Friday, January 31, 2014

Charm School Needed In America...

Good Golly,
Where did all the fashion Police Go?
They are everywhere when you just one time do not get dressed for the day,
Or even think about running into town without getting ready
You tell yourself;
(But it is going to be just a quick trip into the store)
DO NOT....
I repeat, DO NOT think this is possible,
You will always run into that one person who is so put together,
You will think this is a conspiracy....

I think one of the most valuable things to do each and every morning is
Shower, and do your hair, put on something that looks clean and pretty!
Now, you will know that this is not your usual routine when
Your children see you and they ask you;
Mommy, is this Sunday?
Or, if they ask if they are going somewhere?

Making a habit of staying in your PJS for most the day is a bad idea!!
I was a Home school Mom for many years;
I even asked my children to dress and brush their teeth and wash their faces,
To teach them to be prepared for the day.
It is really all about training and making good habits. To look
Presentable and ready!

Come on Dear Ones, We must stop this downgrading of how we look
And carry ourselves, with some poise and charm!

Maybe we need some Charm Schooling to train and teach this next generation.
After all, so many women are not being a very good example;
And to you ladies out there who do try to look lovely

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Homemakers Buisness...

 This last Summer I had found an Etsy Shop that carried
Homemade ironing board covers.

Now, normally I would buy whatever cute design I could find
At either Target or other large chain stores.
But this time I was really looking for a very special pattern.
I could not find one single one!

You're now thinking REALLY;
There are times that just plain old plain old,
Just will not work!
Sometimes we need to find just the right one.

Well, I placed my order and was contacted promptly;
I received this very simple and cute packaged wrapped so inviting.
Here is her personnel tag attached to it!
I have never ordered anything from an Etsy Shop before.

I immediately removed my old one, and replaced it with this
Beautiful rose one!

If any of you sweet ladies have followed me very long,
You know how much I enjoy ironing.
So it might as well be a pretty ironing board!
"See everything does come up Roses"

I believe in being a homemaker and being HOME!
I also have seen how many women have used their creative talents,
That have been given to them, by the Lord for helping their households.
It is important to always support those women who have;
These cottage businesses, as they are being biblical, yet staying home.
We can help support them by purchasing their crafts they make,
 And the items they sell in their Etsy Stores,
Or when they sell them at craft fairs.

Do you buy items that you are looking for from an Etsy Shop?
Aprons, Unique Crafts and Gifts,
Cards and Candles and homemade Soaps and Lotions.
And in my case a one of a kind ironing board cover!

"She seeks wool and flax, And willingly works with her hands.
She makes linen garments and sells them, And supplies
Sashes for the merchants."
Proverbs 31: 13, 24

Visit my friend Cheryl's Blog and Etsy Shop at the link below;

Monday, January 27, 2014

A Homemakers Motto...

Remember Monday's Are Wash Day!
No, maybe it's Tuesdays!
Wait a minute, we are suppose to Wash on FREEZE Days!

Really lets all chip in and get this amazing homemaker a dryer.
She, is quite the trooper.

I did have a friend many moons ago that really did hang her clothes on the
Line in the winter time.

I am not sure if I can remember my Mother doing this.
But I do remember her hanging them on a clothes line in the basement.

This gives a whole new meaning to frozen STIFF.

We really have so many amazing modern and convenient appliances,
To help us Homemakers keep our homes clean and tidy,
Yet, I think we have had a real downturn in the training of keeping,
Our homes clean and inviting.

Remember Home Economics class in school?
Remember Mothers taught their daughters how to keep a home?
Remember when Mothers stayed home?
Remember the Donna Reed Show?
Remember when people cared what they looked like?
Remember when everything was NOT okay to do?

Some things may have changed, I will grant you that!

But believe me, I can say this with all my HEART;
There is no place like HOME...

So, Dear Ones,
Even if you have to go the extra mile and do an extra load,
Make keeping your home a priority,
A safe and cozy refuge from the worlds raging storms.

A Homemakers Motto:

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Your HOME is blessed because
Of You!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Why Friendships Matter...

Why Friendships Matter!

One of the tactics of the enemy is to isolate us.
When we spend too much time alone and forsake the fellowshipping
Of our Sister's in Christ!

We are all given gifts so we can build and encourage one another.
We are even called to mentor and train the younger women.
And as we get older and have taken great care of our friends,
We will have a bond we will have into eternity.

Just having someone to take an interest in areas of our lives,
Help us to grow and mature.
I truly believe we can grow in our walks in Christ, through
Interaction of sweet friendships.

We are warned to not befriend the world;
But we are called to be our Brother's keeper!
(Sister's also)

Be wise as to the friends you choose Dear Ones!

I have always given this bit of advice to women;
When you  make a new friend, only share a wee bit of your heart.
Then you can watch and see her character, as how and what
She will do with it!

We need sweet friendships from the Lord.
I would rather have a few dear trusted sister's in Christ,
Then a room full of people who knew not my heart!

Honor the Women God has given you!
Do not take them for granted,
For they are treasures from the Father.

I believe Christ will ask us;
How well did you love others?

Friday, January 24, 2014

A Clean Fridge Will Save You Money...

Cleaning Out Your Fridge

Look, it's a tough job, but somebody has to do it!

Today I will be going to the store to do my bi-monthly shopping.
I have learned over many years that the simple act of cleaning out your
Refrigerator before shopping can and will save you money.

It is so refreshing and inspiring to come home with my groceries and
All the shelves are neat and clean and tidy.
I start with the top shelf and pull everything out from that shelf,
Then I wipe it off and reorganize it!
Every shelf is supposed to have its  own placement of each item.
Drinks on the top;
Eggs and my cheese on the second
Jams, relishes and capers and peanut butter etc.
You get the idea!

I have a shelf for just my leftovers as I know just where
To grab something for lunch or for my Hubby's lunch.
This alone saves me money, as we are not wasting them!

I have a rule in my Fridge
(After Four days, it's OUT, It goes in the chicken bowl!)
If you have ever had food poisoning??
You will understand the importance of this RULE!

After cleaning each shelf you can put a sheet of paper towel down
On the one that holds your vegetables and fruit.

Always put the meat that your defrosting in a bowl!!
(If you eat meat)
 After awhile everyone learns where certain things go,
It stops even me from standing there with the door opened looking
For the elusive item :)

A Clean Fridge Is a sign of a good homemaker!

Now, Don't get me wrong!
 My Fridge can get to be a mess pretty quickly!
So, this is why I make a point to clean it out before each time I go shopping.
I also think a clean Fridge inspires me to cook (Really!)

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