Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Bloom Where You Are Planted...

Look For The Sunshine, Daffodils, Living from Glory To Glory Blog...


Why do we need sunshine?
What if the sun would grow dull and turn black?
What if we could no longer see things clearly?

The brightness as a noon day!

Sometimes when I can see and feel the darkness growing stronger;
It does grieve my heart.
Most days I refuse to look at the grim conditions and just plod on!

But there are times when we can see all too clearly what the ramifications are doing.

What happens to a society that sees everything as acceptable?
When they believe that nothing is wrong or immoral;

What is a moral issue in our day that breaks your heart?

What can I do to make where I live and abode be filled with light?
"We must flourish like a flower"

A flower can flourish in a city sidewalk, where only a crack of soil is exposed!

Our lives are very much like a flower;
We can grow in the toughest conditions;
We can bloom anywhere!
We can send out a sweet smelling fragrance!
We can be but a small fragment of beauty!
Even though a flower bloom lasts a short time;
It can bring great JOY in the moment...

When we go through a tough season of pain or drought or lack of sunshine;
We can become weak of heart;
That is why we must gird up our loins of our mind!
Be mindful of the moments, life is but a flower.
But I truly believe some of our moments will never fade away,
Or will be forgotten, if we will but keep close to our heavenly Father.
Tend the garden of your soul!
Look for a streaming light of sunshine every day!
Continue to plant seeds of love!
Repent often, and pull up those nasty weeds of doubt!
Water your garden with God's Holy Word!
Refuse to live in darkness!

We all have a choice daily!
So make it flourish like a flower.

So remind yourself often and remind those you love;
Take the little quote that has big dividends;


Trust me, when or if the Lord decides to relocate you,
You will continue to flourish wherever He moves you!

Sending you all a big Hello and Happy Day...

Living from Glory To Glory


Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Pretty But Has No Substance...

Pink Bunnies, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Pretty But Has No Substance
Sweet But Has No Longevity

How do we truly get to know another person's heart?
 If we are not careful we all can be deceived!

We all want to remember there are many honest and good in the hearts
Of many people we know and run across in our days.

But what I think when we see so much scamming and dishonesty;
We can become disheartened!

Because I can't deal with or work on another person's heart!
I must continue to stay focused on thinking and doing right!

May are words not just be sugar coated, but filled with truth spoken in love!

Sometimes we just need something we can sink our teeth into!

I try not to add too many things onto my plate now days!
Because I want to taste and savor what is important.

Just about everybody is on some bandwagon anymore.
Pick a few things that are important and put your energy into that!

People in the past or in your future that have been just fluff;
Let those things take a back seat!

Keep your eyes open for the faulty heart issues.
Controlling and manipulating hearts!
Their agenda, their way, You will always be wrong!
Because they are always the victim.
Leave them alone
Deal with your own heart
Don't read scripture and apply it to them!!

We must focus...

Taking care of ones own heart and HOME
Is your true calling...

As Always, I desire to live and have my being in Christ...
Hugs, Roxy

Monday, March 25, 2019

Two Become One...

living from Glory To Glory Blog

Marriage, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Love, Living FromGlory To Glory Blog...

Wedding Bells

What is your responsibility for a couple that is getting married?

You get an invitation in the mail; and you might think, "well, can I go?"
What gift might I bring?

Will it be a fun wedding?
Will they serve free food and an open bar?

But the real responsibility for attending a wedding is to take part!

To wish them well is great!
To give a gift to bless them is wonderful!

But remembering to pray for them is the best gift of all!

Why we must help them to stay married and to learn how to
Be a Good Husband and A Good Wife...
It honors each other and brings glory to God!

To understand the seriousness of making a vow?
A covenant to God?

Who here thinks marriage is easy?
It's work, and the only work that will provide long lasting benefits!

She will have to learn to do many new things!
He will have to learn to do many things!

But the biggest challenge is learning to not put oneself first any longer!

We live in a world of selfies...
Truly, whether it be any social media, people love to take pictures
Of themselves...
Look At Me!!!

I find it a bit too much!

If there is no benefit for me then I am not interested!
"You have heard the saying- Well, that's enough about me;
Now, tell me what YOU think of ME..."

Getting married is a good thing!
Staying married is even better!
Pray to marry the right person!
Get wise counsel!

I can promise you this; no matter who you marry or when you marry;
You will still have to stop the selfish me syndrome;
And look to one another needs.

Then comes the children
Then they grow up and leave home.
Some become selfish and never look back;

And once again, it will be the two of you!
Have you made the effort to become one?
Its daily work!!
But it's really not all about you, Now is it??

Our Grandson is married now and we will pray daily for them!
We will do all we can,  to help their marriage succeed!

As Always, Loving and Living
But praying, to live my life for His Glory!

