Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Wind In My Sail...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

About this time of the year I long for sunshine and warmth...
But it is the sound of the ocean that I find so alluring.

It may be such a strong draw because we live so far from the ocean air and winds.
Because we;
Made our home and life on the flat lands of the prairies.

It is a funny thing when you think about how God places
us within our boarders!
It is no surprise to the Lord that we live miles away from an ocean!
As a matter of fact, we live smack dab between the Pacific and the Atlantic.

But I find that even in the middle I feel a draw to the water!
Not really the sunbathing or water sports,
But rather the tide that comes in and returns to the sea.
Over and over again...

The sea can be very calming and soothing to our souls;
But there are times the water becomes wild and out of control.

It is the wind that brings the turbulence!

The sea can be smooth as glass;
or rough and choppy...

And that is my point!
Life is like the sea...
When the winds of adversity strike it can cause damage.
But if we can set our face and sails into the wind.
We can build momentum and speed ahead in the direction,
That is the right course that the Lord has mapped out for you!

Why do we act shocked when things do not go
According to our plans?

Do we not trust God with all the details in our lives?

The ocean and life have an ebb and flow...

How I long for a breath of fresh air!

Sometimes this air smells of wood smoke from the chimney above.

Sometimes the air is filled with the smell of coffee and bacon frying,
In our early morning campsite in the summer time.

Sometimes it is the aroma of the Russian Olive trees in bloom!

Oh the smell of the rain that causes us to breath deeply!

I write this to encourage those that have had the wind knocked out of them.

Do not give up, the wind will surely once again come around
And help propel you to the new thing that is coming your way!

Comfort one another...

Friday, February 19, 2016

Pearls A Great Treasure...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

What do you consider to be a great treasure?

Jewels and cars and big beautiful houses, can be a powerful lure.
But we know deep down inside;
Money can't buy us happiness or love...

Have you ever really wanted something so bad, But then when you got it,
It was such an anticlimax moment after maybe a day or a week or a month.
Like maybe when the due date for the payment came due.

There is a mix in this world of the real and the imitation;
Or shall I call it what it is (A Fake)

We are not trained to tell the difference anymore!
So many of us cannot afford the real;
So we now have fake diamonds and pearls to your heart's content.

But there are just some things that cannot pass for the real!
Margarine instead of

Cool Whip instead of
"Whip Cream"

Stuff instead of

True and real love is the one thing that sustains life...

Love in a true relationship
(Husband and Wife)

The love you have for your children and grandchildren!

The love of a peaceful and joyous evening or day at home!

A good nights sleep...

Why do we run around looking for the next thing?
Why do we allow the need "more" syndrome rob us of the now?
Or the real foundational truth that it is love that conquers all!

May I give you a word of wisdom?
Stop missing the moments that are real and in your face!!

Dreamers and schemers and a false expectation...

Do what is required of you!
Give and enjoy and take pleasure in all you set your heart and hand too!

And you will find true love and joy and peace in the middle
of every season and trial or fearful thing that comes your way.

I can make this promise to you because I know it is true;
Christ love will sustain you
And His joy will fill you!

Love as if it were your last day upon this earth...

Living From Glory To Glory

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Learning To Play The Piano In My Spare Time...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Learning To Play The Piano

I am beginning to wonder about the wisdom or shall I call it the bravery;
In the reality that I am learning to play the piano...

I can hear the scales in my sleep

But learning where each note sits on the staff
Is a new learning curve for me!

These little notes do many things...
They step, skip and repeat!

I felt rather discouraged last week when I went to my class
And I found out I had learned a song incorrectly.

I tell you I almost wanted to quit...

Tell me when are we too old to learn something new?

I tell so many of you often in my blog posts
Never give up!

Keep running your race!

Well, now I need to apply this very same thing to myself.

If I wrote about every aspect of my life,
Or if you told me every woe and trouble in your lives.
We all would become a 
Debbie Downer
(From Saturday Night Live)
Yes, I have watched it a few times many years ago!

I do not live under a rock...

Our internet is not an unlimited kind...
(This thing gives you warnings;
You are about to exceed your time limit)

But, I am pretty sure life does not give you these warnings
So you can hurriedly squeeze all the things into your day or life;
That you have had a desire to do!
So Just do it...

