Showing posts with label Standing and Growing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Standing and Growing. Show all posts

Saturday, April 25, 2015

How To Take Responsibility And The Rhythm and Blues...


One of the greatest gifts to give yourself and to your husband and family is this;
Learning to move with the ebb and flow of life...

There is a rhythm that life takes on with just doing and trusting;
No stress and a deep, abiding wholeness.

Most the time when life gets chaotic and stressful is when we are doing too much!

We all can do something each and everyday;
But taking on other person's responsibilities is just foolish
And not biblical at all!
Now, hear me out, we will all have small slots when much more may be required of us.
When sickness comes or a move or trials come;
I fully get that, we must help and pull a bit extra.
We need to help someone in a difficult situation, that is biblical too.

I am talking about others getting away with dumping all their responsibilities on you!

It most cases we live in the overflow of the chaos of the bad decisions of others!

This is called sowing what you reap...

Now, that is a biblical term, and we have all seen the fruit of this truth!

We allow so many to do only what they want and hold no one accountable.
Then we are expected to do our share and carry burdens and work;
That was not intended for us to do or carry

So when we do more than what God has asked of us all the time;
We get overloaded, and we become stressed and filled with anxiety.
We can become feeling a bit down and blue!
The rhythm and blues get out of sync in your life.

And on the other hand, we may be the ones not carrying our share or load;
And we are causing this undo stress on another;

No matter who is not doing their share, this will cause an undercurrent and pulls others under!

I will also add this little surmise, some can carry very heavy loads and it does not
affect them so much. Some of us can carry only smaller loads!

This is what I mean by ebb and flow, we all need to learn this and adjust our days
And commitment to others as what will work and not break us down.
This is old fashion wisdom! And maybe what should be common sense.

"But as a nice person we may take on a false christian bear it all mentality"

We all need to learn these levels of commitment to helping others,
We have all heard terms like enabling or your really not helping them;
God just may be growing them and you are interfering with what God is teaching them!

And if you do too much that is what we really are doing;

Do not over commit, but do what you are suppose to do;
Just use wisdom and learn to say NO...

God has his way of training and maturing each of us;
So do not carry another burden that is theirs to carry,
You are not really helping!
We all must grow up and take responsibility for our lives!

We must always encourage them and lift them in prayer, but doing all the work
Is not really helping them at all!

Help others to have roots so they can stand the winds of adversity
Do not clip their wings!
Help them to soar and grow...
That is real teaching and disciplining and mentoring!
Not doing it for them...

Do you see yourself in this?

Friday, April 17, 2015

How To Study The Bible That Is Fun And Powerful...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog. The Scriptures
~My Notebook~

 Why Study Gods Word?

We are told to study to show ourselves approved...
There is a fun and powerful way to study God's word!

Firstly purchase a nice hard cover notebook;
As after you start this learning process you will want to keep your work
 of the study of the scriptures...

Learning to study can be fun when you use some tools available to us!

What fun would it be to be given a coloring book with no crayons?

When we are looking at a portion of scripture is is just plain writing;
And I do hope you, feel free to underline passages that speak to you!
It is best to have one Bible you can underline and comment in and add things you have learned!

Open your new notebook
 and leave the left side of your notebook for notes only
What I do is start writing the scripture on just the right side of the book!

I Hand write out the scripture verse on the right;
I use the New King James Version as I prefer this version,
And the study tool I use of the Blue Letter Bible dot org is comparable with this version!

~You will need an array of different colors of highlighters and colored pencils~

Make sure you buy the ones that do not bleed through the paper of your
Notebook or Bible...
Using my different colors to study God's word is my favorite part!
What women do not just love new bright colors!

Living From Glory to Glory Blog
~My Colored Highlighters And Markers~

Okay, after you have your scripture written out, start using some tools
A dictionary to look up words, a commentary!
Circle any word that you can look up its meaning;
Underline words that interest you
Draw little pictures of something that relates, like a heart or a question mark.
Being creative with your circles and underlining and pictures, will help you
retain the information and help it stick in your memory.

