In a world of omnipresent screens filled with every movie imaginable, we
Can easily forget the cozy, simple pleasures of curling up with a
good book!
Can easily forget the cozy, simple pleasures of curling up with a
good book!
There are so many benefits to reading!
I want to share a few of them with you all to help you see the importance
of reading for yourself. And to help your children and Grand Children
learn an appreciation for a love of reading.
Reading imparts so many things we need;
An imagination and inspiration!
Every character in every story had to come alive in someones imagination!
See even the Beauty knows reading is good for you!
By losing yourself for even a few short minutes, seven to be exact
can bring your stress level way down. It allows you an escape from
the cares and worries of the stress of everyday life.
Reading also will keep your brain sharp!
"The brain is an organ in the body, and just as physical activity strengthens the heart
and your muscles, intellectual activity will strengthen the brain."
A lifetime of reading is a very wise thing to do!
New information will inspire you,
Also reading before bedtime may help you sleep better;
This is usually a book I have just for reading a little bit before sleep
to de-stress and relax. I do not read one that is so exciting I can't put it down
and it keeps me up all night :o)
I have also experienced for myself a real lift of compassion and love
for others through a well written story.
We all need a boost of empathy at times.
I have always loved reading books on being a better wife or mother.
We might call them self help books. But I like to think of them as
Teachings of wisdom on different subjects.