Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Gift Of A Good Memory...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Why memories are so powerful

We have one of the greatest gifts!
Our memories are a portion of us that has been tucked away into
In the recesses of our minds.

Firstly, I want to address so many of you out there that have had to 
live with a terrible memory, my heart cries out for you.
I do know the sorrow of those memories also.

But, What I want to share is the real love and the power in a good memory!

I was a little girl sitting on my mother's lap while she is visiting with her
Girlfriend and neighbor. Even as a child, I know this was a special time.

I remember the smell of the coffee aroma and the sound of it as it percolates in the kitchen;
Momma pours two cups of coffee into two of these lovely
Rose coffee cups, they are placed upon the little saucer that match.

Each cup is doused with cream and sugar...

~I can still hear the tinkling of the spoon as it mixes the cream and sugar~

My mother is so busy chatting away that she only has one sip of her coffee;
She kisses the top of my head and tells me this
Sweetie, why don't you drink the rest of mommy's coffee...

I do this very thing that she has spoken to me;
And I remember that moment and memory forever!

It was tender and sweet as the sugar made my little mouth happy.
I am sure I was not even five!

What's love got to do with it?

I do hope when I have finished my days here on earth,
That my dear ones will hold a memory of love, that I showed to them!

God gives us strength and grace to create sweet memories.
May we learn to ask for more of them in our prayers.
Being a mother of influence does not have to consist of huge or big things!

This one gesture has been tucked in my heart for years...

God Bless each of you amazing women of God,
Stand your post, guard your loved ones.
Never turn back...
Run to win the prize.
Be sure to leave a memory to someone that will always bring a smile to their face and
Warm their hearts and keep them tender for what really matters in this life!

Find as many little opportunities to create a good memory...
Trust me it has a huge impact for little or big people;

When we see in this world that so many have lost their memories;
So much is truly lost for all of us!

I have heard that when the elderly have shown signs of dementia,
Many can not remember  many things. But can recall facts and memories
from their childhood. I think this is so amazing,
Many can remember scripture and songs.

Think of a memory that brings a gentle tug of happiness to your hearts today

Monday, August 24, 2015

How To Safeguard Ourselves and Our Loved Ones In This Day And Age...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

The Beach Is Calling And I Must Go...

 I got a good laugh out of this cute little thing saying. 

When I think of the ocean and crystal clear waters, and amazing white sands;
The word paradise pops into my head.

I love the salt water and the sand and the wind that blows off the amazing blue waters.
I find great joy in hunting for seashells and small pieces of driftwood.
I would love to find some sea glass this time!

But I do always feel a sadness over the half naked ladies that parade as if
it is the most natural thing in the world.

Can you be in the midst of this and not really even see it?
I do hope so...

It really does not matter where I go anymore;
I have to guard my eyes and my heart!

I would have to become a hermit and do nothing and go nowhere;
To avoid the over exposure of people being half dressed.
All in the name of what?
Getting Tan
Parading oneself for all to see; young and old

Can we still go to the beach as Christians and not have to be assaulted?

We do hope to go to the beach and look for shells and enjoy;
God has given us such beauty!

I refuse to be robbed of all the wonderful things out there in my life!

I don't care if we have to move our chairs 10 times to not have to sit
Next to half naked people.
 We may even just go in the late evening time!

"As a Godly woman it is my responsibility to help safeguard my Husbands eyes also"

I am very thankful that I still want to protect even myself;
I believe we can grieve our Father by inappropriate dress and behavior!

Some woman think they are being stylish by what they wear;
Yet, it is never fashionable to show what only belongs to your husband!

We have heard and seen too many stories, to not take heed
To Cover Ourselves
To Cover Our Children

No locker room dressing in the open
No sleepovers
 No Male babysitters
No No No

Trust no one;
Keep your Eyes and ears open!

But remember, if you use a few innovated ideas you can still enjoy some beach time!

What are your thoughts in this overly exposed and s** crazed society?

I appreciate each of you lovelies that stop in for a visit!
You're always welcome to comment and encourage those that visit...

Living From Glory To Glory

Friday, August 21, 2015

Why It Is Never Too Late To Start Homeschooling Your Children...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

It is never too late to start homeschooling your children...
It does not matter what their age is or grade level.

Homeschooling was the very best thing for our family!
We will always be so thankful for training our children with a curriculum that
was consistent with our value system.

We were able to give them a one on one approach!
Also to provide a tutor when needed for tougher subjects.
Also, we were able to enroll them in art classes!

They also had the chance to be involved with many field trips!

They were able to make friends that have lasted into adulthood.

We were blessed to see their growth and maturity levels blossom!
~Learning to learn is the greatest gift we were able to give our children~

When you have your children home, you are able to be quick in responding
To a need that they might have,
 And you will be better able to provide it quickly so they can move to the next level!

So many children just can fall between the cracks in the system.

Also, when a child has to be gone from their homes and family for such long hours,
They can become unattached and very withdrawn!

We have seen that children that our home schooled, have a stronger
Bond with their siblings and parents!

They also seem better rested and less stressed!

They also can interact with every age level;
Less peer pressure...
Less bullying...
Less homework...
(Because you do it during the day)

We have never regretted homeschooling our children!

