Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Prayer For Being A Provebs 31 Wife


 These confessions will infuse His life
into your marriage!
Being confident that He Who began a good work in me
will continue until the of Jesus Christ, 
 I confess that;
I am capable, intelligent and virtuous woman,
far more precious than jewels.
I rise early and get spiritual food for my household.
I seek first God's kingdom and all good things
are added unto me.
I reverently and worshipfully fear the Lord.
I give of the fruit of my hands and my
works praise me.
I am industrious.
With my savings I plant fruitful vines.
Strength and dignity are my clothing and my position
is strong and secure.
I rejoice over the future knowing that my family
and I are in readiness for it.
I open my mouth with skillful and godly wisdom,
and in my tongue is the law of kindness,
giving counsel and instruction.
The bread of idleness (gossip, discontentment
and self-pity) I do not eat.
I am worthy of respect and serious, not a gossiper,
but temperate and self-controlled,
thoroughly trustworthy in all things.
I pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love
patience and gentle heartedness, and the
joy of the Lord is my strength.
I am submissive and adapt myself to my own
husband as a service to the Lord.
He is head of me as Christ is head of the church.
I respect and reverence my husband.
I notice, regard, honor, prefer, love and
admire him exceedingly. The heart of my husband
trusts in me confidently and relies on
and believes in me safely.
I comfort and encourage and do him only good as
long as there is life in me.
I walk in love with my husband,
 esteeming and delighting in him.
My husband praises me above all women.
When I pray this prayer;
I use my husbands name where it say's
Pray this prayer aloud!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Dust Settles

Dust settles on everything!
You can always count on finding that
 The dust has come as you were sleeping!
This is the time of the year it starts to get bad again.
I believe it is caused by our furnace running,
And the use of the wood stove burning.
And it is really noticeable on my bedroom dressers,
because of the direction the sun shines in  the Fall
and winter months.
So, this morning I said I can not stand to see this dust
this whole winter, all day long on these tables.
So, here is what I have done, I took the same thick
The material I used for my curtains, in our bedroom,
And I made a table top cloth that covers the whole top of
the night stand.
I only had a small amount of material left,
It was enough for the night stand.
Then I took  a cocoa colored sheer curtain panel,
And ironed it to the size to fit my long dresser top.
Now, both table tops are covered!
So, Now I do not have to feel irritated over
the dust that settles every night,
While I am trying to get my beauty rest.

 I found this curtain valance that I never could
use on any of my windows, so I folded it
where the vintage looking lace was on top,
And I sewed it in place.
So, now I have a double protection plan in place
 against the DUST!

 My night stand covered!
See it is the same material as my curtains.


Saturday, October 19, 2013

Her Mouth

She opens her mouth in skillful and godly Wisdom,
And on her tongue is the
Law of kindness!
(Giving counsel and instruction).
Proverbs 31:26
What is this Law of Kindness??
Is this a real law?
Yes, If you want to be a Proverbs 31 Woman.
Are we not warned in the Word to not be foolish!
What makes a woman look foolish?
It will mostly come from her mouth and the words she speaks.
What does skillful and godly Wisdom words,
sound like?
(Godly, wise, and kind).
Are we to be giving counsel and instruction in our sphere of
Yes, we are dear ones!
We can grow in wisdom as we study and pray.
Seek wise counsel ourselves on subjects of our homes
To know how to manage them better.
You will never be an expert on everything and all matters.
But we can ask God for wisdom!
To many foolish things spoken;
 will be tearing down your own home.
 Gossip, slang and critical words, bring condemnation.
These ways of speaking would not be under the heading
of the Law of kindness.
We all have a wonderful resource of information,
that we can use, to be
 able to give wise counsel and instructions
as needed !
Study the book of PROVERBS!
You can use this for wise counsel, as it is
perfect and sound.
Reading Proverbs daily and applying it will
help make you skillful in wisdom.
But here is the KEY;
You must speak these truths in KINDNESS.
(Your tone, and your volume being used )
 Feelings of condemnation.
Self righteous are not showing kindness.
I am always working on this very thing;
As it is what will set me apart.
And to be used for His Kingdom.
Many times in the Proverbs it will start with
Open your mouth;
It is what comes out that is important!
So may I be slow to speak and quick to hear.
(Read James 1:19)