Look, if you would only...
Brush your teeth for 3 minutes a day
And Study your Bible for an hour daily
And if you would walk for 20 minutes every day
And eat five fruits and vegetables every single day of your life
And you must practice the piano every day at least two times a day
And remember to remember to do all these things!

You my friend would be a robot or a computer...

So there you have it...

Wait, one more thing;
We are supposed to encourage one another daily, while it is yet day!
So here it is, my dear sweet friends!!
I appreciate each of you!
Sometimes I can only just get on the computer when
I am NOT either brushing my teeth, or eating my fruits and vegetables,
Or walking, or playing the piano!
Or if I have not exceeded my limit...

~I do hope you all got a good laugh~

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Looking For Color In Every Day And The Majestic Cardinal...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

The Cardinal

This beautiful bird is one of my most favorite!
But sadly in this part of the country we do not have them.
When I was a child growing up we had them;
And even then I thought they were all dressed up for a party!

There is just such a lively and robust way about them!
I think they are always dressed for a festive holiday!
There just majestic and regal!
The King and Queen of the winter forest!

Because of my love of these birds I am now,
I am on the look out for some fabric with these bright red birds on them.
And maybe a picture or a bird figurine for the mantel.

It is interesting how one can become interested in many different things,
That may have never even crossed my path or radar before.
But I have taken a keen interest now!

Learning to broaden your horizon and interest is healthy and,
Keeps us young...

I always thought bird watching was silly or boring,
But I now think watching the birds and seeing the many
Splendors that God has created is eye opening!

We can become dull in noticing the little things, as we become
Bombarded with the big and loud!

These beautiful birds are so very cheery and bright!

I know this is the time of year we need to really look for;
Bright Spots in our days!
It is the time of year where the landscape becomes really brown 
All colors are gone and things can appear dreary.

I hope to travel soon and I will be on the look out for these lovely birds!

The color red is such a cheery color!
I always like to have a bit of red in most every room of my home!
Just a red flower a geranium just makes me smile.
A red rose says lovely to me.
A red frame around a picture just pops!

Why we need to keep an eye always opened;
Beauty and color is everywhere, we just have to look
More intently...

Lord, give me eyes to see all your beauty and to appreciate it!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

What The Different Colors Of Roses Mean...

There is just something so wonderful about the Rose flower...
The smell is intoxicating,
The symbolism is powerful!
A rose is worth a thousand words...

Enjoy a little symbolism that is dedicated to each different color of each rose.
Each color has some special meanings to them!


Red Rose...

The Red roses are of course the traditional symbol for love and romance.
They say I Love You!
The red rose speaks life!
This rose says beauty and perfection.
A bouquet of red roses is a perfect way to express your deep feelings!

Pink Roses...
A pretty Pink rose is a symbol of grace and elegance.
It is used to convey admiration, or appreciation.
Also the color says joyfulness.
The pink rose is considered the oldest garden rose.

Yellow Roses...
This bright and sunny color of yellow brings feelings of
warmth, happiness and cheerfulness.
this is a great rose to send with a get well wish!
True friendship!
Feelings of joy...

White Roses...
Now, the white rose represents innocence and purity.
New beginnings (marriages, births)
A white rose shows honor and reverence.
These are often an expression of  remembrance (death of a loved one)

Orange Roses...
Orange roses speak of desire and enthusiasm.
Energy, passion and excitement.
Theses send a meaning message.
Emerging romance.

Lavender Roses...
Majesty, Enchantment,
Love at first sight!

I always love looking at the roses;
Every part of the rose has a special meaning.
The fragrance is heady and speaks of love and romance;
A rose scented oil or a perfume is beautiful!

I think each petal is thick and lush and is a treasure,
when they fall off the stem and dry in the wind!
They can be scattered or placed in a bowl.

Even the thorns can remind us of the sorrows and pain that come
in the life we live each day.

The beginning of a rose bud, speaks of new beginnings;
And beauty is on its way.
Never give up and look for the beauty in each day.

May I suggest you consider buying some roses;
They are worth the beauty and symbolism once in awhile...

Give a gift that speaks love and affection...
To your mate or child or friend
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