Wednesday, January 8, 2014

How to make The Best in Winter Cold...

Sometimes it is just a really long day when it is cold outside!

I am really very shocked at the extreme cold temps 

We are seeing in so many parts of our country!

I believe because these are the extremes we are going to encounter!
We must learn and be prepared!

And we women as the homemakers need to have a plan and provisions!

This is the very reason we must be well stocked...

You need to take stock of which items you will need to prepare
Warm and nutritious meals!

We must also have all the provisions,
To keep things going when the power goes out!

Heat is the most important!!


An oil lamp for light;


Candles and matches.


Extra Blankets

In these winter months the snow can keep you within doors
And house bound for long periods at a time,
Make your list now as a family to be prepared!
Make a list of the most important items your family needs...
This is just plain wisdom dear ones!

Having some good books on the bookshelf to read is wise!

Items for the children to make when indoors for long periods
 (A Craft Box filled with goodies)

Remind Yourself...
(A cup of hot tea)
 Does A Mommy good!

I have lived through a couple of very bad storms.
And I can tell you that because we were prepared in many ways it was
so much safer and comfortable for us!

I believe everything the Lord allows us to go through
Makes us wiser and stronger!
But, because the Lady of the home is
Still the heart.
She must learn to gird up her loins;
To be ready to run and prepare and adapt to her Husband.
And for her family no matter the season or situation!

Do not get gloomy during these long
( Days and months of cold!)

Learn to knit or crochet!

Write an encouraging note to someone.

Bless and create!

Put Up a small table in your living room and start a scrapbook!

Start with some small deep cleaning projects to keep warm!
( My Hubby always says the heat is in the tools)

Read the Gospels!
Start for yourself a fun way to study the word!
Use a notebook and write out the scriptures;
Then add with color pencils to add notes and symbols to embellish it!
Makes it fun and the words just pop!

Read aloud to your children if they are young.
(They really love this)
Any sweet children's book will do!
May I suggest the Laura Ingles Books

This is a perfect time to learn to make Bread!
(It will warm up the kitchen, and everyone loves fresh bread)
Here is an Easy Recipe here!

Quick and Easy Bread Recipe

I think of the warning in the Word;
The Love of most will grow cold!!!...

May the cold not be allowed to seep into YOUR heart!


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Promptings From The Lord...

Good Morning!!

I believe this is what the Lord has prompted me to share with you all today!
What good is making new year's resolutions if we only keep them, but
for but a small amount of time?

I would like to give you an idea for this season of life!

Do you know what a prompting is from the Lord?

It is an idea or thought or impression, that the Lord will
Drop into your mind or heart.
I have learned the importance of this very thing,
And as we learn to move quickly to His promptings we can
Really start hearing His voice.

By obeying these little promptings quickly will show we are listening to Him!

They usually will be little things, like check the oven!
(You forgot to turn it off)

Call your friend now!
(She needs prayer or an encouraging word)

Do not go into town today!
(You needed to be home... Available)

Do not be like those who will say;
 I need to see the writing on the wall!
This is not being quick or obedient to His promptings...

Just fill out the form below;
And wait for Him to give you another piece of information.

I believe these promptings will not be things that
are dangerous things to do, but rather may save us
from being in a dangerous place or situation!



Monday, January 6, 2014

Featuring: Stop...Have A Chat

Featuring; Stop... Have a Chat

I would like to introduce you all to a very special lady.
Her name is Joluise, and she is from Australia!

She is very interesting and has so much to give as a Blogger!
I am not sure as to how I found here blog;
But I just kept going back to visit her!

She has some very good insights on many topics!
Joluise enjoys photography!
And Art also...
She adores Kittens!
She loves the Lord!
She loves to sew and she just got a new machine to die for :)
Her children are grown and she is in a new season in her life.
( More time to sew  (SMILE)!!
She is concerned and interested about eating well!

I encourage you all this week to stop in and visit her lovely Blog!
Meeting New Friends is so important and fun!

Stop And Have A Chat

Here are a couple of her posts on good eating ideas

Tell her a Big Hello and get to know her!
You will enjoy this smart and cute lady!
I wouldn't steer you wrong.

PS. She Is no Longer Blogging, But I Believe Her Blog Is Still Up!


Sunday, January 5, 2014

MEMO: Save Now To Spend Older Years In Florida

Really Really Really Cold!

Sometimes I ask myself...
Self, why was I not born in the tropics??

Oh, those little nasty mosquitoes. "You say"

Oh think of all those bad humid hair days!

Your ice cubes in your tea would melt way too fast...

You don't like heat rash!!

Sweating is sticky business.

Sleeping in the hot temps makes you cranky!


Why was I born In The Tundra? (NOT REALLY)
Well let's see;
You never would of learned to ice skate!

Remember the toboggan run called Blue Angel?
Now that was fun!

What about the time your Momma threw that stray cat
you brought home on Thanksgiving, right
 out the front door in the snow bank,
 Because it was eating our turkey on the counter!
"You wouldn't have had that memory"
Oh Yea ...

Oh I get it:
You live in the Tundra when you're young and your bones can handle it!
When you get older you go to Florida or Belize for the Winter!
Silly Girl!


Saturday, January 4, 2014

Birds Of A Feather Flock Together...

Birds of a feather flock together!

Dear Ones, One of the scriptures that tell us that
 Bad company corrupts good character.

I have seen God orchestrate many moves
And relationships in my life.

But God has given us wisdom to know and see
Many things around us. We need to be quick when see
Character traits in others that can hinder our walk with Christ.
I remember being taught from one of my Sunday school teachers, many years ago
His name was Johnny, and he told us if you hang out with
  Truck drivers you would start talking like one.
There are even many Christians who have what I might call a
weak walk with Christ.
 And little knowledge of His word!
 Or they only pick and Choose
 What they are comfortable with.
They may not believe God still heals!
They may think God's word does not apply to their situation!
Or that His word is the final authority!

We will be influenced by the way they talk;
The choices of foods they may eat or not eat!
I have seen people change many things to look and act like others!
That is why Dear Ones we are called to imitate Christ!

Be willing to leave the flock of wild birds, and follow hard after HIM!

God is with us in our daily activities and as we are aware of His presence--we welcome Him in everything we do. Our fellowship with Him moment by moment and doesn't meet with others without Him. There are also times when we purposely focus on spending time alone with Him. It's in these times of intimacy that we are transformed by His glory.

Hanging out with Jesus enables us to become like Him. The same is true with other relationships. We become like those we hang out with and without realizing it pick up habits or expressions from those companions. We must guard against anything that conflicts with the Christ-like character we are developing day-by-day. We are able to discern and break free from wrong associations as we increase our time with the Lord. Our holy boldness, surety in our steps, and ability to withstand opposition increases as we grab hold of who we are in Christ.

It is not our training or our education that makes us effective for the Kingdom. We are effective because we receive His knowledge and wisdom as the Holy Spirit coaches us in the things of the Kingdom. The boldness birthed from the confidence we have in Him is visible and tangible. As we fellowship with Jesus and have communion with Him, His characteristics become ours from glory to glory.
From Pastor Joell Suell

Blessings To All as we are being transformed from glory to glory!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Baby Kalea Is Home

Baby Kalea

This sweet precious little girl is home now!!
They never did find out exactly what is wrong with her,
A liver problem, but everything they checked for came back
With no real hard evidence.

What I believe is this;
God touched her at every turn of events...
He is God!
We prayed!
He answered!

She is still recovering and needs to gain weight!
Her Momma and Daddy our still fearful,
They need prayer for His peace!
Thank you to all of you who prayed!
Diana @

She got the Prayer Request Out!

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