Mug Exchange

Good Morning!
I just wanted to share how fun and wonderful it
Has been being a part of this tea cup and mug exchange.
I wanted to be a part of this linkup so I am posting
A picture of a lovely extra blessing I received yesterday
In the mail from a dear sister in the Lord.
Can you maybe guess who she might be?
But , I do want to tell you about the sweet
And the gracious woman who drew my name for
Our exchange:
Her name is Laura
She lives in Main
Her home is sweet and charming!
She has Chickens!
I love Chickens :)
I have not received her package yet;
BUT, it is coming...
The reason for the delay is a very serious and heartfelt
Situation as you see, her
 Dear brother Gary is very ill.
She needs prayers for Gary, but also for herself and her family!
May she not feel alone or not covered by His hand
in this time of trouble.
Please PRAY
Please visit her sweet Blog !
Click on link below;
Also I have had the greatest time getting to know Vee,
She was the name I drew for my exchange.
You can visit her here also;
Click on link below;
Thanks Stephanie!
You're a treasure!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Fall Decor

Decorating For Fall
This is my first time for taking all my other treasures
off my mantel and doing a theme for the Fall season.
I really enjoyed myself , while shopping for the decor!
My favorite item was the wooden blocks,
that spelled out Harvest!
I changed out the candles from the cream yellow
To a rustic orange color.
And I added a bouquet of Fall flowers to my vase.

I have this neat old looking metal basket,
that I just had to use for something.
So, I added my Fall corn and mini pumpkins in it!
It has been enjoyable to see the festive Fall colors.
It just brings a cozy atmosphere to the room!
We Girls are all about cozy and comfortable...
Happy Fall To All!!


The Friendly Ghost!
This is a test!
Our there friendly GHOSTS?
Anyone, who really has their eyes open, can see the
spirit of death has swooped down upon this culture!
Is it okay to scare and put fear in one another?
How do you think the Spirit of God feels,
When we put before us things that are about
death, and monsters, and evil creatures!
What about making satan look cute?
Does this grieve the Holy Spirit?
YES, it does dear ones!
Do we open the door to the spirit of fear,
By interacting with these kinds of behavior's?

Many cool and popular clothing lines,
are plastered with skeletons!
Why are we glorifying the darkness?
Evil is real!
It is not cute or fun or pleasing to God!

We are looking more and more like this culture
of death!
Wanting to be scared and watching things that bring,
death and fear!
He told us to stay away from the appearance of EVIL...
Not promote it!
A spirit of fear can come upon you or your children,
Just by subjecting them to these things,
 that say death and fear!
I am telling you this because, as a child this very thing
happened to me!
I ask you dear ones to protect their hearts and minds!
This is the time to teach them about discernment and
the difference between
Good and Evil!

We must only celebrate the death and burial and
Ressurection of Jesus Christ!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Too Much

These last two weeks have been too much!
When do we as women finally learn to say enough?
There are so many things to do!
And most of these things can be really good things.
But having to be up and gone very early,
For too many days in a row becomes
 Very disruptive in being able to keep myself,
And my home in smooth running order!
 And being over extended is not wise!
Something always has to give!!
My time with the LORD??
No way...
Forget the laundry?
It doesn't go away it just piles up!
Forget making a good home cooked meal?
Pizza or Popcorn!
Dust Bunnies gone wild?
They are not family pets!
I am a Home  Maker!
Should I be at home??
You get the picture!
Learn to use wisdom and say no to most outside things,
That will keep you away from home for long periods
of time!
I do not want to look like Alfalfa!
Eyes bugging out!
My hair standing straight up.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

My Sweet Girl

Happy 30th Birthday

Where does the time go?
Happy Birthday!

We are all having Birthdays every year!

I have learned to love Birthday's!
I know over the years we may have one that make us
Feel like a milestone has come, and gone :)
Smile and rejoice..
Grow in grace and wisdom...
Ask the Lord for clarity and vision.
For He has your day's numbered!

I have loved all the different stages,
Once I realized this is life.

So let's live and take JOY!!

I am having a Birthday next month!
Celebrate with a new song
Sing unto the LORD!

Asking the Lord for greater contentment and peace,
Is true wisdom!

Having the wisdom to be about His work.
Having a heart of obedience.
Being teachable always!

Love to all the Mommas. And Daughter's!
Sister's and Girlfriends!
We are helping and to mentor one another,
Through every Day and Season!

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