Sunday, November 13, 2016

When You Are A Working Woman Outside The Home...

Working women, Living from Glory To Glory Blog...

When  You Are A Working Woman Outside The Home

As we are strong and capable and can do so many amazing things!
I have not always been a stay at home wife or mother;
I have seen and lived in both arenas!

So I write this blog post to those ladies that have chosen to work
Have had to for financial reasons
 Needed the stimulation of something to do to keep from being lonely.
(Widowed), Empty Nester)

I think we still need to extend grace and love to our sisters in Christ!

Some situations just make going back to work not even a choice!

I do not want to appear unloving;
So may I state this first of all;
If my family needed me to help supply financial help to
keep a roof over our heads or food on the table, or if
my husband was ill and could not work. 
I would do whatever
I had to do!!

Working outside the home is not some sin that makes us
Less christian or un-lady like...

I do believe it is a bit harder to keep from being
Exposed to the worldly things that do go on.

Being a working woman will require a greater burden on
your health and your home responsibilities!

This is where it will take some prayer and wisdom;
And to learn some routines and find some resources that will help you!

Make sure each day before leaving your sanctuary (Your Home) PRAY
Have a dinner menu planned for each day
(Use Your Crock Pot)

Work as few hours as possible!

Dress modestly...
(No Cleavage showing)

No going out to lunch with the opposite sex!

Do not expose your family life or husband's faults.

If you have children and still need childcare;
Please be very careful;
You must be sure that your children are well taken care of, so ask yourself;
Is it a safe place??

Make every precaution you can, to keep your home
the only place where your heart is!!

I will say that always keep in mind that our calling is to
Be homemakers and help - mates to our husbands.

If you must go back to work I pray it will be for only a season!
But if it is a career you went to school for, then keep in mind that maybe you
can work only part time!

I know that my life and marriage were always under so much more stress while I worked!
My quality of health was weaker and my home did not run as smoothly!

So may we all just do what needs to be done,
And work on some things to make working outside the home
either a short duration or only part time.

Interesting article for times like we are living in!
On Line 
source for collective data and knowledge
In the days of Covid-19 this has become a reality.
For Working Businesses'
Working Remotely
Homeschooling For The First Time

Blessings, Roxy


  1. I am just going back to work full time. Not something I ever expected to do at this stage of life---but as my dad used to say- It is what it is. Yep!
    I will take a soft pinkish rose color-thank you.
    Have a great week, Roxy! xo Diana

  2. Well stated my friend.
    Happy Thanksgiving,

  3. I worked for 46 years before retiring, at which time I was ready to retire, but apprehensive about giving up the paycheck. I worked because there was a need and because I could not have children. I envied those who had the blessing of having children and the luxury of being able to stay home and keep house. I felt sorry for mothers who had to work to supplement their husband's incomes and I greatly admire the single moms who MUST work and be mom, dad, provider. For women who feel the need to have a career and work for their own fulfillment, I believe that is their business, however, I also think the generations since WWII have suffered as a result of so many women being in the work force. I also think that families these days have to have two incomes because of all the things they feel they must have. Huge homes, expensive cars, etc., but I also know the cost of living has skyrocketed. Now I am 67 years old. If I should find that I must go out in the work force again, I will do whatever I must do. To everything there is a season.

  4. Wonderful words of wisdom for those who have to work outside the home, thank you for sharing your thoughts on modesty, and keeping quiet about your husband and children, and home life. Our home should never be on the public stage for all to see and hear about. Excellent advice my friend!

  5. I never got to be a stay at home mom and wife. I longed to, though, and I appreciate your thoughts and I hope young mothers that are working will figure out ways to be home more.

  6. I appreciate the feedback, and even the correction of grammar or spelling! I see a world that is changing and I try not to put women in a place of guilt or struggle as this is not what I ever intended to do in my blog!
    We need grace and support to be happy at home when we are not away from it, via work or taking care of others!

    Blessings, Roxy

  7. Wonderful post Roxy! I have needed to work outside the home and have made many adjustments to life so that things worked. I understand the dangers to women in the workforce and the struggled to maintain the most important things..being a homemaker and help meet to my husband. I encourage all those women that do not need to work to be home. There is such a blessing to this role and even though the world down plays it, it is of great importance to the family. I am so thankful the Lord Jesus has made a way for me to now be home. I prayed for many years for this, and the Lord is the God who hears and answers prayer!

  8. I struggle as an empty-nester and have contemplated looking for a job outside the home. Alas, I have no prior experience in the work force as I have been a stay-at-home wife and mom for 35 years. I applied for several jobs to no avail. My prayer is that if there is something the Lord would like me to do from home that would bring in a little extra income for a few things, that He will show me what it is I am to do. It's a hard place to be.

  9. I really enjoyed this post. At times I've needed to work outside the home to help with finances, but my heart always longed to be at home full time. Now I have the blessing (since our children are all grown) to work part-time, but its helping our daughter in her home with the grandchildren - what a blessing !!! I thought your words were very encouraging, carefully chosen, and full of graceful wisdom. Thankyou, and many blessings to you ~ Linda

  10. I'm in a season of working as a substitute teacher. I work no more than two or three days a week. All my kids are grown and out of the house. It's a challenge even being gone that long after a lifetime as a stay-at-home mom. If I hadn't been working though, there are some major bills that would have gone unpaid. It's a season. Just a season. I'm thankful that I do have a lot of flexibility even if the pay is poor.
    Be blessed friend!
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!

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