Some things are only for a season...
Some things are for a life time...
We must have the discernment to be able to distinguish between
the two of them.
Even in nature, we can see that Spring is coming when we see a little crocus popping
its head above the cold hard ground.
Then we can trust that the next thing will come;
Then we can watch the lilac bushes start to fill out,
And alas the lilacs fill the entire area with a thick
and heady aroma!
I ran out just before a very hard wind storm hit and cut off a full,
a lovely lilac blossom. I brought it in and put it in water.
Then I could just smell the scent fill the whole room.
In a few days all the lilacs were gone off the bushes.
The season to enjoy them was now over.
I am learning to know that some things are for only a season!
We must be careful to be willing to make a change!
Some things last our whole lives;
I am homesick for my eternal home!
For I have a better country awaiting me!
Do not become stuck!
Learn to flow and grow as He directs!