Monday, June 17, 2013

Treasures In A Cracked Tea Pot

Making all things beautiful,
in His time.
Here is my beautiful tea pot, but it is cracked!
My hubby bought this for me awhile back,
And at my very first tea time, it cracked from the top to the bottom.

What is a girl to do?
I was so very sad to think of this special treasure to be of no use.
So, I really gave this much thought;
I added flowers to it, then a plant.
It just did not look right!
I was reminded of the scripture that speaks of us as being,
A treasure in an earthen vessel.
So, I thought what treasure do I have I could put into this
cracked tea pot ?
Not fake pearls, but real ones!
(My Momma's Pearls)
I am so thankful that just because,
I have a few cracks, that God still finds useful
things for me to be used for!
For He calls me one of His treasurs!
Here is the complete set;
Tea Pot
Sugar Bowl
Cream Pitcher



Saturday, June 15, 2013

Advice From The Ocean

Bringing Your Life Into Sync With His Flow
I must say that the ocean has its own way,
 It comes in and it goes out again.
It does what it was created to do!
It does not need anyone to remind it to come in or to go out.
Yet, It does it with such purpose and grace.
It can be so powerful and rough.
The magnificent colors of blues and greens.
 There are times it is black as night and with gray and white caps that explode.
It seems it is out of control!
But it knows its boundaries;
It must recede,
God is in control!

 Advice from the Ocean
Everything has a lesson in it...
My treasure by the ocean,
My daughter and me!

May we live a life filled with love and laughter,
But know we sow in tears.
Sow in love and may faith make it grow.
Experience it all for joy comes in the morning.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Smooth Hand And A Cool Touch

My Smart Phone was returned today!
I am going to tell you something...
I am not making this up!
Know matter how hard or easy I swiped my finger
Over the screen it would do nothing.
Natttta Nothing
Everyone else had no problems swipping and pulling up
 Any app or enlarging the context.
I am like what the heck !!

Silly Rabbit

So I got this one to replace it!


Not Really !
They told me because I have too cold of finger tips,
And to smooth finger tips, the phone could not
pick up the touch.
They actually felt sorry for me in the store.
They said we know it is not something you could help.
So I now am a proud owner of a new updated
Stupid Phone :)
Some things are just made to last!

Call Me!

Dial ZERO For Operator

I Will Not Be Outsmarted!
The other night I was at a benefit dinner,
 And it was an honor to be a part of helping
  An amazing woman prospers during
 A time of recovery from brain surgery.
At our table here goes the conversation!
Do you have a smart phone?
Do you have a smart phone?
Do YOU have a smart phone?
Now, I am asking the last women at our table.
Do you have a smart phone?
Now that was really funny to me, because my husband had just,
Asked our son to order a Smart Phone for me.
Now I am worried!!
The phone arrives just before lunch,
I proceed to get it up and working;
It only took until 10:30 p.m.
Now I know why they call them Smart Phones!
I am enrolled into the school of upgrades and learning curves.
A girls got to have some curves some how!!

A Smart Phone

The next post should be on simplifying your life ( RIGHT )

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Men Are Visual...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog
Some days we see too much.
Some days we see too little.
All of our days are waiting to be filled with things we can see or feel.
I desire to fill my days with happy memories,
And things that fill my eyes with beauty.
One of my greatest joys has been ministering to my husband.
Loving him by giving him my attention.

Making a place  for him to meet God and to study and pray,
A room just for him.
Doing what I thought my husband needed to find his home a comfort!
Doing my life with the man of my dreams.
I have referred to him as my Boaz.
There is one thing I have learned over 32 years of marriage,
Is this!!
Men are visual...
Every man is visual!
So I try to present all things to look appealing;

Cooking  food to nourish him, but to also try to make it look delicious,
 And  to keep my kitchen table cleaned off  and with a comfy chair.
Creating an environment for peace of  mind and soul.
I have prayed about this one simple fact, over many years.
My conclusion is this;
It is my hope to keep my husbands eyes on me!
I smile, I laugh, I kiss him! xoxo
I make myself ready for him,
I wear a fragrance he likes.
I fix myself up every day!
I love to have my husband look at me!

Part One; On Building A Strong Marriage
Read it here;
Romancing Your Husband

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