Sunday, May 23, 2021

Refresh Your Thoughts And Motives...

Control Yourself, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Being A Good Steward

Being a good steward really applies to almost every area;

Of our lives...

Lets face it, some days are just more productive than others.

And being a good steward is not always about work or being busy.

But rather being able to discipline one's own impulses and thoughts!

Sometimes I will say to myself

"Don't go there"

"Or I will say just do it"

Your mind is where our discipline starts.

I always try to stop and think before my mind goes rouge.

It's a rough trail we travel on most days.

A friend said to me the other day. I think God tests my patience

to see just how far it will stretch before I snap.

I laughed, but I get it!

I think one of the reasons we can get into sin or just a bad attitude;

Is possibly not taking time to adjust to a new situation.

But here again we must be able to act quickly!

There is always a balance needed.

Are we allowing our minds to roam?

Just thinking it is just not good enough;

Good intentions will get you no where!

As I have aged I can say I am learning to quickly take,

Everything to God in inquiry of help me!

I can't do all of this on my own!

He will refresh your thoughts and motives.

He wants to help you control your mind and thoughts.

~Because He tells us to gird up the loins of your mind~

Don't let your mind control you;

Control your mind!

You are the only one who can be a good steward

"Of Your Mind"

Don't let your mind be a toxic field...

Blessings, Roxy

Monday, May 17, 2021

So Many Are Scarred For Life...

New Life, Living From glory To Glory Blog

Things Have Truly Changed

No matter how we may perceive this world today;

Things have changed!

I know we now have a weirdness to how people interact,

How we look at others- masked or unmasked

Vaccinated or unvaccinated

We are treated as a socialistic country!

So what am I going to do about it?


I have a brain and I can research the pros and cons!

Some people will be scarred for life,

Others will not feel any different.

We do not know the long term effects from a jab that who knows what's in it!

Look its my opinion...

Children are now scared to death and think masks are normal!

Look lets face it, we are all the guinea pigs here!

I have worn my mask, had covid and still suffer from

The long haulers, immune system compromised maybe for life!

My body has already been hit and I can say for sure its been tough!

Do you see all those that don't even want to go back to work?

Rights, what rights?

They disappear before my very eyes daily!

I will continue to do what is right and safe and live my life;

Fear Not...

Now, where have I heard that??

Only God knows the number of your days and years!

There is an agenda people!

Wake up

Woke agenda

You're paying for it all anyways!

I have never thought of myself as being politically motivated;

But... Just Saying

Enjoy your days, keep moving in the right direction.

Even if everyone is going in a different direction!

Hugs, Roxy


Sunday, April 11, 2021

Ask Yourself This Question...


Use Your Strength Wisely, Living From Glory to Glory Blog...

What Is Required Of Me?

What is required of me is a question I have been asking myself.

We will all experience times and seasons of lack of strength.

Also there will be times in seasons of actual changes;

Spring, Summer, then Fall, then Winter

I wanted to share this because we can possibly feel bad about

not being able to do all that we have done in past years!

So knowing what is required of me is a very

vital and important question in every season of my days.

Running into town or being at every function is going

to drain my strength and use up valuable time!

So I know that there are things that hold greater importance

and value in each day!

So it is up to me to make choices that will benefit my life!

So this has to be priority!

Having a home that runs smoothly

Having strength myself to enjoy life

Having meals that nourish our bodies

Having a sweet and gentle attitude towards my Husband and others!

By learning to reserve and manage your strength is wisdom.

Some women have strength in abundance;

But if you find yourself discouraged, take heart!

What is truly required of you should be a joy,

Some days will be easier to accomplish tasks,

 other days you may be just to tired to do very much at all!

So, now I tell myself do what is needed this day!

Don't take on burdens that don't belong to you!

As I have said in past post; Learn to know your limits!

Blessings, Roxy

Monday, March 22, 2021

Character Matters...

Godly Character, Living From Glory To glory Blog...

Character Matters

The World is telling us what matters...

But may I be a voice that is allowed to say what I think matters?

Or will my opinion or view be cancelled.

 In this tidal wave of a socialism climate

 of telling me what I should think, say or believe?

Personal Character

Firstly we are not robots!

Our character is developed gradually by our decisions 

under God's guidance.

As we all know we are not finished growing in Godly Character.

I believe we learn it through the fruits of our right or wrong choices.

Other words we can learn from our mistakes!

