Thursday, July 17, 2014

Under Cover...

Black and White

God is so good!
He makes provision for His sheep...
He covers us with His Word and His Annointing
Anointing means smeared (covered)
I am going to a women's conference that will give me a fresh word!
Black or White
He covers us all when we make Him our great shepherd...
Sometimes we can change things up just a bit and get a whole new perspective.
Every year for many years I have gone to this women's conference.
I am so excited...
I just can't hide it...
He's got control and I think I like it!!

Praying for all of you ladies that stop by to be inspired and encouraged!
You Go Girl...

Here is a word that blessed my heart as I know it was for this season; Hope you are blessed!

During wars, people look for places of safety to hide under cover where they cannot be harmed by the weapons of their enemies. We are in Christ and children of God therefore we are under cover at all times. No weapons formed against us will prosper because we dwell under the shadow of the Almighty.

A way of receiving an anointing originated with the ancient shepherds. Lice and other insects would get into the wool of sheep. When they got near the sheep's head, they could burrow into the sheep's ears and kill the sheep. To prevent this from happening, shepherds poured oil on the sheep's head. This oil made the wool too slippery for insects to get near the sheep's ears and they would slide off. Of this, anointing with oil became symbolic of blessings, protection and empowerment.

We can trust the precious presence of the Spirit of Christ to make our enemies flee. The battle truly is the Lord's and His mantle is upon us to protect us from every opposition. Whenever we feel threatened let us dwell under cover with confidence and total rest in our Comforter, the Holy Spirit. We can wrap ourselves in Him and watch the enemy's attacks slip off, from glory to glory!
Dr. Joelle Suel
Senior Pastor

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Hear His Voice In The Rushing Waters...

Rushing Waters...

His Voice Is Like Many Rushing Waters...

Feeling the breeze upon the land, times of cleansing and refreshment.

Being set apart can seem like a lonely place;
But He is the one who has called you to this place of solitary.
Lay back against Him and breath...

Rushing in those days of raising our children;
Days of hurry and scurry with little ones may be over;
But we still have a place that has been set apart for this very season.

We are the only ones who can fill these shoes and walk this way!
I can sense that my path in some ways seems more narrow...
Yet, I feel like my horizons has widened;

God can never be fitted into a one size fits all box dear ones;

He fills every droplet of water that flows into the ocean;
He cannot be contained!

Allow Him to fill your heart and hours and days,
We can with no guilt now enjoy a quiet spell of reading a good book.
We can eat a late supper and
 Listen to the frogs singing after a soaking rain.

We can stop and watch the sun set into another day into the other side
of  this wide and wonderful world.
 Where another women's day is just starting.

We can and will complete our journey and calling with great
Expectations and fulfillment, because He is the fountain that is never dry!

Drink from His water of truth and continue to drink;
You have heard the saying you can lead a horse to water,
But you can't make him drink.

Well, God is guiding you to the stream;
So drink dear ones, for His cup never runs dry...

These days and season is a part of your reward!
Do not allow the enemy to make you feel like you have no place,
Or that your job is finished;
Jesus never said anything about retirement...
We  can now have more calm and composure.
Slow and steady with assured steps in knowing that He is
Leading you...
You dear ones have been planted by a stream and your roots have grown deep!
You will continue to bear fruit even in your old age...

Monday, July 14, 2014

Strong Coffee Or Weak Tea...

Needing some really strong coffee...

Sometimes we just need a really strong word!
Wake up and smell the coffee is a saying that must mean something;

I was away for a long time and we had strong coffee every morning.
When I got back home, I made me my usual cup of hot tea;
It tasted like water!
So this morning I will have the real stuff;
Rich dark color and the scent is heavenly.
Coffee beans from Guatemala.

Just for the record, I feel that I do take time to smell the coffee!
But I have just entered a season that is unfamiliar to me;
Maybe it was the trip that we took that allowed me to see many things
In a new light; It was not bad just different.