If you have access to a compute this is a great study tool to help you
with the Greek meaning of different words;
Blue Letter Bible dot org

Also a Strong's Concordance works just great also!
A Bible dictionary is helpful;
Having a few study tools always available will bring much profit!
~This is money well spent and can be used by the whole family~

Living From Glory to Glory Blog

Make studying God's word fun and let it be something you do often!
Spending time reading so much christian material is okay;
But studying God's word will have a much greater impact on your life...

I hope you enjoyed and maybe gleaned something from this article in my Blog
Sometimes it is nice to see how other women are learning and growing!
I find this form of study fun and very powerful and effective!

Share with us on this forum what tools or ideas you use to study the Bible!

Monday, March 16, 2015

How Much Does A Vacation Really Cost...

Glenwood Springs, Co  Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Medicinal Waters

I was told something many years ago from a lady that really stuck with me!

She said that you needed to take a vacation every year
And I responded with we can't afford that!
She looks me in the eye, and she said this;
"I can promise you this even after taking a vacation you will still have
the same amount of money at the end of the year"

It made no sense to me then...

Well, after many years of trying to heed her advice;
It has proven true and powerful.

Life has a way of becoming mechanical and routine;
Not always a bad thing;
But I think we are created in such a way we need to be inspired.

Finding ways to vacation close to home is great,
But planning a trip away from home and your familiar sights,
Can refresh and stimulate our hearts and our thinking.

Always keep in mind ways to keep your vacations, cost effective
We always pack snacks and take our own bottled waters,
(When we travel by car)
 We have also found that when we travel we look for
Very nice grocery stores that carry salads and soups, as they make nice choices for lunch
And Fresh fruit and drinks without
The restaurant cost and tip required.
And if you travel with a camper or 5th wheel, you can save a lot in food cost and sleeping!

My Hubby just had the privilege to go hear a Mountain Man speak;
One of the topics was spending time in God's amazing creation!

I believe it is God's idea for us to explore and enjoy
"His creations"

Need A Vacation, Living from Glory to Glory Blog

We need things that will jump start our wonder and love
Of others and a heart of thankfulness...

A walk in a park to a camping trip, to a wild adventure;
It is not how far or how much it cost, but rather the investment,
Of time and memories that are made!

So a vacation and planned times away really do not cost you much!
But rather allows you to invest in love, romance, feelings, inspiration
Ideas to create and have a healthy heart...

So enjoy and plan a getaway for yourselves!

Where is it that you like to go?
Or what do you like to do to be refreshed and blessed?

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

How To Start Making The Transition To Come Home...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

After a long day of guiding my Home;
I looked forward to a good night's sleep,
 But I could not turn off my brain.
 It wanted to cover everything I had done throughout the day.
So I started doing the mental list...
I find a sense of well done as I recall my day's work...

But then I realized that millions of women were doing the same thing,
All over the world
And also doing this very same thing since the beginning of time!

This position of Guiding our Homes is strong and backed by a higher authority;
We have been given the keys to this position!

There is an agenda in the world that has been at work for a very long time!

The battle of words and reasoning has tackled every angle;
Even Men have embraced the thinking that women belong in the work force!
Feminism has reached every culture and religion and race and gender...
We are told and taught that we must pull our own weight;
(Make Money)

Did I really mention the one word that hackles the hairs on the heads;
of those that have an ideal way of leading our nation?

It wasn't enough that in my formative years I was fed a daily dose of
Women Power
I am Women
I need no one to survive!

We walked in a new freedom and liberty;
(But this liberty has an undercurrent that has swept away so many maidens)

It seems at times that we are just a breath away from being suffocated from
An agenda that kills, steals and destroys.

I  will not be the one to throw a stone at a woman who works!
I also have had to work many years ago;
But I think there is a difference between choosing to be gone all day;
And leaving your children to be raised by a person being paid a wage.
Then a woman who must or will find herself on the streets...
That is where I see the difference, we must do what is best for our families!
If we get so mean spirited about things, we start to devour each other.

If you have the means to stay at home,
 Consider helping a woman that has still not been able to come Home yet!
 To encourage her and be an example to her!
 Sometimes it can be a long process to be able to return home and leave the work force.

I am saying this with as much love as a I can,
 Your worth and value
Does not come from the wages you bring home;
But rather what you impart to your Husband in being there for him.
Being present in the Home to encourage and train your children.
Managing the resources with a frugality that allows one to have comfort!

