Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Fortified For The Day...

The Holy Bible, The Word, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Some days you can just run out of steam!
Also, I can truly say that some women just seem to have so much energy;
Compared to me at least...

But A long time ago I had to learn to resolve the issue of thinking;
Why can't I do more?

But truly once I realized that the strength I have been given each day,
Is something I need to use wisely!

Learning to relax and enjoy the day as it sometimes just rolls out!

I like to start each new day with a cup of tea or coffee and Read the Word!
I enjoy writing in my journal so I always write something daily!
Even as I have gotten older I am even reading some scripture
Before I go to bed in the evenings.

If you can do only one thing each day; make it count!
 Baking or cooking yields high dividends.

Once again it is summer here; and so I will use my crock pot!
If I am going to bake I always do that very early in the morning!
When its winter time its no big deal to turn on the oven and heat up the house
 and fill it with an aroma of freshly beaked bread or cookies.

Freshly Baked Bread, Fresh Eggs, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Wisdom to know what you can and can not do is very important!
I am not saying we should never push ourselves;
But not straining that causes discomfort and unable to do your
housework or things you love the next day!

Grow In Wisdom, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I always like to treat myself with some rich and delicious chocolate!
Keeping a little stash of the sweet stuff works well for my needs!
Chocolate Bars, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I no longer want to spend my energy complain about what I can't do and just
Enjoy each portion that I can do!

When you walk into your home after being gone all day,
Can you just feel and sense that this place is called Home 
Because your heart is there?

Make each day a day of rejoicing!
Give Thanks!
Don't be robbed of the pleasures of each day given to you!

Love your Home and it will bring you comfort and Joy...

Happy Day,
Always Love, Roxy

Monday, June 3, 2019

Singing In The Fire...

Singing in the Fire...

We have all heard the phrase singing in the rain;
As sweet and enduring that little phrase is,

The reality is that as we live and walk this earth till our journey ends;
We must learn to sing in the Fire...

It's so easy to sing when all is calm and the sun is shining!
It's easy to sing when everything is right in your world!
Is is easy to sing when you know the words;
But sometimes, we will not know the words or understand the circumstances,
We must sing from our hearts without knowing the harmony at times.

Good Morning
Good Day
Anyone of us may be in a different place in our days...
Our lives truly are very brief...

I now know how easy it is to slip over to the other side;
I could of died resulting from a bowel obstruction this last past week!
I guess I can now truly say "you can die from constipation"
I was very sick and I truly can say I was Blindsided!
I was in the hospital for a week.

It seems these are they very things that teach us to sing;
While in the Fire of pain, weakness, and sickness!

I can look back and can say that any trial, whether physical or emotional
Can teach us many things!

In our lives, we suddenly can be overcome from a sickness!
These things just happen as we all are living in a sin fallen world.

But, what I hope to get across today is even though these things
Can and Will happen, how can we walk through these trials?

Learn from your experience!
Try not to be fearful
Pray that you do not become bitter!
Realize everything takes time!

Everything will change!

We must never allow these trials to define us!

Every trial will have a new song, you must learn to sing!

Outside my bedroom window is a bird that sings all night long!
Even when there is no moon, even when the wind blows!

I am grateful to be alive!
I made Sunday dinner yesterday,
(Easy Beef Stew in the Crockpot)
My Son said Mother, your not making Sunday dinner are you?
And I said well I'm not dead yet!!

I so appreciate all your sweet 
Get Well Wishes on my last Blog Post;
You are all very kind and I did feel so many prayers
Lifting me UP...

Much Love;
Truly Living From Glory To Glory
And Learning To Sing In The Fire...
Hugs, Roxy

Monday, May 20, 2019

How To Be The Best House Guest...

How to be the Best House Guest, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Are You A Wonderful House Guest?

We read and talk a lot about being a wonderful hostess;
But, I think we hear very little about how to be a thoughtful guest!

Times have changed, as years ago, it seemed like there was more company.

 And I might ask when was the last time you had
Overnight guest in your home?

Do you even have a guest room, or just a comfortable space
For someone to stay in?

 This post may not interest some of you.
But, I always like to think that when, after my husband and I leave
Someones home, they will say; Now, that was a very nice visit!

The goal is for them to one day to want to invite you back!
Or to want to come visit you at some time!

You probably have all heard that saying;
"Company is a bit like fish, after three days it begins to stink"

So firstly, I will open with this thought.
Do not overstay your visiting!
Short but Sweet...

That is, even if you are just having dinner in someones home!
The host may need to get up early the next morning.

When staying overnight in someones home,
 Always let your guest be aware of how long you plan on staying.
To make sure it does not impose upon their life and plans.
Give them an idea of your schedule for what is in the plans for each day!

Ways to be a great house guest!

Be aware of their schedules.

