Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Why I love To Wash Dishes In My Own Kitchen...

A Clean Sink, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I So Enjoy Washing My Dishes...

Call Me Crazy
But I just find washing my dish's so calming;
I have a dishwasher and I use it,
But what I so enjoy is taking a sink filled with dirty dishes;
And watching the fresh hot water mixed with soap bubbles do its work.

Life is just filled with troubles!
So much dirty work to be done around the home.
But I find great satisfaction in things becoming clean.

But I think the thing I enjoy the most is the soothing hot water!
A soapy sponge and the rhythm of wash and rinse.

I find myself just praying and thanking God for his provisions.

Sometimes it is the simple daily household chores that can bring peace.
It is a chore that can be done without having to think;
It's a job that has been done for centuries.
I for one really always try to get the kitchen clean and tidy every night.

I think over the years I have actually washed my cares, right down the drain!

Soap and hot water has made such a difference in the world.
I mean this, because before we knew the value of sanitation.
Many people died of diseases!

My Mother use to say it cost very little to be clean!
This should encompass  all things;
 Cleansing our bodies and washing our hair!
 Our homes will shine if we will just use a little soap and elbow grease.

But the sweet part about all this is that it should be enjoyable!

Dish Washing, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Another day has come and gone!
My dishes are clean and ready for the next day's work!

We can say the kitchen is the heart of the home...

Take the time to enjoy washing and rinsing and giving thanks.

Good Night

Love, Living From Glory To Glory

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

I Choose...

Choose The Good Things, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I Choose...

We have so many choices to make each and every day!
So many times we do not realize the power in our choices.
Positive and Negative

Remember the saying;
You have made your bed now lie in it.

Now, what the heck does that mean?
To suffer ones consequences of their choices.
When you have made a bad decision.

Look, we have all made some bad choices!

But we can live in a grace provided for us.
I do believe we can leave that bed of a bad decision.
We can make a new and wiser or better choice today!

Every day is a new day!
We can choose to do better
We can choose to not associate with the wrong people.
We can choose to move in a safer direction.
So any times we are given red flags in life situations;
But we lacked either wisdom or did not want to put forth the effort.

So many problems in the world today.

But YOU can CHOOSE the GOOD things!

A bad attitude or stinking thinking we cause an array of symptoms.

Sometimes the situations take a long time to change;
But while we walk through the fire we can choose.

I remember hearing a pastor say one time that every year,
We have the choice to make it to church at least;
52 times... Each year

We all have the same amount of time every day, and every year!

Today and Tonight and Tomorrow...
We can overcome by the Blood of the Lamb

Get out of the bed of bad choices;
Arise and do better!
It truly is the gift of wisdom to say NO to the condemnation...

Look, I for one will put on my Rose Colored Glasses,
And look at my life with Love and Hope and Forgiveness.

Rose Glasses, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Arise and the Lord will scatter your enemies;
If you will look to the hills where Your help comes from!

I will lift my eyes to the hills-
From whence comes my help?
My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth
Psalm 121:1-2

Always living and growing in HIM...
Hugs, Roxy 

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Impulse Buying Or Giving Thanks...

Give Thanks, Dangers Of Impulse Buying, Livng From Glory To Glory Blog...

Impulse Buying

I have had this word rolling around in my head for days now.
Impulse Buying...

What does this mean?
What are the ramifications of this type of behavior?

So, now I ask myself;
Self are you buying this thing as in impulse reaction to a need or a want?
Self says, but it's on sale and I love the way it looks.

So as I have been pondering my own reaction and response to shopping.
If I will just stop and learn to give thanks for what I already have,
And stop just buying things and stuff...
Just because it's on sale or your buying two and get one half off.
And all these discount coupons from major stores and sale sheets,
you get weekly
Are just really all a gimmick to get me and you to buy!

Now, it does not even matter if I already have two of them!

We all have heard by now of the availability of ordering your groceries online.
 Now at first I thought this was ridiculous.
But I did put in my first order last week,then I picked my items up,
 On the very next day!

And you know what I got?
ONLY Everything that my shopping list had on it.
NO extra cookies, NO extra Junk Foods, NO Candy

And all I could think of was how much money I saved!!

Truly, we are creatures of sense of smell, and all that looks appealing!

So when you can learn to think before you just buy something;
You can retrain your brain and change your purchasing habits.

I want to use my monies wisely!
I want to purchase good wholesome food!
I want to use what I purchase!

What is impulse buying?
It is when we purchase something without considering the cost or need!
There is a consequence to buying things that are not needed!
We train ourselves and feed our temptations with stuff!

After all, we live in a world of consumerism till we overflow.

Well, here is where I am...
I hope to buy what I need and enjoy what I have!
To be mindful of all that I purchase...

And I have made a resolution to not make any resolutions!
That way I bet I can keep to my resolution this time!

I just hope to always try to do better!

As Always,
Living From Glory To Glory

Hugs, Roxy

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Beware Of A Wandering Heart...

Beware Of A Wandering Heart, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~ A Wandering Heart ~

"As a bird that wandereth from her nest,
So is a man that wandereth from his place."

Proverbs 27:8

So many hearts want to wander off into either their imagination.
Which can turn into lust; Wanderlust is not a very stable trait to have.