Being a Homemaker is truly a work of art;
A Masterpiece I tell you...

How To Make The Transition To Come Home

  • Find and ask a few women who would be willing to help you pray for
  • God's guidance and path to bring this about!

  • Inquire of the Lord's will and timing...

  • Start living right now as if you had only one income...

  • Learn how to be frugal and industrious in homemaking skills...

  • Learn from other women who have learned the art of homemaking;
  • (Canning, cooking, homemade gifts)

  • Tell Your Husband how much you love being home,
  • When you are not working!

  • Make being a homemaker your calling...
  • Ponder, Pray, Love

The forces and thinking and strongholds that have driven women away
From their homes is a strong force;
But you can overcome...
Do not give up!
For being HOME is a part of the ancient path...

Do You have any suggestions to help women that want to come Home?

Here is a very good post written about the ancient path
Click the link below

Saturday, February 21, 2015

How To Persevere In Difficult Times...

The Storm has passed. Living from Glory to Glory Blog...

How to persevere in times when we cannot see clearly...

As we all know each day has its own difficulties;
But we can live in such a way that we can have peace in difficulties;
Difficulties really are just another opportunity to advance;

When we can continue doing the very things that bring order
And peace with a calm attitude will restore an outlook that overcomes!

I am once again standing my ground;
I find that each time becomes a bit easier to stay the course!
We build endurance and what I call the bounce aspect!

A bleak outlook on anything causes our heart's grief.
So this is why it is so important to keep our eyes wide open.
We do not have to turn a blind eye to the difficulties,
But rather choose to see the providence that is being worked out...

When I see the things that come to bring confusion and strife,
And situations that bring us to a point of feeling weary!

Stay the course, dear ones!

I promise that soon you will be able to see clearly...

Perseverance- to continue a course of action in spite of difficulty

An idle hand or mind can become an open end;
May I suggest that you keep a book that feeds you close at hand.
Learn to do a craft such as knitting or crocheting,
As these can be done while sitting with your family in the evenings.

 Always keep a running list of ideas for improving your home...
Such as repainting something or deep cleaning an area of your home.
Always keep a box filled with lovely paper to make cards.

We are warned to keep watch...

As Godly women we can either allow the cares of the world to rob us of.
Our Qeenship status of our Homes,
We can obey God and be Homekeepers, that watch over our Homes!

Take the oil that has been provided for you!
Do not hide your light under the bushel
Shine On...

For your light is what will be seen coming from your windows
Of a Home guided by the word and love

I can see clearly now the storm has passed...

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Winter White Or Winter Blues...


Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Enjoy these days of winter rest...
We sometimes think that this season of quiet is really a time
of winter blues.

This is so far from the truth!

We can sit in a chair and work with our hands with projects
That never seem to even get picked up in the summer time.

We can get off to bed a bit earlier as it gets dark so much earlier!

We can cancel different outings because the weather is bad!
We can make a pot of soup and eat a couple of meals from it!
We can make pancakes for dinner and we think it is wonderful and yummy!

We enjoy those root vegetables that we can bake in the oven;
As we don't worry about over heating up the kitchen.

We can sit with a book with a cup of warm tea in our hands and feel comfort.

I am learning to embrace these winter seasons;
I am tired of feeling aggravated over snow and cold and ice.
As it is a fact I do not live in the tropics...

I remember as a child ice skating almost every single day!
We would go sledding as a fun thing that we loved!
We can all remember lying down on the ground and making a snow angel.
( Unless of course you live where it does not snow)

How to stop the winter blues...

Can we just stop and embrace each day and season?
I can tell you for certain the more we strive the more we feel confined.
I want to encourage myself and you also;
To not allow the weariness to take hold!

Sometimes we just need to start a new project!
Clean out your closet (Now that would take up a whole day)

Keeping my heart opened to what the next thing might be helps!
We always need to help keep that anticipation for what the Lord has!
I truly believe the Lord wants us to enjoy our days!
And when we do struggle it is just another chance and opportunity to grow!
This may just be a time that we are practicing our endurance!
After all it is how we learn to overcome!

So may we all find things that will produce a harvest even if,
This may not be a planting season in the natural
God is always expecting us to use our time and talents to
Bring Him Glory and to grow us!
Being stretched is not ever really fun, but rather painful!

