Thursday, August 7, 2014

He Loves Me He Loves Me Not...

Living from Glory To Glory Blog

Steadfast and Loyal...

A Faith that fizzles before the final;
Had a flaw from the first!
(This was a quote a pastor of ours use to say to us many years ago)

Who comes to mind when you think of the statement;
Steadfast and Loyal?

Is it your Husband?
Maybe a dear friend.
How about a sister or brother!
Maybe a Pastor!

Love now days seem so fickle;
Little things said or perceived cause you to pull back or away;
He said the wrong thing!
Did you notice the way she looked at me?
I just felt a funny feeling about them!

I think most love has an expiration date attached to it!
Time's UP

I seem to remember a verse that says something like this
Love is patient
Love is kind
Love thinks no wrong...

Ever feel like sitting down with a daisy flower
And start pulling off the petals and repeating
He loves me;
He loves me not...

We had better start shoring up our hearts folks
Things are changing!!

We are all looking for someone who will be steadfast and loyal.

Be that person yourself...

Do not being easily offended!
Stop trying to read every emotion as negative or it's just about you!
Quit thinking only of yourself!

I am learning and growing and I need to be ready to stand
And love when I might feel like He loves me NOT.

The enemy always wants to isolate you!
Be quiet and learn to love your own!
Do not look for love in the wrong places or people!

God is LOVE
To love others with no agendas or expectation!
I think of that scripture that warns us that the 
Love of most will grow cold... 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Please Be a Husband, Lover...


Living from Glory to Glory Blog

How to be a Husband, Lover...

Well, it is pretty easy; The only requirement is dying to self!
And consider the cost;
Think not more highly of yourself than you ought!

Prefer Your Husband over everyone else...
Keep your vows on your door-post of your heart!
Renew your vows to him daily in word and need;
(I am not talking about repeating them, but rather living them)

Start each new day with a plan and conviction
Read the WORD
Doing something just for HIM
Dust his desk
Bake his favorite meal or dessert.
Plan a picnic at a park or in your backyard!
Write him a love note:
Tell him he is handsome
Kiss him and hold his hand often!
Ask his advice and use it...
Make sure he has clean clothes
Keep a few shirts and pants pressed
(How your Husband looks, reflects a good wife)
He may be standing at the city gates...

~Please smell wonderful for him
Wear your hair for him
Dress for him~

Watch your mouth!!
You can look sweet and talk like a truck driver
Tell him thank you often
Keep your words kind
(May the law of kindness be upon your lips)
If you are exhausted tell him and ask him to hold you!!

When he comes home, tell him you are so glad he is home.
Give him a few minutes to unwind after his day!
Never tell him over the phone while he is at work,
(How terrible your day is, or what has gone wrong)

Being a Husband, lover is a joy if you will invest and impart
Into him and his life; as there are returns here and in the

Remember Jesus came to serve us!
Shall we not serve our Husbands, and love them?

Share some of the things that you might do that makes YOU
A Husband, lover!?...

The aged women...teach the young women to be sober, 
to love their husbands, to love their children, 
to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, 
good, obedient to their own husbands, 
that the word of God be not blasphemed.
Titus 2:3-5

Make it and aim to teach others how to love their own Husbands!

This picture was taken at our renewing of our wedding vows last year!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Video Butt Babies...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Video Butt Babies...

Remember Captain Kangaroo?
And Mr Greenjeans?

Okay, I have truly dated myself here!
If you do remember this program, I just need to ask one question.
 When they looked into the hand held mirror, did they
Ever see you watching the program and call out your name?

Well, I watched it often and no, not once did they ever see
A Roxy watching...
I tell you it was rigged!

Impressionable, fully trusting!
Always watching and absorbing!
Hearts open and tender...

Now there is nothing wrong with allowing a little teaching,
From Television programs or video games.

It is the full time sitting on your BUTT parenting going on that
 really shocks me and makes me so sad for the children!

Because, as they watch these types of learning programs,
they have no way to respond or use all their senses to engage.

And ALL Video games are causing some learning blocks for children.

We are built to watch, hear and respond!

The first thing most children do anymore once they awake
Is turn on the television!

Maybe we have gone to such an extreme measure of using
a television for education and free babysitter.

