Thursday, July 10, 2014

How To Fill Love Tanks And Hourglasses By Loving Your Husband...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Loving Your Husband...

Love will cover a multitude of sins.
Love will prosper and fill a life full of grains of weight;
Love is the teeny tiny bits of sand that have come from the one;
True rock of ages.

Women have a special calling and a place to fill love tanks!

She is firstly called to fill her Husbands tank:
Now, I am asking you to check the love gauge that shows the love level.
Where is this gauge located?

It is in your words on how you respond to him;
Our they bitter and harsh?
Or are the kind and sweet?

It is in making yourself ready for his needs...
Your to tired and you do not feel well;
Your needs always come before his;
He worked all day, But so did you...
Worldly reasoning releases you from fulfilling your wifely privileges.
Did you know,
 By making love to your husband you will produce;
Feel good hormones?

Does your husband get fed?
Can he count on you always making an effort to feed him?

Can your Husband trust you to keep the chaos out of the home?
We are to watch what and who we open the door too!

Small grains of sand our falling through your hourglass today,
So may we learn to love those closes to us
as  that is our first call to ministry.

I have each day to love and encourage my Husband;
Will I rise to the task?
Will I be the one to fill his love tank?
Will I choose to love my husband or myself above all else?

Remember our husband get very tired and hot this time of year;
We need to make sure you have something cold to drink in the fridge.
Meals prepared that our good and refreshing!
Plan some alone time to love on him!
Try to have a little get away to rekindle your marriage!

Hourglasses and love tanks go hand in hand, my friend...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

May we walk alongside our Husbands!
We are not to lead them;
We are not tag behind like a child;
We are called to encourage their hearts!
Make every grain of sand count, build a legacy that will last!

Sunday, July 6, 2014


Beauty in the details

It really is the small things that make all things beautiful.
A smile and the nod of the head.
A gesture that speaks;
I see..
Seeing is so powerful
The intricate work done in earnest;

Who have they all done it for?

We are called to notice;
Small is really big

 Small holds the details,
which is the key to all things beautiful.

There is a door that no man can shut!
It is the place where the details and truth live.
What is really important are the details that have taken residence
in your heart and memories.

Not one single tear drop has escaped the Fathers notice.
They glisten like crystal in the Fathers bottle.

He has carved my name in His hand...

We are all an artist weaving and creating,

Take time to notice the details
 Take one single rain drop;
Focus on the rose petal and not the whole flower.

I spend much more time seeing the whole panoramic picture,
When I stop and take in the details,
 I can see the little things that
Make up the whole!

Take notice when others make something really special;
When they put some effort into the details of a project or a celebration!

I think we can get so overwhelmed with the very large portion,
we miss the little things!

The word tells us everything will pass away except;
His word...
Not even one jot or tittle!

Friday, July 4, 2014

America Pure Country...

Living from glory to glory

These Boots are made for walking...

Walking and talking are two different things, So  many
people can talk the talk, it is the walking it out part that
is the hard part!

We all have to keep our heart and feet moving in the right direction!
This country and our freedom come from wisdom and brawn,
And our Constitution of America!

May our stars and stripes wave over this land always!

Walk in strength and stand for truth!
Do not take your freedom for granted!

God Bless America...

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Watermelon and A 100 Year Old Barn...

Mouth-watering, cool and refreshing!
Seeds or seedless!
( I just read an article that seeds in the watermelon were better tasting)
But I also remember the saying that if I swallowed a seed;
That a watermelon would grow in my stomach...
Scare the daylights out of a kid!

Juicy and sweet...
Ice cold and yummy, at it says;

Getting your summertime picnic foods in abundance now!
What are the things that you love to eat and have for your Summerime
picnic's and get togethers?

I am so enjoying fresh watermelon and strawberries!
Eating light and fresh!

Recharging my batteries and looking for a fresh spark!
Feeling a bit stuck in a rut?

 sometimes it may requires a change of scenery
 and some fresh fruits and vegtables.
Is your sweet corn in your area knee high yet?

Here ia a 100 Year old Barn!

Longevity is a blessing from the Lord!
May you live and stand  in the foundations of truths that do not change!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A Guest Blogger...

Just wanted to share my dear friend Stephanie with
You wonderful ladies!
I am so thankful to have a dear friend who will share a great post!
This is a sweet post and I know you will enjoy it!

Thank YOU...

Hello lovelies!
My name is Stephanie and I blog over at
The Enchanting Rose
My little place consists of crafts, sewing, recipes, hymns, tea cups, 
and sweet encouragement from the Bible.
It is such an honor to be posting on Roxy's blog today.
Roxy has been an instrument of wisdom to me 
and her blog posts have always taught and encouraged me .
Whether it's a lesson from God's Word or a delicious recipe I am always blessed.

Today I wanted to share with you a few family treasures
that belonged to my husband's side of the family.

My dear mother-in-law first gave me the cookbook and tea cup
for a house-warming gift when my darling hubby and I 
moved into our new home back in January.
She wrote me a letter with a little history about the items - 
they belonged to my husband's Gammie.

The heart hath its own memory, like the mind,
and in it are enshrined the precious keepsakes.
~ Unknown ~

Gammie had a Canadian friend, Alice, 
that would come to North Carolina to work at Piedmont Baptist College.
Alice was the dietitian, menu maker, and cook.
She would return to Canada in the Summer and return to Piedmont in the Fall.
Alice gave Gammie the tea cup and cookbook which was later passed down to my mother-in-law
and now my husband and I have it.
My dad's side of the family is Canadian and I lived there for several years
so I find it fascinating that I would inherit something from my husband's side of the family
that came from a dear Canadian woman.
Don't you love the way God works?

Now onto the lovely hand-stitched quilt. . .
Once again, my sweet mother-in-law gave me a special gift and it was this quilt. 
She gave it to my family on Mother's Day.

The Story. . . 

Gammie and her husband were married in 1948
and her mother which would be the grandmother of my mother-in-law 
asked a lady to make this quilt for Gammie as a wedding gift.
The quilt was never given to Gammie for her wedding. . .
You see, while this lady was working on the quilt top she had a stroke and was unable to finish.
The top remained in plastic wrapping in Gammie's dresser drawer for years
so in the mid-1980's my mother-in-law took the quilt top home to see if someone could finish it.
There was a lady in the church who took the quilt and finished it.
My mother-in-law sent the finished quilt to Gammie for Christmas - 
she was finally able to enjoy it after almost 40 years of keeping it tucked away in a dresser drawer.
Gammie, a lady I did not have the privilege of knowing, passed away in 1999.
I now have pieces of the past from this precious woman 
whom my husband lovingly calls 'Gammie.' 
Family is beautiful - may we never forget the stories of the past 
and may they forever be close to our hearts.

The past is just the beginning of a beginning.
~ H.G. Wells ~

Thank you, Roxy, for allowing me to be apart of your wonderful blog.
It was truly a pleasure being here today.
Hugs and blessings to all of you!

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