There's A Bad Moon Rising
We were just overwhelmed with the Full Moons intensity recently.
There is a sense that has had me very quiet in the last few months.
Some call it the Political Sphere;
Some call it the End Days
Some call it Fear Mongering
Some call it Evil
Some call it Persecution
Some call it...
Whatever you may think of these days we are experiencing;
The bottom line is this,
"A Bad Moon Is Rising"
This (Thing) is trying to control us.
The (Thing) wants to destroy us.
This (Thing) wants to kill us.
You must of heard somewhere on the internet or news,
That they want to get rid of 90% of the world's population.
Now, that must make you feel warm and cozy deep down! (NOT)...
I heard that Halloween is the second most celebrated season in our country!
All of this makes me want to follow even more the ancient pathways that the
Lord has given us to follow!
There is a plague of death everywhere.
From movies to songs to tattoos, to decorations and jewelry.
So I just wanted to say this, I have nothing in common with what
Is going on in our society.
I want nothing to do with the evil that is being spun on social media.
Or our news stations, or the political bashing.
What was once the agencies that were put in place to protect us?;!
Is now what is being used against anyone who tries to think or speak,
Outside the narrator that is being woven in the minds and hearts of many!
Can you be so easily deceived?
Can you not discern between evil and good?
So, I will say this dear one's, I will continue blogging for those of us
That are like minded and yet are not oblivious of the onslaught.
We will not be overcome by evil!
We will overcome evil with good!
But, Look-Up for your redemption draweth nigh.
Please forgive me for not posting or writing as often,
But I think we can all relate to the facts before us.
Time is so valuable!
And time is accelerating!
So be mindful of what you deem is valuable!
If there ever was a time to give 10% of your time to the Lord;
~The Time Is Now~
Blessings, to those that have read my Blog postings these last 10 years.
Blessings, to those who desire to know the Truth.
Blessings, to those who pray for the Fathers Will To Be Done...
Always, Roxy