Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Sea Shore

We so desire to sit in a quiet place with are face's
Looking into the glorious horizon.
Either if the sun is rising or setting.
Our feet in the wonderful sand and our toes covered with
the tiny grains of time.
Times of rest and refreshment.
Sunshine upon our faces.
Ocean breeze's blowing in our hair.
Sounds wonderful.
Walking through this life with those we love.
Building A strong marriage must be infused into
Any given day or season.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Imparting Grace

 My Mother

My Grandson said, Grandma who is that?
I said  that is my mother honey.
Then I asked him, why, who does she look like?
He said you Grandma!

My Grand Mother's
Antique coffee pot.
And salt and pepper shakers.

My Mothers little pink rose jewelry box.
Happy Mothers Day!
Mothers are a treasure to keep close to our hearts.
Memories are precious so make as many sweet ones as you can.
May we love and impart grace ;
To all the special women,
 God has placed in our lives.
Give them honor!
Mothers are world changers,
We can even be a spiritual Mother to those whom
God might place in our lives.
Imparting Grace:
These will  be gifts of grace we impart in love to all those
We  are impacting each and every day.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Garden Was God's Idea

Simple Pleasures
A cup of tea to refresh me!

A delicious cinnamon roll to delight my taste buds.
This is a very busy season for all of us.
We have been indoors all winter long, and now we are
Being beckoned to venture outside and take it all in.
Working  and planting and cleaning our yards up.
Planting our gardens.
Trimming trees
Breaking up the fallow ground.
It does  feel wonderful to be outside again!
I am taking pleasure in this moment as the season changes.
May all of you be blessed in your outside activity's.
Enjoy the sunshine and the fresh air.
We bloggers need new creative pictures and new things to write about!
Be inspired
Bless your family
Beautify your home
Become all He has created you to be!
Be beautiful in all you do!
Tend to your garden with love.
The Lord God took the man and put him in a Garden of Eden
to work it and take care of it.
Genesis 2:15 

Friday, May 3, 2013

It's A Girl Thang...

Really, Can a girl  ever have enough purses?
Now, maybe I might have a wee bit of a purse infatuation.
I am drawn to each new season of styles and colors.
Big ones and not so big ones.
Bright ones and classic colors.
What is it about finding just the right one?
At least for a few months any- ways.
In my closet, I have a large container filled with purses,
They have been by my side and have held much needed
So, I could leave home with a sort of a kinda suitcase (thing -ama -bob.)
So here is my thought!
I am going to Florida to see my kids.
So I will be needing a new Beachy kind of a bag!
A girl who likes to have a proper bag to carry her things.
Is it really so bad?

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Time And Eternity...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Our Time
Time  Is Ticking

Time Is Precious

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Sea Shells
Time Make's Them More Beautiful

Some are smooth
Some are pointy and rough
Some are shiny.

 Beauty comes in His time.
There is something about sea shells.
To find one as you walk on the sea shore, a treasure to keep.
Time is also a treasure!
It is a gift
Each day brings a new dimension.
Calm and beautiful
Dry and dusty
Snow and cold
Windy and hot
Always changing!
Yet. There is nothing new under the sun.
I say live and live with all the gusto He has given you!
Say no to the fears that come!
Change is not an enemy;
Make the time,
You are to be the master of it and to assign the day to His flow.
To be rigid and not flexible will cause you to break.
A sea shell is not so fragile it cannot take the rolling and tossing
Of the waters force and the constant  waves.
Make the time to be all He has made you to be,
An amazing woman!
Called in this day and hour to be His treasure.
Living From Glory To Glory

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I Don't Love Nobody

Sometimes we can be so selfish, in thinking we are the
Only ones with feelings.
We all have feelings and they do get hurt!
I believe our feelings can get hurt in many ways,
Such as when a word spoken causes hurt.
Sometimes it is an unkind look,
Or maybe no eye contact was given (ignored).
But mostly I think it is our words!
My husband has always said this saying:
"Maybe they are having a really bad day!"
We must extend grace, we are not perfect and all of us
Are under stress and we can become tired,
And just plain worn out.
We must not be like this selfish little girl!
The training of our tongues!
A careless word may kindle strife,
A cruel word may wreck a life,
A timely word may lessen stress,
A loving word may heal and bless.
He who guards his mouth preserves life.
Proverbs 13:3
I Do Not Want To Eat Worms!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Labor Of Service

    A Labor Of Love
    He Loves us so Much.

    He humbled Himself.

    He washed their feet.

    He knelt and prayed.

    He laid down His life.

How many times a day have we all had to stoop over to tie a little one's shoe,
 or pick up something that had fallen to the floor.
There was a day when we would kneel and pray.
Posture and body language speaks very loud and sends a message.
 Never be so proud or un-willing to help at any level.
Let us be the one to volunteer with no complaining or griping.
Treasure these things in your heart;
Loving your wee ones for they will soon leave the nest.
Take joy in keeping your home.
Love your mate with your whole heart.
Give thanks with a grateful heart.
 Labor of love,
His love,


Thursday, April 25, 2013

This Chair Is Just Right

 This Chair is too small for both myself and my hubby!


This is  a close up shot of it,
the design and pattern of it was very tight and small.
Also the chair itself was tiny.

Here is the replacement!
It is much larger and of course it is covered
with leather. It is very large and roomy
and comfortable.

Here is the throw pillow that came with the couch,
I felt it was hard as a rock,
and much too large for this couch.

 Can you see the new pillow, it is smaller and a very
vintage pattern. We did put three of them on the couch.

Here is my new cozy chair,
And it's just right!
I am so thankful for the amazing La-Z-boy company.
They were generous and took the first two chairs back.
Mind you these were special orders, and they did allow
us to return them.
I will tell you that once we returned the first chairs,
we had to choose some new ones.
Now, this is where I stepped back and let my hubby
take over. He had to sit in each chair to make sure it
was large enough for him to comfortably sit in it.
We are convinced the furniture out there is shrinking!
I am so blessed as we have always taken great care of our\furniture.
So we were able to bless others with a slightly used
and comfy older stuff.
I love being a homemaker!
This has been a season for painting and makeovers.

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