But we will plan and stretch and not be caught up in being ill-tempered!
It is not becoming to be rude to others or become melancholy!

Now, let us enjoy this white season and not feel blue!
Take a walk
Try a vitamin D-3 supplement
Plan a Valentine's tea party
Start making some cookies and put them in the freezer
Make a new blogging friend!
Pray and Praise
Put off this garment of heaviness...

Monday, January 19, 2015

The Good Wife And Woman...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Hard Work And Responsibility...

Each day has its own troubles!
Each day has its own blessings!

Being a Proverbs Women can be daunting...

But the one scripture that always gives me hope is this one,

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman
who fears the Lord is to be praised."
~Proverbs 31:30

When I realized what would give my marriage real depth,
And honor and love and commitment would be my character:

When we are learning to trust and fear the Lord daily;
We get our eyes off all that we can't get done in a day!
You and I may not be able to match the work level of the Proverbs 31 woman!

But we can have her character...
No matter are age or ability or finances,
We can be faithful
We can be supportive
We can be sensitive to the Spirit!
We can be responsive to our Husband's needs!
(He has some)
We can become observant to prayer needs!
We can fill our Homes with creative ideas!
(In lovely decor and food that lifts the heart)
Loving in ways that show we care
Love is a verb; to show action

I think that hard work and taking responsibility is how;
We learn and grow in Godly character!
It is about whatever we set our hands to that we do well!

When we make a bed or set the table for a meal;
We can be a perfect example of the proverbs 31 woman.
Character is what fearing the Lord can look like!
We do it because He has given us the very Home as our sphere!

A good wife and woman does not do everything perfectly;
But rather she does her portion;
She asks God for His strength to do it with love and care...

A Good Wife, and woman is something every woman should hope to become;
As the scripture tells us this;
Charm is deceptive
Beauty is fleeting
But a woman who loves and fears the Lord
(Trains herself to resemble more of His character...)

I want to encourage each of us, even myself today;
May we look well to our hearts and our home;
We can make a joyous resolve to worship in all our tasks at hand!

Make a lovely meal or dessert today
Take a lovely photo for your next blog post!
Make a plan for a valentine craft!
Go to the library and bring home some books that will inspire you!
Take a walk!

Start a new Bible study for these long winter mornings!

Is there something that you are doing to encourage yourself
In the Lord?
Please share a thought or idea with us!
We long to grow in character and worth!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Beware Of Accepting Terms...

The Ripple Effect...

Accept Terms

Be very careful in what you sign or click on!
I believe so many web sites have advertisement on them that if
You open them, or click the box you now have opened yourself up!

I have a very good system for keeping out junk and Pop-ups...
But like so many things in this world, things unwholesome can find any open door!

Do you realize that once you open a door and a picture or word gets in your mind,
And now your heart is open...
It is almost impossible to stop seeing those images

That is why we need to think about things that are lovely!
Things that are true...

Watching all those crime shows and suspenseful programs,
Allows our minds to  actually need them to feel entertained!
Sometimes is is even just the commercials in between what you are watching that harms!

I have seen a searing of our conscience...

My husband has always used this analogy for being slowly conditioned;
If we were to put a frog into a pot of lukewarm water,
It would just swim around and be happy!
But if an agenda wanted to increase the heat it would slowly turn it up a notch.
The poor little frog would not even realize that its brains were being cooked!
Unable to swim freely, but rather to be boiled alive!

Our minds are a wonderful and beautiful gift from the Lord!
But why do we continue to subject our minds to filth and sin?

Well, mostly because we have all been slightly boiled in the brain...
Seared in most situations---

I love a good story;
I enjoy being entertained;

A good imagination is so powerful!
You can slay a dragon in a comfortable chair in your own living room.
You can plant a garden and almost see and smell the lovely flowers!

But when you click on the picture that opens a lifetime;
Of a distorted picture of what Godlessness really looks like;
You have accepted its terms...
It is a living and breathing force that will bring your heart and mind
Into a place that has iron bars to keep you!
A prisoner in your own mind!

