...

Just because someone has a had an idea to do something;
Does not mean you are meant to follow along!

Take all the many diets and ways to eat out there-----
You must use your head and choose wisely
And you do not need a Guru to show you the way!

We are told; All things in moderation
Food, Exercise...

Listen, learn, and live...
Some things will get a strong hold on you and you now are a slave!

Being wise is learning to say NO
Being teachable is a good quality!

This world is trying to teach us to all look and act alike!
Sounds like cloning to me!

Look, research something and list the facts,
Not an urban legend,
God has not left us with any secret code and mystery!

He is truth and things from Him will line up and give life and liberty!
Being disciplined is great, but consider the cost, you may be paying!

Pray Hard
Eat Well
Show Kindness
Stay Away From All Forms Of Extrems
Seek His Truth In His Word, Not The Latest New Best Seller

Too Much Information can cause more confusion...

Beware of sharing too much to too many!!!!

Don't live your life in a fish bowl...
Use some discernment people...
Names and ages
You might as well list everything you do every day on the internet!
Do not allow the internet to form who you are called to be!

Be private and lead a quiet life!

~ ~ ~ ~

~Stay close to the only true source~

I appreciate your input and interest...

Growing in HIS LOVE
From Glory To Glory

Friday, December 29, 2017

Why Is Everything So Hard...

Why Is Everything So Hard, Morning Sunrise, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
Early Morning Sunrise was breathtaking...

Why is everything so hard?

Why Is Everything So Hard, Endurance, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

The reason everything is so hard is so we might learn patience!
And so we will build spiritual endurance and strength...

After a long period of trials you acquire inner stability!
Every step forward requires an ice pick to grab and pull yourself up!
But notice it is being plunged into the ROCK...

When things are tough and do not go smoothly, we must stay steady!
This world is filled with many slippery slopes.

We are all walking and moving in different directions,
Yet, we are all doing the same thing;

In my own small way I try to encourage those I have
contact with daily.

Don't get me wrong, there are days I want to lay down on the
Floor and kick and scream!

But mostly, I may shed a tear and I get myself going with
Prayer, and I quick shower and a lot of lipstick (smiles)

I can still hear the geese honking over the house this morning!

Look your world is not coming to an end!
But rather your striving and clinging to the only thing that matters!

I am just so thankful for the moments or seasons where things
are going smooth or are a bit peaceful;
I have learned to treasure these times of (calm) before the (storms)

If life was easy and always bright you would be weak in your faith!

Easy Peasy is just a word
But there is HOPE in the very air we breath...

Living From Glory To Glory

Saturday, December 23, 2017

God Works The Nightshift...

God Works The Night Shift, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Have you ever worked the night shift?

Well, every new mother than has a newborn has worked the night shift!

I am so thankful that God works the night shift...
It brings me great comfort!

How many nights were you all alone?
 Or in a hospital room all by yourself?
Have you ever been home alone?
 Maybe you have had to drive through your town all alone in your vehicle
Where all the homes are dark, and all the business are closed.
It is a bit eerie!

But not everyone is sleeping!
Some are driving straight through the night to get to their destination.
There are doctors and nurses working in the corridors of a hospital.

A cop works the night shift!
A baker bakes its bread in huge ovens during the night.
A young soldier has guard duty and must stay alert on his post!
A student must study all night to be able to pass his finals.

God Works The Night Shift...
~All that night the Lord drove the sea back~
Exodus 14:21

"It's much easier to trust God when the sun is shining"

Our God never slumbers or sleeps;
We can take great comfort in knowing that while we sleep
He is always guarding us and watching us!

If you are struggling with anything in your life;
Encourage yourself in knowing this!
Even while it is night, He is working on your behalf!

Give your troubles to him in the dark!
Roll your burdens upon Him...
He sees in the dark, it is as day to Him!

Go one dear ones in boldness and confidence
This is what I have been realizing
For God that holds the universe watches over me!
~Every move YOU make~
He is near...
"God With Us"

Keep your Lantern's trimmed, and filled with oil'

You are never alone,
Living From Glory To Glory

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Snow Wonder...

It's No Wonder...

Wonder where (not underwear you silly goose)
All the Time Goes?

Have you ever been so very sick during a holiday season?
Well, if you ever have, you will learn this one thing;
You will do only what you can do and it will have to be good enough!

Many times we will have something that will hit ourselves;
Or another one of our loved ones. And then we have to stop and take stock!

Sometimes you may have to eat just plain old canned chicken noodle soup
with crackers and cheese!

Some of you ladies are so great at making holidays and birthdays 
such special occasions. I have always felt a bit lacking sometimes.

But a quick detour on a roller coaster ride of health issues,
Can make you quickly realize what is needed and what else is fluff.

Life can be filled with great joy and sorrow
side by side...

I have been so weary and tired, yet by God's great Grace
A new day comes and a bit of strength returns!

My focus has changed in so many areas anymore.

As you run your race, as we both well know it's what we must do;
Keep your eyes on the prize...

Don't look at your feet for you will surely stumble!
Just hold tight to the Baton you hold in your hand!

Oh, and if you feel a bit lonely at times it is completely normal,
For this is not our home!

Oh, and if you are moving a bit slower some days no worries;
Even if you drive over the speed limit, they will still
Pass you like you're sitting still!
Take those extra few moments to get your motor running!


~laugh till you cry~

As Always, It is By Grace...
 Living From Glory To Glory

If You are interested in how to make these adorable Snowmen
Here is the link;

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