Friday, October 3, 2014

Ribbons and Lace...

Living From Glory to Glory Blog

Ribbons and Lace And Natural Decor...

 File:Edmund Blair Leighton - Ribbons and Lace.jpg
Edmund Blair Leighton, Ribbons and Lace

Those little extra touches...

 Homemakers and Home keepers have really been given
The secret touch for creating a cozy home!

It is found in those little touches we add to each room.
A lovely picture centered on the wall can pull a room together!
A mirror placed on a short wall can make the room appear larger.
A pretty green plant looks alive,
A vase of dried flowers can perk up a corner.
Window coverings make a room feel safe and cozy.

Now, Some ladies enjoy frills and ribbons
Others enjoy a more natural setting.
I have used pine cones in a basket with a candle in the center.
Natural earth colors to match wood floors.
We can use things we find in nature to make a centerpiece
for a table or on our mantels.

We do not have to spend a ton of money to find lovely
treasures that can make your home special.

Do you think of your HOME as your haven?
Is it the place where your heart takes great pleasure,
loving and taking care of those you love?

I urge you to make the time to change things around,
in your home and to decorate it in a way that brings an
 atmosphere of comfort and peace.

We can never underestimate the benefits of
 keeping your home clean,
And free from clutter.
We always think of Spring cleaning;
But I have always tried to incorporate a fall cleaning also!

We are all about to get busy with fall and winter holidays.
And during the winter months our windows are closed up tight!
So before the real cold weather sets in,
Let the fall crisp air come in and freshen the air.
 And maybe try to change your rooms around,
Try changing a picture on a wall.
 Wash your throw blankets!
Purchase a new throw rug for a room.
Try to spray paint something to give it a refreshed finish.

Enjoy your home and let it be a place of pleasure,
To your senses and to your eyes.
Home is where your heart is...

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Different Shades Of Blue, Baby Blues, Seasonal Blues...

Living From Glory to Glory Blog

Alas, another one down and a new one has begun!
Seeing the huge lake before us can seem all the same.
But I can assure you each different wave has a different angle.
The different shades of blue can change with the wind directions.

Blue is such a lovely color, soft , soothing and refreshing!

But there is a blue feeling that can come with changes;
We have all been aware of that feeling!
It is real and can take the wind right out of one's sail...
We are not boats dear ones,
But rather real lives with ups and downs.
Changes and circumstances will come!

I want to bring an awareness to a couple different
 Blue Feelings one might experience.

Firstly, I want to mention what a women might experience,
After a birth of a child!
Now this is a form of a hormonal change in the body.
It can make you feel like crying and no energy.
This is a very real physical situation!
We must deal with it on the spiritual level;
Through prayer and Bible study
This can help immensely!
But this is a medical condition!
Please contact your Doctor and get help!
Do not just try to work this out on your own.
Yes, you can give it a few days, but if the symptoms
Are getting worst, get HELP...

The other BLUES is a life change!
A death of a spouse or a child or a friend!
Also a location move for yourself or a loved one!
Also lets not forget a Womens change in life!

This is an emotional change or shock to our hearts.
We can nosedive with this one rather quickly.
Talk with someone, ask them for support!
Pray and ask for prayer.
These are burdens we are not meant to carry.

Sometimes people who have never taken any kind of
Medication, may need something!
God made doctors and discovery of medicines.
I hope and pray we have debunked the myth that you are
weak if you depend on something that will help!

I think we as women are called to love and support each other.
And we must remember we are spirit and soul
(Mind, will and emotions)

Jesus came that we might be whole.
So be aware of those around you!
Be a help to them and pray.
Give wise counsel
Tell them to go to a Doctor or a Godly counselor!

This world has brought much fear and sin upon itself and we
ALL will be affected by it!

But we can walk these things out personally and to help others!

( I am not having a problem myself,
 But, I see and hear about sisters in the Body of Christ)

Am I my Brother's keeper?

Monday, September 29, 2014

Feeding Your Man...

Living From Glory to Glory Blog

A Man Needs A Good Meal

So many men are just plain hungry...

If you want your Hubby to want to come home quickly,
Then you have the very thing to use daily to ensure that they
Do come HOME soon after work or running errands.

I love having my hubby home,
 I love the fact He wants to come HOME

I think one thing I have done very early on in my marriage was this;
He does not have to run out and get a sandwich or a burger
With friends or with the guys he works with.

I have seen way too many men, just plain hungry!

Now, I know many Men like to cook!
I think that is wonderful!

But I am also glad that my Husband wants and loves my cooking!
He prefers my breakfast specials,
He loves my hamburgers with green chilies on them.
He loves anything that is made from our kitchen.
This is called HOME COOKING...

I am not a gourmet cook, I cook and serve Home style meals.
Call me old fashion;

A man needs to know and can count on an evening meal for sure.
Some men need a big breakfast!
Some need a hearty lunch!

If you want to keep a Hubby happy feed him ladies!
I would hope that making a satisfying meal for him
 would also give you pleasure.

This is a test;
Cook some potatoes,
Now this week I want you to make at least one of these up!
Fried potatoes
Boiled potatoes 
Mashed potatoes
Baked potatoes

Serve with another meat or salad!
And a side dish of  veggies, applesauce or biscuits.