That is why we are called to practice and exercise self-control...
We are so exposed to the worlds ideas and Hollywoods imagination,
We can become dull of being able to distinguish right from wrong.
He warns us to NOT be deceived...

I will be having another post to address how to repent
And overcome these addictions to images that are not pleasing.
To our Father and it grieves the Holy Spirit!

Really, Even our televisions have controls to bleep out the bad words!
And to not allow nudity and violence
You must use a code to override its warning!!!!!

We need to be advised:

I will set nothing wicked before my eyes;
Psalms 100:3

May I ask you, why do you think we have become so tolerant of sinful images?

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Home Living In The Evenings...

What are you doing in your evenings?

One thing that I think is so sad in our culture today is how we spend
our evenings!
 After long days of working and doing what needs to be done all day long.
Instead of winding down, we get more excited and over stimulated!

Video games
Suspenseful  shows
Rough housing

We have a culture where we have a motto for some cities;
Such as; where we never sleep!
365 days
Why do we have such a need for speed and adrenaline rush.
We were made for working and creating in the day.
But our nights were given to us to stop...
To unwind and to relax
If we are always in overdrive mode, we will become tired,
And we become burned out and find it hard to function.
We have trained ourselves and our children to never really shut off!

It is like everything is in a standby mode...
No rest for the weary...
Keep plodding on no matter how tired or exhausted you might feel!

Personally, I think God had a different plan for us in our evenings...
To stop and reflect and read or talk to our loved ones.
Maybe work on your projects that bring rest and comfort!
Quiet is what brings rest to weary, tired bodies!

We need to find some suggestions for ourselves and our families,
to help us to learn to wind down and relax.

Turning off the television
Family devotions
Reading a classic book as a family story time!
I would love to hear some suggestions from you!

I find myself crocheting a little each night
I also do a small devotion most evenings myself,
 I have it right next to my bed!
Having a card table up in an area with a puzzle on it and
Working on it in the evenings is very relaxing and good for the brain?

I hope you will consider this topic for your own lives!
Make your evenings a time to wind-down
Not wind up and over stimulate yourself!

Make a New start for this New Year...

Monday, December 15, 2014

Don't Be A Sucker...


Don't be a sucker

I have never much cared for that comment;
I have heard it spoken in such a way, that you knew
You never wanted to be a sucker...

We always have so many different situations going on at one time.
We have so many complex relationships that need attention!
"Usually all at once"

I desire to be more discerning in matters;
But, I also want to use discretion in matters!

I see a world that just divulges more information
 On private matters that is not necessary to repeat.

What ever happened to discretion?

News Flash
Don't believe everything you hear!
Don't believe everything you read!
Don't say everything that just pops into your pretty head!
Don't repeat what someone else has said if it will bring contention!

Discretion is being wise in such a way that brings truth into a lie!
Discretion uses words that bring things to light!
Discretion has a tone and timing that brings life!
Only when used in the right place at the right time...

We think it is okay to say anything we want to anyone in any place!

This is not using discretion...

A lady who is careful with her words will be considered wise.

I want to be careful in also what I believe and take to heart as to
What others might say to me!
Or what I say to others.

We need to be wise; not so trusting that we can be hoodwinked!
When in doubt of someones character;
Be a bit more cautious.

I have given this warning to younger women;
When you first meet someone, do not tell them all your
Interest or concerns to quickly.
It is better to give a small piece of your heart and;
 Then wait and see if they can be trusted!

There are many wolves parading around in sheep's clothing!

Be wise as serpents and gentle as doves...

Do you have any suggestions for us that will help us in becoming
More versed in using discretion?
We do want to share with others;
But what is too much information in your opinion?

Monday, December 8, 2014


Living From Glory to Glory  The gift, The Present.

The Present

Women who refuse to face reality when it comes to a marriage,
Or our children!

We all have dreams or fantasies and expectations about
Our marriages and our children.
But it is usually  quite different from reality.

This reality or as I like to say;
"This is the way it is"

God says what are you going to do about it?

If you wait for reality to be different,
You will fail to handle the problem!

What I mean is this;
You need to use your energy in prayer and love!
We must trust God...
 As only He knows and sees the end from the beginning!

We need to see that we are now in this place called
False expectations
 Unmet expectations!

False expectations will keep you captivated and in a fantasy life!

