Friday, November 8, 2013

Stocks and Butter And A Filled Pantry...

Living From glory To Glory Blog

Nothing should be wasted!
We live in a world where everything is disposable.
See these corn stalks, good for nothing right?
Well, not exactly;
The farmer's go back in and shred these old
corn stalks to feed their cattle.
They make a product called silage.
It is stinky, but it is used to feed and sustain,
The cattle in the long, cold winter months.
We are entering our winter months of needing
Warm foods, keeping our homes warm.
Feeding our families!
So as you see all your store adds for sale items,
this month, try to think ahead and stock u
on some of your cooking and baking items.

I do  promote being a wise woman in the
Pantry area of your home.
Watch for all the cream soups on sale.
Green beans and canned corn also.
Butter is around 2.00 lbs.
Chicken broth is very inexpensive now.
Watch for the different pastas on sale too!
Sometimes, we get on the eat only natural kick,
We forget we have had some real tough times.
Believe me, if you were starving;
You would not care if it was organic :)
Why, do we need a well stocked pantry?
Because it is what a wise woman does for her FAMILY!
Also, we must think of those who will need
some assistance this long winter.
Buy some of these sale items to give to your
own town or cities needy!
We must always remember the poor!

I want to tell you a true story;
I know of a wise woman
Whose Husband lost his Job!
 And do you know it was almost a whole year before he found another one.
But, this Wise Woman had a pantry that fed her family
Almost that entire year, with only having to add
The fresh produce and milk and eggs!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Being Productive...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Living like there is no tomorrow,
What a loaded statement...
You had better live like there is an eternity!
How many lines of the world's point of view can I
Swallow hook, line and sinker?
How many times have we heard a song,
And sang along, without really hearing the words?
We all better get busy living;
We can be in the perfect will of God in doing
what he has given us to do,
Such as:
Sewing an apron
Writing a Blog post
Crocheting a dishcloth
Writing an encouraging note to someone!
Baking a special treat for your loved ones!
Praying while doing your dishes
Doing laundry...
We are living out our days according to
His time and season's.
We must rest in His peace, and carry on!
On some days it's called PLOD on!
Do not let the world's way of thinking, stop you
From the simple pleasures He has given you!
Being a keeper of the Home, has provided  a
Different way of looking at being productive.
I believe we must always be aware of the atmosphere
we are creating.
We won't get everything done!
But my prayer is this;
My loved ones will all think and say,
There is no place like HOME!
We are all about to enter the Holiday season;
May our purpose now, to only do
what we can handle, and not stress ourselves,
and our families out!
Take Joy...

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Featuring: Where Your Treasure Is

Apple Pie, Living From Glory to glory Blog...

Now Featuring!
Where Your Treasure Is
Is this photo of this Apple Pie stunning or What?
Is this art or really a pretty pie?
Is this a secret apple pie recipe??
I want to introduce you to one of my most favorite Bloggers!
Her name is Pammie!
She has many talents and her heart is genuine!
She has a great Love of the Lord Jesus Christ.
She has an amazing talent with her love for picture taking.
She is an artist!
She can write the longest Posts,
 And leave the best comments EVER!
She is my dearest friend !
Please Go visit her wonderful Blog!
You will enjoy her...
I promise :)
Go To: Treasures In an Earthen Vessel

If you scroll down you will find this amazing,
 Carmel Apple Pie Recipe on her Blog!
May we all take some time to honor another
Each and Everyday!
We are all so special and unique,
Each of us has something very valuable to share.
We are women who have taken our calling
As Homekeepers to heart!
Keep Your Home Fires Burning Dear Ones.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A Man's Ego...

A damaged Ego; Living from Glory to Glory Blog
Your Man's Ego
Did you know that if a man has a healthy Ego,
 it can and will help him become the
 Leader and protector of his home.
And a healthy ego will allow him to be your family's provider.
Many men, have damaged ego's because of there early
Childhood training,
Or a dominant Mother figure.
Or maybe what we might call a
(Mama's Boy)
Or a belittling Father.
A Mother did all the training, there was no man's influence.
Or from being spoiled and not taught how to work,
Or taught how to speak firmly, as a leader should.
So, what I wanted to say to all wives today is this;

Destroying your Man's Ego!
You must allow and help this very thing called
(A mans Ego)
To function and mature.
It is God who has given Men an Ego!
God created Men to have these ego's!
It is the world view to be alarmed over a
Young man's over inflated ego.
What really needs to happen is more understanding,
On how we as wives and mother's can
help in this area.
A healthy Ego is the very thing that will either
make him more masculine,
Or will destroy his manliness.
So wives if you want your husband to lead you,
You must first look at the ego.
What can a wife do to help his ego?

You must learn to let go of the always controlling everything!!
Do not ignore his advice...
Do not find fault with how he does things,
No matter if you think you could do a better job.

Tell him often:
 On how well he has handled or accomplished
something. We all need to know this very thing,
(that what we have done is good and right!)

Are you constantly finding fault with his efforts?
If you even utter these words...
You can't do anything RIGHT,
As soon as these words come out of your mouth,
or you have even thought them.
Repent to God,
Then apologize to him!
Look, it is like this, if you continue to nitpick
And find fault all the time, he will just quit trying
To lead you or his family!
More on this later;

Monday, November 4, 2013

Apron Giveaway Winner

Congratulations to Jann Olsen from
Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olsen
I want to thank each of you lovely ladies who joined
my Birthday giveaway!
You really are all a very special blessing to me!
I hope you will all stop in and visit Mrs Olsen's
very creative Blog.
 And enjoy her link-ups on Thursday
Just Click Here

Sola Scriptura...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Is there a force so strong, nothing can oppose it?
Is there really a word that does not waiver?
Can I know if I am in the will of God?
Are women, really suppose to be the keeper's of the home?
Are my day's really numbered?
Is there a place of Blessing and comfort and peace,
that I can hide in?
Will how I act or speak change my situation?
Does prayer and faith in Christ, change me?
YES, is the answer to all of these questions!
The world has heard the lie and many have believed it!
I am just a person...
with no destiny or worth?
What I say or do, does not affect anyone else.
I am free to live any way I choose!
We are a body not the collective or individualism,
we are being lead to believe.
God has a unique and special plan for each of us!
I challenge you to allow God's Word
To train and to teach you the real truth!!
Let scripture stand alone;
Use this key to help dig deeper.
Be not led astray !!

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