Sunday, November 27, 2016

Beautiful Skin No 7 Product Review...

No 7 Beautiful Skin Review, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

No 7 Product for beautiful skin...

I brought home for myself a new product I decided to try!
It is called No 7 and it has a full line of a complete skin care treatment.

I usually purchase Estee Lauder skin care products,
But my Dillards did not have my Daywear dry skin face cream in stock;
So I decided to go to our Walgreens and I found this product!
I have seen it at our Target store, but I have not shopped there very often,

For the reasons that they do not carry my brands of clothing or designs I like.

But I must say the Drug stores such as Walgreens have come a long way baby!

I will give it a week or so and see if it makes my skin break out or if it  does not
add the moisture level I require to make my skin feel plump and soft!

I paid eighteen dollars for a gift box set that had both the day and night cream
in the full size jars, not a mini size.
And I also got a sample size cleanser that you apply to your face and wipe it off
with a small cotton square.
And it also had a sample size facial mask for a once a week application,
I think the trial size will be enough for at least 2 weeks.

This gift box would really make a nice gift!

Have any of you ladies tried this product?
This is my own personal review and I just want some feedback!

What are some of the things that you do that make you feel beautiful?
I know when my attitude is in line with the heart of God,
And I allow kindness to reign and not my selfish little girl attitude.

Being beautiful on the outside is nice and can be useful;
But a gentle, kind spirit is worth so much more!

Blessings to you all...
Hugs, Roxy

Thursday, November 24, 2016

When You Think You Can't Eat Another Bite, Think Again...

Making Pie, Living from glory to glory blog...

Sometimes I am almost sure I have two stomachs;
One for the good for you foods;
Meat and potato's and of course your veggies.

But pie is the best food group yet!

A Cherry Tart, Living From Glory To Glory Blog
Presenting my Cherry Tart I made in my new tart pan!
I made the crust with a G/F flour mix,
But you can use any pastry dough recipe you like.
I used a cream cheese filling with fresh eggs and an almond flavoring.
I used a can of sweet cherries with a rich syrup.

I will serve it nice and cold and if anyone wants a dollop of whip cream,
"I say the more the merrier"

My personal preference is apple pie or a cherry tart, but at this time of year;

We must have Pumpkin Pie...

We need pie for all our Thanks Gathering Day!

I want to share with you all how much I have learned in my own little kitchen...

I know you have all heard the little secret of what ingredient makes any
Recipe tastes delicious!

Well, it is true...

When you take anything you are preparing for a meal or a dessert, and
Consciously enjoy measuring and stirring and adding each spice or flavoring,
You enjoy this part of creating something that has true substance.

I believe that is why it is not just the choice of foods being served;
But rather how they are handled and appreciated.

It is like a fine wine it is presented as having a personality;
Full bodied and sweet or a full bouquet of an aroma!
Spicy or dry, crisp and fruity.
Balanced, bold and buttery,
Nutty and rich...

Well, that is what we should be preparing in our kitchens!
Now we must add the most important ingredient.

Add the love...

I have made many, many meals in all my years of being a homemaker.
And if I have a bad attitude or just not appreciative of all that
I have been given, or allow my foods to go to waste.
It shows up in my meals that come from the kitchen, but not my heart!

So always make the time to enjoy the preparation and even the clean up!
Thank God you have a kitchen and food to prepare and loved ones to serve.

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory

Monday, November 21, 2016

Little Is Much If God Is In It...

When my heart is full and overflowing with gratitude...

Sometimes we can get so busy and occupied that we can miss what is right in
front of our faces. We have so many blessings!

Firstly, we have the creation to show us that we have a creator!

We have family and friends!
We have fellowship of the brethren!

Gratitude is a choice and even if we have but a little we have much!

"Little is much if God is in it"

We can get stuck in the wrong way of thinking;
We are told that unless we do something big, we are but an unimportant person.
Some are fulfilled in their important jobs,
But we have all heard this statement;
Never have we heard a dying man say this;
"I wish I had worked more hours"

Doing what God has called you to do is a big thing!

This big thing may be rocking a wee little child in the middle of the night.
A big thing might be sewing on a loose button on a shirt or a winter coat.

A big thing might be speaking a word in season.
Encouragement is no small matter, dear ones!

A big thing might be showing hospitality to a stranger.

I am learning to do what I can in little ways;
A little here and a little there...

Please give your husband a big bear hug today!
Smile a really kind smile to someone who looks overwhelmed!
Bake a plate of cookies and give them to a neighbor!
Pray for those you see on the highway and the byways!

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory

Thursday, November 17, 2016

How To Make An Easy Pumpkin Torte...

Pumpkin Torte, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Pumpkin Torte

For the Crust
1 package yellow cake mix 
"Take out of this reserve 1 cup for the crumble topping"
1/2 cup melted butter
1 egg

For the Filling
1- 15 oz can pumpkin
2 eggs
2/3 cup milk
1/2 cup Brown Sugar
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp powdered ginger
1/4 tsp ground clove
  (Or you can use A pumpkin spice mix)
1 1/2 tsp Cinnamon

For the Topping
This will make a nice crumble use the
1 cup of reserved cake mix
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 cup  Sugar,  or Coconut Sugar or Organic Sugar
1/4 cup butter


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Lightly grease the bottom of a 9X13 pan.

For the crust
In a medium sized bowl, mix together the ingredients for the base or crust
This will be like a dough batter you can
Spread and press the batter into the prepared pan; Set aside.