Any advice for the newly wedded couple?
Leave a comment and I will send it to them!
You never know the impact of wise words...

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

If You Do Not Have Anything Nice To Say Don't say Anything At All...

Minature Tea Cup, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Be An Encourager

To encourage means to in-courage...

We all need to be encouraged!

I want to remind myself of this important biblical teaching.

I was remembering my Mother saying to all of us as we were growing up;
"If you do not have anything nice to say, Don't say anything at all!"

I have had to remember this often in my life!

Because Life is hard and people can be difficult;

And sometimes I just want to tell these difficult people
What I truly think of their self-centered behavior.

In our day to day life we do not always get what I call a do over.

Sometimes we only get one shot to do the right thing!!

Dried Yellow Roses, Turtle Doves, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

One of Satan's greatest weapons he uses is discouragement!

Knowing the enemy's tactics is a powerful thing.

How might this tool be used in the life of each of us?

When we become weary or ill, we have less resistance to discouragement.
When we are targets of hurtful words.
When we are made fun of and they make jokes about the way you talk.
When people ignore you!
When the finances become tight
When everything seems to go wrong
When you have a long spell of bad weather
When you do not have your quiet time

When you just need God to send an In-courager to you!

A Brown Teddy Bear, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I always remind myself of how David encouraged himself;
But, we all know that we are given the examples in the Word;
To encourage one another!!

These are a bit like the days of Noah;
But, I choose to live each day doing a little more encouraging
to others when I am able to do this!

We all must carry on!
Make a nice meal or dessert!
Enjoy the moment!

Cook Books, living From Glory To Glory Blog...


A Lovely White Rose, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

As Always I desire to live in a way that is pleasing to my Lord...

God, please help me to remember that if I do not have anything nice,
To say may I not say anything at all...

Always, Roxy

Sunday, February 24, 2019

How To Backup And Save Your Blog Posts...

Learn To Backup Your Blog, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

The Importance Of Backing Up Your Blog!!

I have always been a bit paranoid that one day I would wake up to find my
Blog either vanished from or banished from Blog sphere.

The Blogger platform is one of the best in my opinion!

Blogger has a built in recovery and backup plan for lost content.

Many of us Blogger's have been blogging for a long time;
We have shared pictures and content that contains
Our hearts and our trials and our victories...

When we all look back over the years we can see that the Internet has changed.
There are many people that can try to use what we have written.
I think we must all take a moment and do a reality check.
We all run a risk when we put it on the Internet.

I will not even go into all the glitches and trouble I have had!
Sometimes I am afraid to change my template.

I am not a professional tecky person,
But I have tried to learn how to keep my blog clean and safe!
Secure Content
A Great virus and malware protection.
Paying for one is a much better then a free one in my opinion!

There are some Blogs out there that I no longer can visit;
Because it contains mix content, Https & Http
Using pictures or content not legal

How to back up your Blog
Very Easy
Go to your Dashboard
Go to your settings (click other)
You will see the Title Import & Backup
Click Backup
Save to computer

It will download to your computer!
They say to do it every three months or so!

Blogger is a wonderful company, but everything has glitches.
I have learned so much by investigating all my little and big problems.

Keep your information safe, be careful what you share!
Backup Your Blog Material

Blessings, Roxy
Living From Glory To Glory

Thursday, February 21, 2019

The Taste Of Home...

Home Living, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

The Taste Of Home

It's always nice to have a home that makes you want to be there.

One of the things I hope to see in this next generation is this;
Just a desire to have a place that is cozy and clean,
Filled with things that make it useable and lovely.

They will have to learn to do things a bit different in this new decade.

I really don't recognize the world we live in anymore.

I see and hear things that shock me!
Some of these things break my heart!

But, we still have the responsibility and joy to create
A place filled with things that truly satisfy!

We need to capture and create
The Taste Of Home...

Good Food
Good Books
Good Fellowship
Good Laughs

Why are pain killers so prevalent?
Why is it that no one wants to feel anything?

Why do we need every kind of energy drink available?
No one sleeps anymore
A culture of insomniacs;

We are addicted to screens, phones or devices!
Houston, we got a problem!

Do we even understand the meaning of moderation?

Do you need a bit of good old fashion Home Life?
Home Life, Living From Glory To glory Blog

I for one want to encourage all of us to never give up on what is needed!
The body really needs a place where the mind can rest
The Body to be nourished
The Taste of something fulfilling!
Try a new recipe!
Start having an evening you have others over for a meal!
 Home with Heart

Having a small spot to be able to create!
 Painting, or Reading, Beading
Encourage one another to build and to use their God given talents!

Creative, Imagination, Color, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Fight the good fight...
Keep your home a refuge...
The Taste Of Home will always be appreciated if you will do
What is required of you!

Keep Praying and Keep watch over your HOME...

Love, Roxy
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