A woman that allows her heart to wander from her home will develop
into a possible habit of impulse.
Longing for what you have not been given.
An urge to always be leaving her home.

There is an old saying of those that always traveled.
"Wanderlust would not allow her to stay long in one spot."

Some more thoughts on the word wander;
To walk or move leisurely.
To walk aimlessly
To dawdle about
To ramble about
To meander means to:
 zigzag, wind, twist, turn, curve, curl, bend, snake...

~ Usually without a plan or a definite purpose ~
An irregular direction or course.

There are many that do not even know when they are well off,
But become uneasy and not content with their present condition.

God, in his providence has appointed us a place!

Learn to stay with your nest, do not abandon your post;
When you wander either in your heart or imagination,
You will be absent and not be able to do your own work at home.

Look, I am not talking about a yearly vacation or a lovely trip.
I am referring to a person who will not settle into her life and home.

Do not become a wandering bird that hops from bough to bough,
That rest nowhere, as it becomes unsafe.
The bird that wanders is exposed!
And will leave her eggs subject to danger!
When we leave our nests too often or too long;
Our work and job can become neglected!

~ May I not leave my home or work undone ~

I do not want to meander through this life...
I want to follow closely to my Father's plan!

Remember, we can make our homes into safe and cozy castles.
But in order to get stuff done, we need to stay home!

And once again, I am not talking about going out to lunch or shopping!
We all need to get out,
 I am referring to the wanderings of your heart!!

Do not allow your heart to leave HOME dear ones...

As Always, Living From Glory To Glory


Thursday, December 20, 2018

Pumpkin Torte Recipe...

Pumpkin Torte, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Pumpkin Torte

For the Bottom Crust
1 package yellow cake mix (Leave out 1 cup for topping)
1/2 cup melted butter
1 egg

For the Filling:
1 15 oz can pumpkin
2 eggs
2/3 cup of milk (You can use almond milk)
1/2 cup Sugar
2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1 1/2 tsp Cinnamon
For the Topping:
1 cup of reserved cake mix
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 cup Sugar
1/4 cup butter

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Lightly grease the bottom of a 9X13 pan.
In a medium sized bowl, mix together the ingredients for the crust.
Spread and press the batter into the prepared pan; Set aside.
In another bowl, combine all of the filling ingredients and mix well.
Pour or spoon the pumpkin filling over the cake.
For the topping, combine the first three topping ingredients.
Cut in the butter until crumbly.
Sprinkle the topping ingredients over the pumpkin filling.
Bake in preheated oven for 1 hour, until filling is set
Serve cold,
Topped with whipped cream.

I decided to copy this recipe and put it on my Blog today,
Because I was asked for this recipe from a very sweet lady on Instagram!
I was so pleased that someone saw just a picture of this desert,
And wanted to try it!
I enjoy making this for many special occasions!
Pumpkin is so good for you!

You may want to try this or at least copy it and out it in your recipe file.

I plan on doing some baking today
(love sugar, sugar cookies)
Now, is that even possible? LOL

Also making a few Cheese Balls with my darling Amy
It has been a super warm winter so far!
But the winds make it chilly, and the sun setting so early!

I was left an amazing uplifting comment on my last Blog post;
Well, lets just say I cried!
Because, I was truly thinking I was not making a difference anymore!
But thanks to this kind and generous Lady, I was refreshed
Thank YOU...

Making Every Season special
Making every moment count
Making gifts wrapped in LOVE...

Living From Glory To Glory
~ xoxo~

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Making Memories In All Things...

Making Memories, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

What A Glorious Season...

I made this Christmas wreath last year at a huge florist store.
Everything to make this wreath was provided!
The choices were amazing!

I have found myself a bit nostalgic lately;
I miss my Mother, as she is not with us here, but in heaven
with her heavenly Father...

We do the best we can without the ones we love during
the most wonderful time of the year!

I feel that the world is just a kinder place during this season!

Making memories are so important; not just for the holidays.
But, rather making the time to celebrate Birthdays, and Anniversaries.

I am hoping that for I hosting and having Sunday dinners here will leave
A long lasting loving impression on my family!

Remember that making memories do not have to be expensive;
Making a family recipe for a holiday or birthday

Looking to improve in areas that leave a lasting impression!

If you need to give yourself a pep talk to push through;
That is perfectly normal!

My hope for writing this Blog was to encourage others!
To not give up doing their best to make their lives and homes,
A better place, filled with good memories and LOVE...

If we are not teachable or willing to learn new things;
And to NOT forget the Old Paths.
We will be left a little bit emptier!

If I say something to you that hurts you;
Think of it this way;
Just maybe, I have learned the exact lesson myself the hard way!

I desire to be the Queen of this little castle, but at times my crown
is a bit tarnish or covered in dust.
I also need a helping hand and words of encouragement!
Plod On Dear Ones...

May I try to be the kind of woman who can help straighten another woman's crown
 without telling the world that it was even a little crooked.
 As I can attest to the fact of my crown leaning so far over at times it almost fell off.

Christmas Memories, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

May you all take the time to make memories,
And enjoy each and every occasion!

I want to thank you all for reading my Blog all these years!
I appreciate each and every one of you!

Living From Glory To Glory

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