Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Garden Was God's Idea

Simple Pleasures
A cup of tea to refresh me!

A delicious cinnamon roll to delight my taste buds.
This is a very busy season for all of us.
We have been indoors all winter long, and now we are
Being beckoned to venture outside and take it all in.
Working  and planting and cleaning our yards up.
Planting our gardens.
Trimming trees
Breaking up the fallow ground.
It does  feel wonderful to be outside again!
I am taking pleasure in this moment as the season changes.
May all of you be blessed in your outside activity's.
Enjoy the sunshine and the fresh air.
We bloggers need new creative pictures and new things to write about!
Be inspired
Bless your family
Beautify your home
Become all He has created you to be!
Be beautiful in all you do!
Tend to your garden with love.
The Lord God took the man and put him in a Garden of Eden
to work it and take care of it.
Genesis 2:15 

1 comment:

  1. Yes He did! I love picturing you working outside in your lovely garden Roxy. I have put my garden on hold but plan on getting it going again this week Lord willing!

    I have been enjoying your pictures so much, oh and I think I will come over for some of those cinnamon rolls. They look so scrumptious!

    Love you and excited about your trip to Florida!

    ~ Marie


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