For the filling
In another bowl, combine all of the filling ingredients and mix well.
Pour or spoon the pumpkin filling over the cake.

For the topping,
 Combine the first three topping ingredients.
Cut in the butter until crumbly.
Sprinkle the topping ingredients over the pumpkin filling.

Bake  for 45 min to 1 hour
  The filling needs to be firm.

Serve this cold and top with some fresh whip cream!

This will be your new fall favorite pumpkin desert!

This yummy pumpkin Torte is so good;
And really you can make it all year long.
I liked it because you just used a yellow cake mix for the crust!

I do believe you will enjoy this!!

Blessings, Roxy

Sunday, November 13, 2016

When You Are A Working Woman Outside The Home...

Working women, Living from Glory To Glory Blog...

When  You Are A Working Woman Outside The Home

As we are strong and capable and can do so many amazing things!
I have not always been a stay at home wife or mother;
I have seen and lived in both arenas!

So I write this blog post to those ladies that have chosen to work
Have had to for financial reasons
 Needed the stimulation of something to do to keep from being lonely.
(Widowed), Empty Nester)

I think we still need to extend grace and love to our sisters in Christ!

Some situations just make going back to work not even a choice!

I do not want to appear unloving;
So may I state this first of all;
If my family needed me to help supply financial help to
keep a roof over our heads or food on the table, or if
my husband was ill and could not work. 
I would do whatever
I had to do!!

Working outside the home is not some sin that makes us
Less christian or un-lady like...

I do believe it is a bit harder to keep from being
Exposed to the worldly things that do go on.

Being a working woman will require a greater burden on
your health and your home responsibilities!

This is where it will take some prayer and wisdom;
And to learn some routines and find some resources that will help you!

Make sure each day before leaving your sanctuary (Your Home) PRAY
Have a dinner menu planned for each day
(Use Your Crock Pot)

Work as few hours as possible!

Dress modestly...
(No Cleavage showing)

No going out to lunch with the opposite sex!

Do not expose your family life or husband's faults.

If you have children and still need childcare;
Please be very careful;
You must be sure that your children are well taken care of, so ask yourself;
Is it a safe place??

Make every precaution you can, to keep your home
the only place where your heart is!!

I will say that always keep in mind that our calling is to
Be homemakers and help - mates to our husbands.

If you must go back to work I pray it will be for only a season!
But if it is a career you went to school for, then keep in mind that maybe you
can work only part time!

I know that my life and marriage were always under so much more stress while I worked!
My quality of health was weaker and my home did not run as smoothly!

So may we all just do what needs to be done,
And work on some things to make working outside the home
either a short duration or only part time.

Interesting article for times like we are living in!
On Line 
source for collective data and knowledge
In the days of Covid-19 this has become a reality.
For Working Businesses'
Working Remotely
Homeschooling For The First Time

Blessings, Roxy

Thursday, November 10, 2016

My Franciscan Rose Pattern Dinnerware...

Living from Glory To Glory Blog ,Franciscan Rose Pattern Dinnerware

My Beautiful Rose Franciscan Pattern Dinnerare
And My Story...

My Rose Pattern dish's now have some very pretty green glasses to go with them!
When my Mother passed, I asked for her dish set because she and I had a love for
this lovely rose pattern for many years.

I remember as a child she only had the sugar bowl and creamer
And just two teacups with saucers.
She would use these two cups when a neighbor would stop in for a cup of coffee.
I do not think we do that anymore...

Years before my Mother died, she gave me the sugar bowl and creamer
For my 30th birthday!
I do not use them any longer as they are a bit cracked and very fragile.
So I leave them in my china hutch!

Let me tell you the story of how I happened to acquire a complete set
of this lovely Franciscan tableware!

Well, my older brother knew how much mother loved this pattern!
As I mentioned when my Mother did pass I did get 6 dinner plates and 6 bowls
 and that was what I had gotten from our Mother.

But I got a phone call from my brother and he asked all the other sisters if they
wanted some of those same rose pattern dinnerware.
They said no as it was not their style,
But they did say ask Roxy, she loves that stuff!!

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

So when my brother went to an estate sale back east he saw these dishes!!
The man that had lived at this estate was a client of my brothers;
So when he asked about these dishes they told him he could have the entire set!
(Not sure of what he may have paid as I never asked)

But I will tell you this it was a huge amount of every size and everything imaginable.

The boxes just started coming to the house and they were huge!
The Fed Ex guy was like who sent you this??
I told him the story and he said boy you have one nice brother!
~And Yes, Yes I do~

It took my Daughter in love many hours to unpack the boxes!
We had so many the entire floor and table were covered in Roses...

I have so many dishes that I had to pack away many of them!
I kept out a table setting for twelve!

I use them as my daily dishware so I always think of my Mother!

I received serving bowls and serving platters, and casserole dishes.

I have two different styles of teapots...

But just recently we found some nice green glassware at Tuesday Mornings
(Love that place)

So I bought a stemware green glass and then a regular tall glass for tea and milk.

My cupboards are bursting with Roses!!
And it makes me smile and I count my blessings that my dear brother
gave me such a lavish gift!

You know I just had a thought or maybe it was a memory about how and
where my dear mother would have gotten the money to buy her
Cream and sugar set and her two coffee cups?

I believe it was probably with her little books filled with
S&H Green Stamps

~Thank You, Dear Big Brother~
Thank You Mom for giving me the love of Roses...

Do You Ladies remember a dish pattern your family used while growing up?

Blessings, From Glory To Glory
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