Sunday, November 29, 2015

Winter Woe's...

After Winter truly sets in we all need to pull out our thermal underwear
Warm socks 
Lined gloves
Boots with warmth, and not just cute!

So you get the picture;
During this last week I thought I might just fill you in on a few 
Happening's around here...

Well, it snowed and has been freezing
I completely lost my voice for three days
I watched every Hallmark movie in a movie marathon.
My brain completely seized up...
As a girl has to use her words, or it is very possible that
She just may explode, I tell you!

Well, after 2 days of that I was determined to get moving and do something!
So, I cut out two Christmas aprons and as a no surprise; I was short on the fabric.
So, one of the aprons would fit an elf!
So if you know any elves that need a new apron, let me know!

Then after a very long day...
My Hubby comes in and tells me last evening
Honey, I need to move the dryer out as it is spewing lint and moisture 
all in the back mud room.
(Living out here you need a mud room)

I tell him I will help, so he gets the dryer pulled out and of course
the dirt under those appliances are always so dirty,
We get it all fixed and we used the all purpose homeowners
Duct tape to complete the job....

So as we are putting the duct tape away...
I watched as a can of PVC glue purple gunk falls off the shelf and splits open.
Now it is all over my hubby's arm and now on my white floor.

Not one of us knew what to do!
We tried bleach, we tried WD 40
We used a paint scraper.
I screamed (whispered) call our son!!
(I had no voice)

He is one of those guys that can make or fix anything;
He said use some GOOF OFF...
Hubby says do have any Goof Off?

Don't ask me, how would I know!

Well any hoot he came over and he had some of that stuff and it did take
most of that bright purple color off my floor.

Okay, if this was all  a test I am pretty sure I did not get such a good grade!

Oh, and did I mention I ordered for the first time an organic
Turkey for our Thanksgiving meal?

Well, it was the most bland and tough turkey I have ever served!
I kid you not I spit it out in my napkin,
Just like when I was a kid and my Mother served us liver!
I really did miss my hormone ladened turkey...

I hope I did not leave out any important facts...
Oh wait, one more I turned another year older!

I do feel this is another holiday to remember!
Laughter is good medicine...

Living From Glory To Glory

Friday, November 27, 2015

The Tablecloths Great Comeback...

The simple elegance of the great American tablecloth's!
I think that when we see a tablecloth it immediately takes us back to the
Days of early homemaking styles.

Living From Glory To Glory Blog
Google Images

They can be very simple or very intricate...
Fine linen to lace
Bright colors to patterns of just about anything.

Red and white checkered says country or Italian.

White linen says your special and company is coming!

Fall festive says harvest and plenty
Christmas says Merry To all 

Why has it become so much work or effort to use a tablecloth?

I know all the practical reasons...

But now days you can cover your tablecloths with a clear plastic if you have
Children, or would rather have the option for an easier clean up.

You can also find many plastic ones with the flannel backing;
With so many pretty colors and patterns.
(But please be careful as those tablecloths can leave a lint film on your wood)

I prefer tablecloths and I also use place mats.

Tablecloths come in about every size you can imagine!
Also, you can purchase them for a very reasonable price;
I always look for them at second hand stores, 
and after seasons change clearance section.

My reason for writing about this particular home decor and its uses!
We can change our whole presentation of either our kitchen or dining room
By using a simple large piece of fabric that is placed upon our table.

Social graces and simple, cozy feelings!

If you simply prefer not to cover your table, may I suggest using some place mats!

I have very sweet memories of being a child in my Grandmother's kitchen,
The old percolator was making coffee and toast was being served,
with fresh butter and cream for the coffee.
But what really sticks out was the fresh tablecloth on the table
Every morning had a new beginning...

Here is a very great tip for keeping tablecloths crisp and wrinkle free.
Wash them and line dry them if possible, as then there is no need for ironing.

A tablecloth can really make the style and a statement...
Home is everything!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The Power Of Saying Thank You...


The Power Of Saying Thank You...

I believe it is in our human nature to make an impact in our world.

I may never win the Nobel prize or author a book!
I may never discover something that saves lives.

But I think we all have a word that will change the course of history!

When we tell someone Thank You, it will infuse a heart with gratitude!

We all need to hear and speak these simple words!
I think we may never know the impact of them this side of heaven.

Make it a habit and a joy to tell someone thank you!

May I take this time to say Thank you to each of you kind souls that
Have crossed my path in this humble, yet joyous journey!

I need you and I hope you need me!
All connections are pre-determined...

Never judge someone until you walked a mile in their shoes!

If your road has been tough I offer you a thank you for trying;
If you're hanging on to a marriage that is difficult, thank you!
If you have lost a loved one, thank you for not giving up hope!
If you have told someone thank you, it makes the world better!

