Sunday, April 20, 2014

Preciousness Of Life...

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Wee Little Lamb...
There is just something about little animals, and babies!
It is the newness and preciousness of life.
In the Springtime it is so sweet to see the new baby calves and the
wee little lambs.
We ordered a new batch of baby chicks last week and they said
they have never been this busy!
So due to the large quantity of orders, we will be waiting for a bit longer,
For our chicks to arrive. I have always told my Hubby until we have
everything in place for their arrival, we don't order them.
So now it looks like we are ready well in advance.

How ready are you for having to wait upon someone else timing?
How much training have you had on waiting for God's timing?
Having an ear to hear must be important;
Because He says in His word many times
(May you have ears to hear)

I heard the Lord speak to me a week ago and He said the
Trials are coming...
I did not know if He just meant for my family or many others.
We experienced the trials and felt their pain this last week.

I am going to share a true real life story with you.
As I was driving my sweet Daughter in law to a Dentist appointment,
a few days ago. She was very ill and still is, as she had a root canal go
very bad. She is still waiting for some relief from the pain and infection.
So she is in the car highly medicated and very sick.
She is sleeping as I am driving.
We are on a major street and I get this sick feeling in my stomach and
I just know we are about to drive into a shoot out!
( I am not making this up!)
I make the very next right and drive very fast!!
Then we hear it ...
Cars screeching their tires!
My daughter sits up and she is wide awake,
And I calmly tell her;
We just avoided a shoot out!
I never watched the news that night,
I didn't need to!
I knew what I knew...
Well the rest of the family did watch for it on the news; and it did happen
Just as I knew it did!
God does protect us!
He does direct our steps.
He cares about life, and he wants us to always value the gift of life!

We have aborted way too many lives in this world...
God does not want us to abort our dreams...
He has a destiny and plans for each of us...
He will take total chaos and create life,
He spoke into the darkness;
And there was light!

Our you experiencing trials?

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Springtime and Life...

Days and nights
Nights and days...

What do I have to say?
The word tells us there is nothing new under the sun.

I long for the sweet and simple...
I think that is why I am always drawn to pictures from artist that
are from days that seem gentle and kind.

We must always keep our hearts in tune with the heartbeat of our King!
We all can sense the change that is happening before our very eyes.

I choose to keep my heart and eyes focused on the calling on my life.

We can feel so insignificant and that who we are,
Or, what we are doing makes little or no difference.

But I know holding steady in your walk
 With the Lord is a more powerful statement,
Then we may ever fully realize.

When you stay married when it was tough,
You're really a living example of Christ and His Church.

When you love others as Christ loved His Church,
It is the example that will change a heart.

We are here now;
For such as a time as this...

When the trials come at you in this world,
Stop and remember;
The trial of Jesus...
His death and burial and His

The same power that raised Christ from the dead lives within us!
We are stronger than we realize for it is His power that dwells within us.

He is alive forevermore interceding on our behalf!

Matthew: 28
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Remember some Bunny Loves You...
Jesus Christ

Friday, April 18, 2014

How To Prepare Potato Salad With Dill...

Yummy Potato salad, Living From Glory to Glory Blog

Potato Salad With Dill...

I have always enjoyed having a bowl of potato Salad made up
 For when we have our family get-together's
 And,of course, picnics and special celebrations.

I like to have a few things I can make the day before. To make the
Kitchen preparation a little easier.
Potato salad is one of those dishes that fit that requirement.
I even think it taste better after it has a chance to marry their flavors and to allow
 it to get very chilled and settled.

I have been told that my version is very yummy and unique.
I attribute it to the dill weed I put in mine.
You can use fresh or dried!

Firstly, start with boiling your potato's
Add hard boiling your eggs.

After they are cooled enough to handle you may start;

Peel most of the potato's, leave maybe one with the skin on,
As this makes it look very Home style looking.

Peel your eggs also;
Cube your potato's to a bite size portions;
Dice up your eggs
Wash and slice up three green scallions.

Now to make your mayonnaise based cream sauce
Recipe below

Firstly, shake a small amount of olive oil onto your diced potatoes.
Now add your diced eggs.
Add sliced scallions

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

In a small bowl, mix together these ingredients
1 cup mayonnaise
1/2 cup milk
2 tsp. Yellow mustard
Garlic salt to your preference of taste,
Salt and pepper
2 tsp of dill weed, fresh or dried!
Whisk together and then pour over your potatoes and eggs.
Lightly fold this into the potato and eggs to coat it!

Put it into a pretty glass bowl and sprinkle the top with dill weed
And of course a little paprika for  color.
Cover and refrigerate quickly.
Just before serving, you can slice a hard boiled egg thinly and lay across the top!

(Potato salad is only good for 3 days)

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

How to Prepare Fresh Asparagus Spears Roasted...

Fresh Roasted Aspargus...
Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Garlic-Roasted Asparagus

Asparagus recipes don't get any easier than this.
 Simply toss asparagus spears with sliced garlic, olive oil, salt, and pepper,
 and roast until tender.

Preheat oven to 450 degrees F. Snap off and discard woody bases from asparagus.
 Place asparagus and garlic in a 15x10x1-inch baking pan.
 Drizzle with oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Toss to coat.
Add sliced fresh garlic for amazing flavor
Roast for 10 to 15 minutes or until asparagus is crisp-tender, stirring once halfway through roasting.
 Serve immediately!
 You can also sprinkle a little bit of cheese  like a Parmesan!

Makes: 6 servings
Prep: 15 mins
Roast: 10 mins 450°F

This is the very best way to cook your asparagus in my opinion,
 I find the garlic makes it just heavenly!

I remember as a child going out hunting for the fresh asparagus in our fields.
They were fresh and tender and we ate them with great gusto.
Melted butter on slightly cooked tender spears.
When the asparagus was ready to pick, Spring had truly come.

I have bought my 2lbs of fresh spears to prepare for this Sunday's feast...
Enjoy the bounty of each season.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Beauty Marks Or Age Spots...


Looking down and seeing my hands has been an indicator of lately.
What exactly is it an indicator of?

I have used these hands for many things!
I think as a woman of God, my hands are symbolic of my heart!
What has been in my heart has been many times worked out with my hands.

I had my hand held by my Hubby many moons ago!
We exchanged these vows;

Groom: I,____, take thee,_____, to my wedded Wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my troth.

Bride: I,_____, take thee,_____, to my wedded Husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth.

I think my hands have trembled a time or two, I have held the
hands of my children and grandchildren!
I have laid these hands over a fevered brow.

I have used my hands and folded them to pray!
My hands have held the hands of a dying Mother and Father.

My hands have been idle by my side a time or two!

My hands have sewn  a bridle veil,
 An a baby blanket bundling a newborn in.

I have used these hands to fold clothes of so many loads of laundry.
I have kneaded and made batches of fresh bread.
These hands have mixed a batch of cookies to eat and savor.
These hands have washed more dishes than I could count!

My hands are His instruments to love and to build and create!
My hands are worn to a soft and tender touch.

I have looked down and said my hands look just like my Mothers!

I have made this statement
 these hands now have beauty marks upon them;
The world calls them age spots, I choose to call them 
Beauty spots...

When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure.

Peter Marshall

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