Spending time grieving over what has not looked like
Your perfect marriage or relationships that meet your expectations.
Instead, start where you are!
Praise God for these people, because these are the very situations
That God will use to refine and grow you more into His character!

Use your energy praying and enjoying the simple gifts that are
at your door and that come into your life!

We must look at each day as a gift ( A Present)
Do not be ungrateful!
When you run life's race you will have trials!

All people are somewhere in the process or in
Complete rebellion...

God knows how you have been treated!
He is a God of Justice!

It is not are call...
But we do have a calling and we had better arise to it and enjoy
"The Present"

Friday, November 28, 2014

Hunting Trip Or Guilt Trip...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Hunting Trip Or Guilt Trip

Anyone that has been reading my blog for these last few months know of our
Family's life changing hunting trip.

We now have had to work through some of the trauma from
that hunting trip.
 We didn't even realize how deeply it had affected us.
We felt tired and a bit stressed all the time.

Some of us had a few nightmares...

I think we also were overwhelmed with the love
 and concern shown to us from so many people.
Total strangers came to that mountain to help search for our
lost grandson.
And we had hunters that were up in the mountains that were on a hunt;
Stopped their hunting and started searching for our grandson.

Our men were taxed in every one of their senses and physical strength.

We all can go through very tough times in our families and marriages!
But do we have to be victims of guilt and trauma?

We have had to pray together as a family and as couples;
We are to overcome, because He has overcome this world for our sake.

We have heard and understood so many facets of this trip;
We have seen the hand of God that protected our Grandson.

We saw the Body of Christ rise up and fulfill its call to love;
And to care for its own...

We can never look out and see the mountains again without
Counting our blessings!

The enemy wants us to feel sorrow and guilt over that 28 hours,
But God has proved His out stretched hand of protection and provisions!

When our men leave for these trips it takes so much preparation!
Food and clothing and survival bags packed for day trips.
(That survival bag our grandson carried, proved its worth)

We all can be so prepared for just about anything;
But we all have seen where we are confronted with something
" Not on the agenda!"

We are a family that hunts;
So do we now not hunt?
Do we let fear of the unknown or the possibilities stop us?

Guilt can be a strong deterrent in life;
A great motivator

Guilt is a wicked task master, we cannot allow it to control us!
We are to do all things in faith;
Use wisdom
Learn from your mistakes
Being as well prepared as possible is being wise.

So thankful for the growth we have all experienced!

Just a last little ditty
True Story;
Yesterday I was preparing our turkey for our meal, and I had it all
washed and prepped for the cooking bag I was placing it in;
I had to do it all by myself as everyone was gone.
So I was able to get it into the cooking bag,
But, when I went to pick it up it came flying out of the bottom of
 the cooking bag and just rolled across the kitchen floor.
I looked up and asked REALLY...
No Guilt; things just have to roll
---I just had to laugh---
No worries, wash it up, place it in a roaster and bake till done!
I did tell our guest that I only dropped the turkey just once.

If you wanted to see the clip of it, here it is!
Family Reunion

Monday, November 17, 2014

Learning To Control Our Emotions...


Learning to control our emotions!
Staying Calm...

Why we must submit our emotional reactions to God...
We cannot control what goes on around us,
Or what may even be directed to us!

Our emotions are a gift from the Lord;
But he wants us to learn to not allow them to control us.

I think that at certain times of the year we can become
More sensitive and emotional when the holidays roll around!
Does that allow us to act out?
Taking every thought captive is powerful!

The range of emotions we can experience in any given hour or day,
Is really too many to list, but here are a few to use as an example.

I feel sad and feel like crying
I am feeling very angry
I feel unappreciated right now
I feel lonely and unloved
I am afraid

These are all ( I ) statements!
(I) get this
That is the whole point here...
(I) Is what I am given control over,
Not others, but myself

We can have such a range of emotions on any given day,
So I have been given a command from the Lord to exercise this control!

The world and our own lives may seem out of control;
But I can assure you God is still on His throne,
What I need to do is get off mine!

Learning to exercise some self control is an action that holds great
Dividend's my friends.
You become a woman of great worth.
Self control is a great asset to have.
It allows us to speak to our husbands in the language they understand.
(Facts and Reality)
It is just the way they function, it is not that you never cry while
Expressing your heart to your husband as we may all do at times in our marriage.

