Sunday, December 22, 2013

Dress For The Occasion...

Okay, If even a chicken is willing to dress her best during the holidays,
Should we not also?

I want to bring this thought forward...
I was thinking of Queen Esther and how
She was preparing to meet the King!
She didn't just run a brush through her hair and called it good!
Rather she took time, and did all she could to be beautiful.

I sometimes feel grieved over how we are dressing down,
I think when we dress to look ready for the day,
We act differently!

Is it just me or have we shifted into such a leisurely look,
And so casual, we do not dress for many occasions at all!
Now, I always like to think that on Sunday mornings,
I am preparing to meet royalty (KING JESUS)

I declare and decree to all the land of ladies of Christ!
Dress for Him!
Shine like the Queens you are!
Even if it is for only for being in your palace!

I was so shocked to see the website with all
The different people shopping in Walmart,
And how badly they were dressed.
Mostly on purpose...

We dear ones have a high calling!
Dress for it!
Dress or Your King!

Sometimes I think we show dignity to others by the way we dress!
I think we can express strength in the way we dress!
How you dress will reflect His image!
Poorly or by honoring Christ?
You have a choice every morning as to how you will clothe yourself.
Choose well and be warm and cozy without
 Eliminating the feminine touch.


Friday, December 20, 2013

The Gospel or The Media ?

"Be Still and Know I am God"

There is so much clamor of the world going on!
I love Home, and all it represents!
Can we keep our hearts from the screaming,
Media of their take on someones beliefs.
Have we not the right to answer a question that
Is asked of us, without a backlash? 

Remember dear ones of history not
to long ago, where freedom of the Gospel
Being preached was the cause of death!
Churches closed down or even burnt to the ground.

May we love all, but learn to speak the truth of the Gospels in love.
Or we too may lose our voices all together.

The freedom to worship!
The freedom to speak!
The freedom to be still and know He is God!

May our hearts be open to the Gospel!
May Church doors be open,
And may the truth always be allowed to be preached!

Do not fall asleep dear ones and let your freedom
Be taken from you!


Thursday, December 19, 2013

Two Turtle Doves

 Two Turtle Doves
Today is the day the Lord has made!

We are all so busy and checking our list twice.
I made a very purposeful decision in the last few days.
I will take in every wonderful joyous Christmas song.
I will relish every festive sight of Christmas lights.
I will listen for the anticipation of the Children's excitement!

I will thoughtfully bake something special for my Hubby.
(He has asked for a Pumpkin Pie)
NOT kidding!
No Figgy Pudding I ask?
He said honey, I didn't get one on Thanksgiving,
 Because we were with our very special friends (Remember?)

So, I have not baked anything yet; I am waiting till
the right day, so I can take pleasure in it and not
Have to hurry and be stressed.
Besides a Pumpkin pie needs to be fresh...
And do not forget the real Whipped Cream!

We celebrate Christmas Eve with our children who live close by.
(Next Door)
Really, I told you we were close....
Then that way they have Christmas morning at home.
And the other Grandma Neta gets her Grandchildren!

Did I mention that my sweet Hubby
 and I have been told we need to 
watch our sugar?
(Sweet Hubby; Pun intended!)

Really!! Just before Christmas?
I tell you it's a conspiracy....

Okay, Here is the point of this POST!
I really think I had one..
Sorry it's gone!
Hey... Where's that list I had?

Oh I remember!
I wanted to show you my Hutch, decorated for Christmas!
My sweet friend from Country Pleasures, Sue
Always decorates hers for every holiday!
I love how all my dear Blogging friends inspire me!
I am thankful for your friendship!
I am happy to have you in my life!
I also, love to be challenged by your ideas and insights!

I call you my friends, who take the time to read my post!
I am blessed by those who will leave me a comment...

Will what I say here go up in the pile
of wood, hay and stubble?

I will give my Lord and Saviour all the Glory!
For this is His Blog!


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Calling All Prayer Warriors

Hello Sweet Blogging Sister's

Please help!
This sweet precious little girl needs prayer!
Her name is Kalea.
She is one month old.
She has a vitamin K deficiency.
Her symptoms;
Bleeding on the brain.
Seizures that have been controlled by medication.
Retaining fluid

Kalea's Momma and Daddy have asked
for prayer!

Dear Friends, I ask that once again you as the Body of Chris,t
Women, wives and Mommas, and as my sister in Christ,
Would you please pray for Kalea.

We all want to see a Christmas Miracle!!
Let's believe God for Kalea to come home!!

I thank you!
Every Mommas heart cry is the same the whole world wide!
Jesus loves the little children!

Please help us....
If you would share this Prayer Request on your Blog,
For this is urgent!


Christmas Heart

Today was Christmas in my heart.

I had a wonderful opportunity to minister to a beautiful young woman.
I was in one of those rare places, 

Going about your day.
Thinking your just there doing what you must do!

Nothing special;
The moment God will use you...

I am in a big city having my yearly mammogram done.
  They have left me waiting for a very long time,
And I am thinking really...
But, I am being patient and I watched many other
Women coming and going.
Still, not calling my name?

So finally I go to a lady and inquire to what maybe 
The problem might be?
She said, follow me!

So, this is why I was not being called back...
It is called a God assignment.

I come out and I find this young woman just breaking down
and filled with fear!

All these other women are just still reading their magazines,
And looking the other way.
I get up and I go over to her and I say 
"Honey your going to be okay"
"You are not going to die"
This is the next step...
No fear!!
I told her my story;
And I said look I'm still here!
I told her God has this!
She sobered up quickly, they called her back.
She told me thank you!
I grabbed her hand and I told her to have,
A Merry Merry Christmas...
She said I will!

She is going to be okay!!
I am praying for her.
I was in the right place at the right time!

Make Room
Find Christmas in YOUR Heart!


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