Hind Sight Is 20/20
We can learn to become wise women by learning from our past!
I am not saying always ponder your past, because that is not wise in itself.
Some things just need to stay in the past;
What I am referring to, is the things that we can now see that we may have
Had a different outcome if we had done a few things differently.
A wise woman learns from her mistakes.
A wise woman grows when she is teachable.
A wise woman does not keep track of wrongs done to her!
A wise woman becomes wiser because she makes time to reflect!
~There is a difference in reflecting and mourning the past~
We can become stuck in what we thought it was all going to look like.
Sometimes I enjoy putting on those Rose colored glasses!
Sometimes the cold hard bare facts are just too much for me!
The Pollyanna syndrome can be a lovely thing...
Be free to express your true feelings;
(But not at the expense of creating a chasm that has no bridge)
As we can all attest to the very sad or difficult separations that have
Appeared for just wanting to be right!
But my point is this;
There are times we have missed an opportunity to speak from the heart;
Just maybe when we had a opprounity and the timing was right!
We may have missed it;
So I do want to speak to those I love or those who need correction.
With a word of wisdom...
Sometimes it can be just from your years of wisdom or
A scripture or a biblical truth...
We need to be brave!
We need to ask them, please can I share with you from my heart?
I need to say this or I may have regrets that I stayed silent!
But we also know this fact, sometimes it is better to say nothing at all!
But we now can have 20/20 vision in some areas of our life.
If we will read and study the word, to gain a heart of wisdom!
So next time we cannot go down the same wrong road expecting a different result!
See, we now can see clearly...
If not put your Rose colored glasses back on for a bit!