Godly Character is really a heart issue:

It starts with our innermost thoughts,

God knows what goes on inside our minds!

I have watched some pretty disturbing clips on the news;

And it seems that many grown adults are throwing

a temper tantrums in every sector of society.

And mind you they all think they are right and how

they perceive it is correct!

There is a lot of wrong in this world...

But we are not to allow someone else or  a movement to

shape our character!

We can all be influenced, but stop and think;

Are we being programmed?

This is why we must protect and keep our homes free

from the worlds agendas!

We have a calling to maintain truth and peace!


A lie is a lie

We have been given control to manage our homes;

And this will be a bigger influence on world peace,

Then all the protesting and riots, they have never changed anything!

Stop and rejoice in the freedom you have today!

Do not let it slip away!

Enjoy your God given rights and read His Word!

This stuff has been going on since the World Began...

So don't give up!

Fight the good fight...

Your light no matter how small makes a difference;

Godly Character will always have persecution!

Thanks for following this Blog!

Be A voice

Be A Prayer

Be A Light

Be A Faith Keeper

Hugs, Roxy

Monday, March 1, 2021

A New Thing Can Be A Good Thing...

A New Thing Can Be A Good Thing, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

A New Thing

There is just something about a new thing that can inspire us!
We have all heard the expression, I just need something new.
This new thing is not about going out and purchasing something!
But rather a new way of doing things, or changing out something!

It might be nice to give yourself a facial;
Pamper your tired or dry skin.

Maybe its time to take down your curtains and wash them'
Or replace them with something else.

Maybe it's time to purge all those clothes you don't wear anymore.
Or just don't fit any longer!

We are all being transformed every new season, 
So I believe it is important to be conscious of it,
And as we grow and change every new year and season.
I think we can look around and find ways to be beautiful!

This beauty is both inward and outward...
The Spirit desires to change your inward;
You can change the outward in little ways!

May we not get stuck in a rut and become drab and dreary;
We can wash our windows of our vision of being a doer!

Making beauty a priority...

Doing a small makeover once a week can transform your home and Life!
Clean something out!
 Paint it!
Get a new hair style!
Get a new Bible!
(Take Every thought captive
No more stinking Thinking)
Learn to take a break to refresh yourself!
Paint your kitchen
Try a new recipe!
Change your Livingroom around!
Pull out some magazines for a new decorating idea!

I love it when someone will tell me what they are doing;
As it inspires me to do something new...

Tell me what are you thinking about doing that will be new for you!

Living From glory To Glory

I'm not afraid to change things up here and there!
But be careful about moving your furniture;
And coming out of your bedroom in the middle of the night.
And tripping over that dang foot stool LOL
Love, Roxy

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Learn To Know Your Limits...

Tea Time Or a Coffee Break, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

 We Must Learn To Know Our Limits

We are all aware of Speed Limits
They are posted in plain sight along every road!
We don't have to guess at what it might be.

I think it is wise to learn to know what are personnel
limits may be in our physical strength.

Allowing yourself to get burned out daily;
Will cause havoc in your life.
Of course there will be times of a crisis where it is required!
But I believe these are times where God gives us His strength.

What I am referring to is not pushing yourself all day long.
We do need to push a little bit to get an extra chore or task done.

Living in a constant hurry up mode is not healthy!

Learning to stop and take a breather,
Allowing a coffee or tea break;
Does a body good...

The word tells us to aspire to live a quiet life!
1 Thessalonians 4:11

I must use my strength wisely,
To take care of the needs of my husband, family and home life!

We are not suppose to go go go...
We must take time to reflect and ponder.
We are just to quick to speak or to volunteer.

We are all made a bit different, and we all have different
degrees of strength levels.
That is why you must learn to know your limits!

Wisdom is a powerful tool and once we learn something;
We can apply it and be the better for it.

I know some people that can live a fast pace life,
But many more need to go at their own speed.
Being fast or the first is not as important.
As being consistent and doing a job well.

So remember resting or taking a rime to relax is very important!
Don't allow the world to dictate how fast you have to drive;
Or how much needs to be done every day.

I realize the work world will have a quota, but that is different!
I am talking about in your home and your personal time frame.

Learn to do those things that revive you!
Reading A Book
Enjoying a Good Movie
Working on A Craft
Praying With Someone
Taking A Little Nap

Then you will have a better outlook and can carry on!

So rest and refresh yourself as often as your body needs it!

Once again sharing what I am learning.

Blessings, Roxy

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