Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Kings Table...

A knife cuts people off, is destructive, sharp and has no mercy.
 There is no forgiveness, understanding or grace.
 Often because of having been abandoned by a care giver,
 a person hides behind a thick wall, cannot commit and lives in constant fear.
 A fork picks at others constantly, is critical in a negative way.
 None of the good traits in others are ever mentioned.
 There is love and care but it's not consistent and not dependable.
 One day it's one way, the next it's another.
 The relationship is highly unpredictable.
As Christ's Ambassadors,
we are to be like spoons.
A spoon gently scoops up others with love
 and kindness and holds them in high esteem.
 Loving one another is done in deed and in truth.
The way we speak to one another and walk in love
 This truth is proof to others that we walk in the Spirit.
 As we are being transformed into the image of Jesus,
 The Holy Spirit enables us to be spoons,
This is from: Pastor Suel

I want to be a spoon at the Lords table,
May I tell each and everyone of you
lovely ladies out there.
Be encouraged and continue the desire
to be Godly women.
Take the spoon He offers us;
And let us dig in!
May we change this world one person at a time.
For if you are in Christ,
You are an Ambassador for Him!
One day He will serve us at His Banquet Table!

1 comment:

  1. Amen- I would rather be a spoon, too! Great post- Roxy. xo Diana


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