 We have lost the vision ourselves...

We must take time to instruct and train our children!

Watching television and video games will make your children
Cranky and listless and agitated!

We have a mind and body connection!

Too much of this kind of entertainment causes violence!!

I have noticed children younger and younger
 Having rounder and larger behinds!
Why are we seeing this;
They sit on their Butts all day long...
In school than at home!

Oh, don't worry, You're never home you say??

Have a smart phone (stupid phone)
No worries, you can play a game or watch anything you want
Anytime or anywhere...

Wake up!!
Read a BOOK...
Play outside...
Let a healthy imagination, develop their minds and gifts
Not video games and television.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Old Fashion Or Biblical...


Why do we need to be keepers of the Home...

No child will ever tell you how wonderful it was to come home,
after school or from a function and find the home empty!

A Home will only feel alive and special when someone is home...
We think staying at home was for another generation,
The word was not written with a certain time frame in mind.
The only time frame we are yet waiting for is the prophecy still to come.

So many women have left the home that when you drive
Through a neighborhood they seem desolate.

I still can remember when there was a time that Mothers
took their callings to heart.

Even as a Grandmother, I know being home brings great
Comfort to my grandchildren and a few women who are homemakers.

If I am old fashion, then so be it!!

I still think many women want more things and stuff!
And many women say their Husbands want them to work!
Many women love having their children in school
 so they can enjoy some free time for themselves.
Having a large home is more important, than all being in a smaller
home with a Mother Home to really train her children.

I believe it might take faith for a family to say we are going to
believe and trust God's word about keeping our homes.

When I have been gone all day for whatever reason, I come home
to a home with no dinner. And no laundry done.
The home seems empty and seems to ask;
Where have you been all day?

Do we have children asking;
Where have you been all day?
Do we have a generation raising themselves?
Only we can answer that!
Maybe we have gone too far away from this example?
If only a few come HOME will it make a difference?
Is there a movement calling Mothers HOME?
Children just seem so sad and unsettled...
Or maybe it is the Mothers and Fathers who are
really sad and unsettled?
It all comes from the top...
Is Christ changing hearts to come HOME?
Our Fathers wanting the Mother of their children HOME?

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Lord Shall Lift Up A Standard...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

At times life can be smooth and clear sailing...
You can feel the sunshine on your face and you can see clearly.

But I have learned even when the sea starts to churn and pulse;
We as Christians have a place we can feel His peace.

As the world turns and we can feel the shaking;
God is not shaken...
When the enemy comes in like a flood,
God raises the standard!

We must not look at the waves and whitecaps;
As the water will always cover the shoreline in its continual
lapping against the sand. We can KNOW that when the enemy
comes in like a flood, the spirit of the LORD shall lift up a 
STANDARD against him...

Read this scripture
Isiaha 59:19
 When you see the enemy attacking you or your loved ones!

So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.

Chuck Smith :: Sermon Notes for Isaiah 59:19

A. "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the..."
1. Sometime before creation of man, He created angels of various ranks and orders.
2. One of the angels of the highest order rebelled against Him.
a. This angel was described as, "perfect in beauty..."
b. He drew a third part of the angels with him.
3. Originally, only one government in the universe. Light of life.
4. Now a second government.
a. Opposed to the first.
b. Government of death and darkness.
B. The purpose of the enemy.
1. To draw you away from God.
2. "The enemy has come to rob, steal and destroy."
C. The method of the enemy.
1. To appeal to the baser nature of man, to make him a slave to his own fleshly lusts.
a. The effect is always destructive.
b. More obvious forms alcoholism, drug addiction.
c. More subtle form is sex.
2. Thus, to follow the enemy is to follow the path to destruction.
3. To pervert the good, natural, God given drives by seeking unnatural fulfillment.
A. There are times when we seem to be singled out for special attacks.
1. The pressure is like a flood.
2. We are almost overwhelmed.
3. We recognize that those forces against us are more powerful than we.
a. I don't have the strength to resist the flood.
b. Am I doomed?
A. Though the forces that are against us are strong, that power that God has given to us is stronger.
1. "Greater is He that is in you than he that..."
2. "You shall receive power, after the Holy Spirit."
B. The standard that the Spirit lifts is the Word of God.
1. When the enemy came as a flood against Jesus.
a. He seems to know when to attack.
1. Jesus had been fasting 40 days and was hungry.
2. Use God's power to feed your own flesh.
b. Jesus used the Word, "It is written..."
2. "Thy Word have I hidden in my heart..."
a. The Word of God in my heart is one of my best defenses against the enemy.
A. "Resist the devil..." James.
1. Peter tells us the devil is going about like a roaring lion...whom resist steadfastly.
2. In Hebrews you have not resisted unto blood.
B. Call upon the Lord.
C. Get into the Word.