Show some interest in their home and their design and style.
Their hobbies and their family and even their work!

Keep the bathroom clean!

Help clean the kitchen, dishes and such!

Keep the room you stay in clean and tidy, make the bed!

Help with the meals!

Buy some of the groceries!

Give the hostesses some personal space;
Everyone needs a little bit of that!

Just relax and enjoy their hospitality and home.

Leave a note thanking them! 
Or a small thank you gift!

Clean up what you have used while visiting.
(Take the sheets off the bed)

Don't forget to take some pictures!

Showing Hospitality is a wonderful thing!

It's always nice to create memories and see new places and
Spend time with old friends and even make new friends!

Do you have any tips for being The Best House Guest?

Blessings, Roxy

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Just A Little Bit...

Enjoy Life, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Just A Little Bit

As I have aged and grown in many things;
I have realized that it's always the little bits here and there that stand out!

Finding pleasure and joy in the midst of trials and testing.

When we no longer take for granted the little bits!

Someone offers you a huge slice of chocolate cake;
And you reply back, well maybe just a little bit!

We all can get overwhelmed with all that's  on our plates.
But when we move forward and try to do just a little bit;
It will become manageable!

When I was younger,
 I was able to vacuum and clean my whole house in a day!
Now days it may take me all week, because I will see
project that needs to be done.

I love to embroider, and I love to sew, and to read
And I love to paint, and to bake, Fellowship with others!
This time of year I love to plant my flowers and veggies.
But None of us can do it all!

Be kind to yourself as you slow down a little bit
(pun intended)

We should not be robbed of life's joys!
No matter how tough times were, I always did a little bit to
help me keep myself in a creative state!
If you become drained of all your resources, you will have nothing to give!

When we allow the good and healthy things into our lives;
We will have something to refresh others!

Just a Little Bit
Can go a very long way!

Just make sure the Little Bit is something that brings glory to God!

Enjoy The Little Bit Today

Always, Living From Glory To Glory
Roxy xo

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Reaching Higher...

Reach Higher...

Looking at the bright side...

Hello, Do you know my intent in writing these blog posts?

By nature, we can be quick to judge or become critical;
But as we all know we should be slow to condemn others!

Life is not easy and sometimes we can say or write something
That can be taken wrong, because it was poorly written or stated wrongly.
My intent is always to make us reach higher!

This is to say;
I aim to encourage others!
I also warn others of possible danger!
To  train all women single, divorced, widowed, young and old!
I also desire to help and guide those that want to be helped!
Forgive me for any offense you may have taken!

Grace to you
Grace to me

Over the years I have been rebuked, corrected and received backlash;
To never write again is an option!

But, I choose to continue until I complete this ministry!

I have never intended to bash or hurt or to be unkind to any one!

Beauty, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Beware Of Toxic Relationships...

Beware Of Toxic People, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

 Toxic Relationships

Why I believe Godly character is the most important issue in our world!

We are no longer self disciplined in anything
We seem to be so selfish!
And people want to control others in everything!
Also the drama is unbelievable...

Between the school system and being single parents,
(Revised statement)
Schools can no longer really help kids deal with their emotions
Single parents do not have the help at times or a break to be refreshed!
This  statement was written, but I never intended to bash single parents!

Not allowing morals and standards, and no work ethic.
We're in for some relationship issues that will crumble our society!

Let's face it, sports are more important than church!
The phone tucked into your butt pocket or bra is your life...
The kitchen table is now a raised table or bar stools!

You know how tough it is to not even being comfortable in your own skin?
Walking on eggshells in your own home!

I am counting my blessings I do not have these kinds of relationships.
But I could have them if I would of allowed it way back when.
I never even heard the term toxic relationship, but its a buzz today!

Because, we are spoiled children and no longer disciplined, we won't
Learn from our mistakes!
We want to be in every bodies business and we think we should
To know about every one's personal matter's!

Where is the wise counsel??

Once again, I can only encourage you to self examine your attitude
And actions in all relationships!

We have a heart issue!

Here is what this behavior might be characterized by
Emotionally and Physically damaging effects
Panic attacks
Insecure feelings

Some things a person may do to another that are not healthy;
Toxic behavior
Control over all the finances
Trying to control your thoughts and feelings
Verbal Abuse

I am not enjoying writing a post on this subject;
But I think that if I can expose this terrible manipulating issue,
Why not try to help someone see a red flag early in a relationship!
Because marriage is hard enough without being toxic from the beginning.

Working on being sound in mind and behavior is a lifelong endeavor!

Be wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove;
Matthew 10:16
~Combine the wisdom of the serpent with the harmlessness of the dove~

May we pray for those that are struggling in every situation!
This life can be so very hard!
My intent is to help, not to be critical!
I also try to be gentle...

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