The Lord has been reminding me of my calling;
And showing me that when I do not function in that I feel flat.
Like a weak cup of tea....

After leaving on a jet plane, seeing childhood places, I realized
A few things!
Everything changes...
Except my calling!

Pour me a cup of some strong Java;
And place a hearty meal before me;

I am no wimp and I will receive a strong word from the Lord!
It is time to change a few things up around here!!

Do you feel that you are in a season of change?

Seek the Lord while He is yet to be found...
He will sit and dine with you;
He says He will show you through the Holy Spirit.
What is yet to come...
The future is not an entire mystery!
Because God knows it all!
The end from the beginning...

Strong word in the Lord and coffee is what I will be serving today!
Care to join me?

Thursday, July 10, 2014

How To Fill Love Tanks And Hourglasses By Loving Your Husband...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Loving Your Husband...

Love will cover a multitude of sins.
Love will prosper and fill a life full of grains of weight;
Love is the teeny tiny bits of sand that have come from the one;
True rock of ages.

Women have a special calling and a place to fill love tanks!

She is firstly called to fill her Husbands tank:
Now, I am asking you to check the love gauge that shows the love level.
Where is this gauge located?

It is in your words on how you respond to him;
Our they bitter and harsh?
Or are the kind and sweet?

It is in making yourself ready for his needs...
Your to tired and you do not feel well;
Your needs always come before his;
He worked all day, But so did you...
Worldly reasoning releases you from fulfilling your wifely privileges.
Did you know,
 By making love to your husband you will produce;
Feel good hormones?

Does your husband get fed?
Can he count on you always making an effort to feed him?

Can your Husband trust you to keep the chaos out of the home?
We are to watch what and who we open the door too!

Small grains of sand our falling through your hourglass today,
So may we learn to love those closes to us
as  that is our first call to ministry.

I have each day to love and encourage my Husband;
Will I rise to the task?
Will I be the one to fill his love tank?
Will I choose to love my husband or myself above all else?

Remember our husband get very tired and hot this time of year;
We need to make sure you have something cold to drink in the fridge.
Meals prepared that our good and refreshing!
Plan some alone time to love on him!
Try to have a little get away to rekindle your marriage!

Hourglasses and love tanks go hand in hand, my friend...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

May we walk alongside our Husbands!
We are not to lead them;
We are not tag behind like a child;
We are called to encourage their hearts!
Make every grain of sand count, build a legacy that will last!

Sunday, July 6, 2014


Beauty in the details

It really is the small things that make all things beautiful.
A smile and the nod of the head.
A gesture that speaks;
I see..
Seeing is so powerful
The intricate work done in earnest;

Who have they all done it for?

We are called to notice;
Small is really big

 Small holds the details,
which is the key to all things beautiful.

There is a door that no man can shut!
It is the place where the details and truth live.
What is really important are the details that have taken residence
in your heart and memories.

Not one single tear drop has escaped the Fathers notice.
They glisten like crystal in the Fathers bottle.

He has carved my name in His hand...

We are all an artist weaving and creating,

Take time to notice the details
 Take one single rain drop;
Focus on the rose petal and not the whole flower.

I spend much more time seeing the whole panoramic picture,
When I stop and take in the details,
 I can see the little things that
Make up the whole!

Take notice when others make something really special;
When they put some effort into the details of a project or a celebration!

I think we can get so overwhelmed with the very large portion,
we miss the little things!

The word tells us everything will pass away except;
His word...
Not even one jot or tittle!

Friday, July 4, 2014

America Pure Country...

Living from glory to glory

These Boots are made for walking...

Walking and talking are two different things, So  many
people can talk the talk, it is the walking it out part that
is the hard part!

We all have to keep our heart and feet moving in the right direction!
This country and our freedom come from wisdom and brawn,
And our Constitution of America!

May our stars and stripes wave over this land always!

Walk in strength and stand for truth!
Do not take your freedom for granted!

God Bless America...

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