What I have been learning for years is this;
My emotions are a very special gift from the Lord;
And it is important to keep them under His love and control
Not always easy...
But as we exercise this and practice this quality
We become more like Him...

Jesus was angry and sinned not!
"Jesus wept"

Wanting to learn and to respond to the fruit of self-control is
A very powerful thing!
We all have this ability...
If we did not have the ability that would be terrible.
We have a teacher called the Holy Spirit!
We can pray and ask Him to teach us this most important fruit!

Once you sense you are not showing self-control;
Quickly ask the Lord for grace to react kindly and in love!
Once those words come out, there is not getting them back.

I have been asking the Lord to help me not to become so quickly agitated
Or irritated over something my Husband may have said.
We little ladies sometimes get on our high horses!
The word tells us not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought.

Why do we always want to be right!
(Even when we may not be right)
Keeping the peace is usually a wiser thing to do!

This does not mean we cannot tell our Husbands our ideas!
But, it is usually in how we go about it!
Arms crossed, eyes rolling!
The sigh...
~ it's not like I have ever actually done those things~

You get the picture...

Everyday is another chance with the Holy Spirit's help to
exercise putting on the garment of self-control!

Putting on self-control is like wearing a garment that fits really well...

Monday, November 10, 2014

What is Blogging Accomplishing In My Life...

What is blogging accomplishing in our lives?

Cold and Blustery Day

Saying goodbye to summer and fall again!
It is a bittersweet feeling...

As I love being cozy in my home and thinking of what;
I might bake or cook
Pondering what book I shall read next!
Digging into God's Word!
Learning to be still and know He is God!

Everyone is told this very thing;
Everything that has breath praise the Lord!

The storms of life will come!

Sometimes you can see a storm rolling in out where we live,
But sometimes a storm can catch you by surprise!

Can we always be well prepared for what is blowing in?

I think we are able to withstand so much if we are well
grounded and we have a firm foundation in Christ!

What really matters to you?
I believe my relationship with the Lord is my mainstay for everything!

Relationships are the most important...

Fellowship is God's way of teaching us unity and compassion!

Are you inquiring of the Lord today?
Are you accessing your values and goals?

Are we wasting precious time?
Only Christ can show us where we are spinning our wheels!

God is so gracious and we live in a grace place;
Paid with Christ blood;
A Pastor friend reminded me of this statement
"We are not Our own"

Are we all just trying to be heard through blogging?
Is blogging fulfilling an empty spot?
(That only God can fill)

Am I just trying to make a name for myself?
Is this what God has called me to do?
Or is this just another passing fad in the world according to me?

So, I might ask you is this?
What is blogging accomplishing in your life?

May we not look back and wish we had done something different;
With our time and energy and resources.

Living From Glory to Glory

Take some time to read the comments!
Leave one yourself to share why you blog or just enjoy reading them!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Clayton's Reunion And The News Clip...

Colorado Greenhorn Rescue, Survival in the wilderness,

Family Bond

We have many bonds in our lives with many people.
The strongest bond is one of a parent and a child;
And a child with a grandparent.
This is family!

But let us take notice of another family bond;
The Body of Christ;
Where your children, become important to us all!

Children and the Body of Christ is the realization that we
All have a heavenly Father who cares and has a plan for each of us!

God asks us this very question;
Are you not you're brother's keeper?

Our entire family wants to Thank each and every person that lifted up a prayer
Was given in our grandsons behalf.

No one found our grandson;
It was only God who led him from the forest.
We were told that this part of the forest is referred to as hell,
Because of its dark and dense conditions.

The search party was not even looking in the right place on this mountain.
Only God knew where he truly was at every moment of every hour;
Of a 27 hour ordeal!

May we all stop nit picking on those we love; and realize that
most irritations are very small in the grand scheme of things!

Wisdom is not usually lofty and high.
But rather God's command to love one another;
As you love yourself!

Only a few brave ones will lay down their lives for others.
We do this in prayer for others!
We do this with actions by helping others!
Just giving a cup of cold water in His name will bring Him Glory!

Here is the TV news clip of his story!

Please click below;

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