Give Thanks...

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Gift Of Hospitality...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Why Simple And Basic Allows Us To Enjoy

We live in a day where we have so many choices;
So when I think about cooking or baking I do try to prepare some
very simple meals. And I also will make extra special foods,
As time or celebrations present themselves.

Right now my refrigerator is stuffed and the counters have
So many goodies, that it immediately overwhelms ones senses.

But we are all in preparation for the greatest food holiday!
So we must take pleasure and enjoy all the goodies!
But we can use a bit of common sense and use a bit of moderation.
Don't Eat The Whole Pie

I think even the smells and aromas are healing in many ways.
Food can bring us together...
Breaking bread and fellowship as families and friends.

I do believe that many women have the gift of a hospitality,
That is really baking and sharing their lovely homemade goods!
Exercise your gift and give thanks and to share with others.

We always think we have to do a huge ministry;
But I think food made with love will nourish a weary soul!

Use the gift of food when you have a get together;
Or take something to your hubby's office or your own work place.
Make a pan of brownies or an appetizer sort of goodies.

I have always felt like a snack offered at a meeting had a way
Of diffusing some stress.

Hungry people can feel a bit cranky!
Did you know most men say that their favorite holiday is Thanksgiving?

I always envision and hope that my home is a happy place!
I am so thankful for the bounty!
So when you have extra time to bake up some hospitality;
Do some delicious goodies such as
Cookies and quick breads and put them in the freezer to grab and serve!

Tomorrow will be busy prepping and preparing
Do Not Stress, but rather take pleasure!


Monday, November 23, 2015

Little Women And The Comforts Of Home...


Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Little Women...

Years ago when someone would come to your door looking to sell the
Lady of the home their wares;
 They might say, is the little women home?

Well of course she was as that is where women were most the time!
But after the late fifties, A thing called divorce reared its ugly head.
Then many women had to go to work,
 To help keep the children fed and a roof over their heads.

But it is no surprise anymore to see the women working!
Many choose to stay working even if they could come home.

Today is different...

So this post may bore you to tears, but I love good books;
A have read Little Women many times;
And I have watched every version of the movie also!

Women, Wives and Mothers,
But a sister can be so special and important in our lives!
Growing up, you may have had your spats, but the memories and laughter!

And I think this book covers the deep things and how the heart
Shows the deep fondness they had for each other!

I love reading books and stories that make one's heart feel strong!
We must keep the sweet thoughts flowing and not become cynical.

If you find yourself becoming tired or weepy in the evenings.
Try taking a warm shower and make yourself a cup of decaffeinated tea
 And start reading something that will nurture your imagination
 and may you be reminded of good things that feed the soul.

A Good Book Is A Treasure...

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Why Having Long, Hair Is A Good Idea At Any Age...

Lovely And Long and Beautiful Hair

I remember as a young woman I had long hair all the way to my waist!
It was very long and red in color (auburn)

I always had so many people comment over the length of my hair.
Even as a young lady I just knew that long hair was pretty.

I also remember once having my hair as a very young child very short as my
 Mother had a neighbor cut it off into a pixie style haircut!
I felt naked...
Gone were my ponytails and kiss my curls goodbye.

I find myself always looking at ladies with lovely long hair!
No matter the age I always think they look feminine.
But, as I have aged even shoulder length or just long enough to frame
Your face, looks so soft.

Hair is a gift from the Lord!
We are given it as our glory and a covering...
Long hair is for your husband to enjoy!
Hair is an adornment to allow you to look ladylike.

I will not use this forum to tell you how long you should wear your hair!
But rather a reminder that you can have a bit longer hair at any stage
At any season of your life...

Silver or natural in color can look very becoming on any lady.

Long and flowing...
Curly or straight...

A very pretty side twisted bun is so pretty!

A sweet ponytail is always in style...

Why do women desire to cut their hair really short?
I mean militant short
(Yes, Jamie Lee Curtis can pull it off)

I like big hair and I cannot not lie...

Your hair can make you appear soft and demure
Pretty and fashionable.

I have always just felt a bit more ladylike with a bit longer hair!

Hair bleached or too short can appear harsh on some skin tones...

I know each and every one of us have had a really bad haircut or perm in our lives!

Remember, we were told don't worry, it will grow out
Well, Honey not soon enough for my liking!

So give it a try
Go long...

Or maybe just longer than your usual style or cut!

And ask your Husband if he would like you to grow your hair out a little bit!

Tell me, What did he say?

Really my Hubby says he likes my hair long, but he also
Says wear it the way you like it, dear, because it is your hair and you have to fix it!

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