We watched how God developed their ability to think and create and
Problem solved real life situations.
 They learned real life skills!

Also, we had more time each day to work and develop Godly character...
This was accomplished through prayer and Bible study!

We were able to see their hearts grow in compassion and wisdom!

Our children have a deep love for reading 
and have learned :

The great art of being able to teach themselves 
almost anything and everything they have wanted to do or explore.

Building, cooking, creating, running a business, being a Mother and Father!

Learning should never stop...

We have a whole generation that has never learned to think for themselves!

A mind is really a terrible thing to waste...

~ ~ ~

Just like coming home, homeschooling your children
has to be a calling and a conviction!

Ask the Lord if He just might be calling you to take your children Home!

I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me!

Pray for our children and grandchildren.

Train up a child in the way he should go!
And when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Bearing Fruit In Every Season And Learning To Preserve Them...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Bearing Fruit In All Season's

And we're not talking dried fruit either...

This is a lovely old bowl filled with fresh strawberries
 These were hand picked by myself and my Husband and sister and brother in law
 It was such a beautiful day!
A strawberry field smells just wonderful!

 This is the picture of them after they were washed and hulled
 And put into this beautiful large antique bowl.

 Shortly before becoming delicious desserts,
 We're talking Strawberry Shortcake strawberry preserves,
 Strawberries with vanilla bean ice cream, strawberry delight.

 Isn't that bowel absolutely lovely? It does belong to one of my sisters.
 It is very beautiful in her kitchen, of course, it  is only used a few times of the year
 When we pick and gather a large quantity of strawberries it looks so pretty filled to the top.

 And it made for such a pretty photograph, I think I overdid it,
 I think I took about 50 snapshots of that one bowl of fruit.

 I will say that not only were these strawberries, beautiful
 But they were some of the sweetest and tastiest strawberries I've ever had in my life. 
They were not even very large, but the flavor did more than make up for the smaller size. 
I think it is the same way in our lives,
 It is the small things that we do can really bring a sweeter aroma to the Lord
 When they're done in love.
When was the last time we did something special for someone in secret?

Maybe you might know someone who could really benefit from
Giving them some of your extra purchased bounty this fall.
We all know that zucchini is plentiful this time of year!
Be sure to wash and shred some and put it in  the freezer for bread!
You will be glad you did when those zucchini double and triple in price this winter!
Being frugal is something you do as you think ahead for something you will
eventually need and use at a later time.

Get busy and put a few things in your freezer if you do not know how to can!
Everyone can buy freezer bags and clean and prepare something!
"Peaches, Strawberries, Shredded or slices zucchini for soups"
My DIL even gets fresh corn and cuts off the kernels to put in in casseroles
and soups in the winter months!

If you even put back small amounts will be enjoyed and appreciated.
A fresh peach cobbler is a delight when it is snowing outside.
Buy more jars or cans of the items of the things that are on sale!
Peanut butter gets really cheap as school is starting,
 buy a few and put them in your pantry.
Dried Pinto beans will be picked soon in the fields, these last all year.
Buy some of these things in bulk.
Learning to use the income God has given you wisely is what makes you a wise woman!

~ ~ ~
 I do hope you keep an eye out for all the fresh fruits and veggies,
 That you can still find for a very good price this time of year;
When you can purchase a few fresh items for a good price and
Freeze them, this helps with cost in your food budget!
"Be Wise And Put Back"

 For harvest season is upon us...

Saturday, August 15, 2015

How Early Mornings Can Set The Course For Your Days...

How I Love Mornings...

There is just something about the newness and the clean fresh slate that is ahead...

A new day to lean in against all the oppositions that will come your way;
It also could be smooth sailing!

But one thing that we can not argue with is this;
We have the chance to make it a great day with this one very simple thing!

Your reaction and response to what is given to you with what we
"Think is others"
But really is from the hand of God...

He allows even the hard things;
Even if these are direct results of your previous bad choices!

Today is a new day!

Try today to stop doing something that even makes you frustrated;

Do not correct your husband over every single thing he suggests or does.
Do not be judgmental over everything that you see and hear.
(This will make you critical)

Smile and give someone a break;
Be kind and set the law of love in motion!!

Setting yourself up for disappointment is not a good thing;
Be flexible and not perturbed over every silly thing!

Be who God is calling you to be!
A Godly woman...

When I get down, I try to encourage others
As the scripture says if you will refresh another
He will refresh you!

Take notice of others and what they are doing!
Stop drawing all the attention to yourself;
By what you say and what you wear and how you act!

The days come and go...
But you my friend have an amazing adventure straight ahead...
Live this day like there may be NO tomorrow!

Enjoy whatever you set your hand to do!
Make this and every morning a new day...

Go and take a step in the direction that is pleasing to the Lord!

Have Mercy
Have Joy
Have Faith
Have Love
Have Wisdom
Have Quick Forgiveness Extended To Others

Enjoy the portion of working and loving and creating;
Leave behind a legacy from this day!

Take a deep breath and enjoy this day called life!

Do you delight in your mornings?
What do you do to inspire yourself to seize the DAY?

I pray for each and every one of you who visit this space;
For His Glory ...

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