Here is an amazing tool to learn and study the Bible;

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Are You A Late Bloomer...

Living from Glory To Glory Blog

Totally Out Of Sync

I find it rather strange when a plant referred to as a Christmas cactus
blooms in July. Maybe it thinks it is actually a rose...
Roses bloom in June and July!

I had to take a picture of it and share it with you ladies.

Here we are working in our flowerbeds outside and to find this blossom.
Really surprised me, because it never did bloom this last December.
I realize over the many years it has bloomed maybe as late as February.

What are some things we can do to help us when we as
Women feel out of sync?
 As I told you this last month was
A rough one for me. But I have seen a pattern over the years,
And it looks like we have a growth in the Lord,
 then we get challenged and we feel like it is
  a bit of a setback.
Well, I now lean to this thought concerning this cycle.
I believe we are being tested to shore up our growth.
God, wants us to grow by and through the Holy Spirit.
NOT, by our own sheer will power!

A flower is still a flower, no matter if they bloom late or early!
Grace and honor to allow the working of the Word in each of
Our Lives...

As I have aged I notice a stronger drive to create and take pleasure.
Why is everyone and everything in such a hurry?

I pray each of you will allow yourself the space and time;
To bloom and to be beautiful and complete
In Him...

Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Lighthouse The Only Safe Harbor...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

The Light House

The Light House does not move...
It is steady even in a storm of epic portion;
It can withstand wind and rain and icebergs.

I heard the Lord say a few years back;
"There's a Storm In The Heavens"

If I were to look for a place to ride out a storm,
I think I would choose a Lighthouse!

When I was a child, I went past this Lighthouse so often!
I saw it in all its glory; The sun rising around it or the sun setting beside it!
Reflecting the Light of the greater light, The sun that marks each day!

I am at perfect peace because I have laid my foundation on solid ground!

Notice the narrow path to the Lighthouse?
When you are walking out to this Lighthouse;
You must keep your eyes open and do not lean over the edges.

I know this Lighthouse personally!
This Lighthouse has even looked like a cross when the shadows.
Would lie across at just the right angle.

As a child, I played on the sands of this lovely Lighthouse. My memories
Are filled with so many days and evenings of this site!
My eyes have seen the glory of so many beautiful things in this world.
And they can always point us to a truth in God's word!

I am not a religious zealot, but rather a daughter of the King!
I have been given the gift of sight to see how God is in all of these
sweet memories to be used as I matured and grew in wisdom.

There is a safe Harbor in the storm;
Always look for the Lighthouse!

Jesus Christ Of Nazareth...

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Overused And Under Rated...

Glory to Glory Blog

Swimming Pigs...

I have always heard the saying I will believe that...
 When pigs fly...

Well, how about when pigs swim??

I kid you not; this little piggy swims.

Faith is a word that is much like love;
Overused and under rated!
I must use my faith to even get out of bed some mornings!
I love so many different things,
But are there different levels we love at?
Of course!
I love my morning tea or coffee, but I don't plan on marrying them.
I use my faith in giving each new morning to the Lord!

Learning to love at walking in faith...
Faith is a true and vital living power!
Faith moves us into something
Faith moves us out of something!
Faith will step us up!
Faith will hold us steady...

Like this little piggy;
I must learn a new stroke of faith!
I am not much for change;
But I have learned a vital truth lately,

I want to switch from being a passive sitter to an
active participant in our adventure beyond the familiar.
Breaking out of an old, tired routine is one of the secrets
of staying young.

"So Don't just sit there!"

Swim Little Piggies Swim...
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