You will have a very Happy Hubby!

I think the potato is a homemakers best friend
Besides the crock-pot.

You can buy potatoes so cheap, and they can be very nutritious!
Please Feed Your Man!!

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

What is a food item that is a staple in your cooking?

Share how you might like to cook your potatoes!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Prayer Closet...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Prayer Closet

We have such an amazing privilege as women,
And as believer's in Jesus Christ

We have been invited to a special place!
"Our Prayer Closet"

We are called to be living epistles;
This is where our lives should resemble a character that has substance.
It is the love that is shed abroad within our hearts.
A love and truth that change a heart...

I am ever so grateful for those who have prayed for me!
We have been given a great honor and privilege.
We can come along someone and pray for those who need
Strength or wisdom or provision!

We can be the one who God will use to lift a need to the Alpha And Omega.
He knows every need, but He desires to hear our prayers;
For ourselves and others.

I love to be just driving down the street and see a situation that
just leads me to pray!
Being sensitive and tender hearted to pray for the needs of others!

Our prayer closet can be an actual place where we can meet with the Lord!
our prayer closet can be in our car, and even in our daily living.

We must be ready to pray at all times!
Prayer and a quick decision is what these days require.
If you are praying, you are communicating with the one who
can help!

He may not answer in the way you think is best, but He alone
Knows the end from the beginning!
He is the only wise King!

We always will say to just trust Him;
But please remember He has asked for obedience also.

Are we living in a way that pleases Him?
Have you given your heart to Him?
Do you put Him first in your day?
Is the Holy Bible used for your resource for living?
Do you ask for wisdom to know the truth?

There are so many resources and books,
So many teaching what they believe to be true;
This can be dangerous!
Be wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove!

Let us look up!
Love will cover a multitude of sins!

I always ask the Lord keep me from deception.
May, I not believe everything that comes down the pike.
He has warned us there will be false doctrines;
If even an angel preaches any other Gospel.
Turn away from him!

At this critical hour in which we live, the Lord is calling His people apart to truly pray.
This world may be beginning to realize that the glitter and charisma,
And look at me ministries are beginning to fade!

The Lord has said the road to destruction is wide;
And we are called to walk the narrow road!

It is time to open the door to our prayer closet,
In some cases we need to open it wider in other cases,
We need to just open it!

We need to desire more;
Are you hungry for more quality time in prayer?
Or do we need to just begin a prayer life?
Are we even willing to pray?

"But you, when you pray, enter into your closet,
 and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father which is in secret:
 and your Father which sees in secret shall reward you openly."
 Matthew 6:6

There Are No Shortcuts
Prayer is more than telling the Lord what we think He should do
 and all the wonderful things that would happen if only He would "do as we ask"
 Real prayer begins when we enter into such communion with Jesus,
 that the Holy Spirit can pray the will of the Father through us.

PRAYER means spending quality time with the Lord.
May we come to the understanding of the value of having
a set apart time of prayer and communion with Him.

Friday, September 26, 2014

How Using Your Provisions Wisely Saves You Money...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

If I had to live off the land I would learn very quickly to appreciate the harvest!
We tend to forget all the hard work that
Goes into putting food on our tables.

We live in a country where we take so much for granted!
Very few people truly really go hungry, 
Because of State provisions,
Food Stamps and such!
Soup kitchens can be found and utilized in most cities.
Even in the Public Schools they provide breakfast programs.

We have all seen the dramatic rise in food cost in the last few years!

So my thoughts have been leaning toward, how well are we using
Our food resources?
How many morsels of food are being wasted at every meal?

Our we cooking the right portion size,
 so we do not have so much wasted food.
Are we freezing the portions we can use for a later time?

My daughter once told me that she uses this thought when
purchasing her food or household items.
"She asks herself how many hours did my Husband have
to work to pay for these things?"

This may help us put it into a real perspective of the actual cost!

If I were to have to rely solely on my own food production,
We would be very shocked by our lack of choices!
We know longer are very well equipped to even do this!

I have always enjoyed the magazines that teach the
 How Too of living off the land.
I think God has given us a deep desire to work and provide food,
For ourselves and those we love!

So I think it is time to ask ourselves these questions;
Have you learned the art of canning?
Can you make jelly?
Can you make bread from scratch?
Do you have a resource of books put away for knowledge
that might be needed on How to...

We are to be wise stewards of our time, talent and resources...

He alone is the Lord of the Harvest!

Fresh Green Beans...

Living From Glory to Glory Blog

I believe we will be a wise woman if we learn to be proficient
in keeping our shelves stocked and knowing how to cook!

We can learn to cut our food cost by learning to plan meals.

Watch for sales on food items in your grocery stores!

Learn to freeze some of these foods that you buy on sale!

Ask another woman who knows how to can, to teach you!

Take a class from your county extension office
 For how to preserve your foods.

(I just learned last year you can make a large batch of rice and freeze it!
You just make a double batch,
Then allow it to cool only slightly; then put the amount
You will need for a dinner serving and freeze in a plastic bag.)
This works great for a quick side dish;
Or just open up some beans and you have a perfect protein.

I also always cook a large amount of dried beans and freeze them!

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