Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Don't Use That Tone Of Voice With Me...

Kind Words, The Tone Of Our Voice, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I can remember my Mother saying to me;
You better change your tone little girl!

I probably had my hand on my hip giving my opinion!

Well, I would like to think I have come a long way baby.
But sadly at times I can still see that attitude in me;
Even if it's in a more subtle way.

I remember having my own little girl and at times she would open her mouth;
And some of the things that came out;
Truly most of them were the truth, just not done respectfully.
As we say out of the mouths of babes.
They can be so forthright...
Like wow, what a big nose you have
Phew, you stink
You're fat

As her mother, I was mortified and embarrassed!

But as an adult  in our marriage and even with our Heavenly Father,
We can have our hand on our hip and use that tone of voice;
And not realize how disrespectful we truly are being.
And that condescending tone is so not considered a gentle quiet voice.

I so wish all my words could be...
~A Sweet Smelling Aroma~

Did you ever get your mouth washed out with soap?
Well, I did!

And I am glad I did!!

I want my tone and words to be a fragrant scent!
This is not easy in a world that needs to have devices that take out all
The nasty words and all the swearing.

We can all have a fragrant scent if we will allow the Word of God;
To penetrate our hearts and cleanse our mouths!

 One thing that has helped me it this;

~Rejoice Always~

1 Thessalonians 5:16

When I am rejoicing, and not having my hand on my hip (smiles)
I can stop the tone of being proud and self-righteous.

Again, I say, Rejoice

When my Mother told me to change my tone; I did it real quick...

May we get a lesson today about this;
Change your tone, watch the body language.
Hand On Hip
Pointing the Finger
Words that are not nice...

As always, Remember your tone speaks volumes!

Hugs, Roxy

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

What Doesn't Kill Me Makes Me Stronger...

Norman Rockwell Painting, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

What doesn't kill me makes me stronger.

Every Morning when I sit at my desk to read my Bible;
I see this picture and quote in this frame to remind me...

"When I was a little girl I think I may have looked just like this little girl"
I usually get a good laugh and a big smile when I read it!

The reason she is smiling because she finally has had enough!
You might ask; Enough what?

When life or people try to quench the joy or make fun of you;
For being old fashion and just a homemaker...

If you are working within your own home
 And your Husband,
Loves and supports you and It pleases the Lord;
We can more then overcome!

There is a time to defend oneself and your family!

We live in a world where the bullies can do as they please and say as they please.

But, I can see where in my life I did stand and prevailed;
Victory has been the outcome!

Everyone will have different battles, but some things are just,
Worth fighting for...

Most battles will be fought within your own homes.
But if you will keep steadfast and stay the course,
You will win the prize!

Sometimes the prize is 
 An overcoming attitude.
Having a home where peace reigns!

A happy marriage.
A home that is filled with laughter!

You will become stronger if you will just say no;
For all the things that are negative and against God's plan for the home!

You are getting stronger; as you take care of what the Lord
Has given you...

Hugs, Roxy

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Teach Me To Manage This Household...

Vintage Blue Coffee Pot... Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~Teach Me To Manage This Household~

We all must learn to manage different things;
For many different reasons, but the main reason is to be able
To know how things function and work!

To be accountable, to be in charge, administer; to run; Control,
Lead govern and rule.
I personally like to have my husband hold this part of managing our home.

But I also have a very important part and place for keeping
Our home in a proper functioning place that runs well!

My favorite words to describe managing my household are these words;
Guide, Preside Over, Direct, Oversee.

I think we all love the idea of a well managed home'
We do not like it when chaos reigns!

That is why I believe we like to read and look at magazines that
Show and portray homes that are lovely and organized.
Martha Stewart is not the only one who can manage a household!

Here are just a few suggestions and comments;

Making ends meet financial for your home is so important!
Do not spend more than you make...
Using a list to organize what needs to be done daily, and weekly.

Firstly, may I suggest that you always make yourself ready
Hair, face and smell sweet!
Make your bed!

"Now, I can promise you this, they will expect dinner"
Get a dinner going early in the morning...
Thaw out your meat or bake a dessert, wash veggies!

Look for ideas often to better learn cleaning tips!
Keep the laundry going, so it does not overwhelm you!

Trust me,
 I do not clean all the time, But I do keep my kitchen clean and tidy!
My bed has clean sheets weekly!

Learn to make small, quick, inexpensive meals!
Buy the staples on sale.
Order online, so you have no impulse buying!

Sometimes we must weather the storms that life will bring our way!
And if your home usually runs efficiently,
 You may not be thrown too far off track!

I think that we all can use advice from others no matter our age;
Or season of our lives and our family dynamics.

Share any advice you might want to with other ladies in the comments.

Always learning...
Love, Roxy

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

How To Work From Home For Christ...

Working For Christ From Home, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~Homework For Christ~

What I personally love is being able to work for Christ 
Right within my home...

I must admit that every single day I can find so many things,
That I can do from home and for my home and family;
That it keeps me busy and out of the worlds sight.

Being at home has taught me so many things;
I can serve the Lord with greater clarity and quietness.

Too many women can find themselves worried that they,
May not be doing kingdom work.
But working for Kingdom ministry outside the home or in the spotlight
 Are taking many women away from home.

We must not fret or worry about not finding time;
For outside work, or a public ministry.
Homework for Christ can be much more appealing and appropriate.

The work of Christ is not all found in the things we do in Church.

It has taken many years to realize that what I do in my home,
Is a powerful witness to a world that longs for love and peace.

Many women, once they raise their children will have more time;

But for me it seems I have less energy or time.
So I still focus on my own home.

I like to think that whatever I set my hand to do;
I do all in Christs name.

Let my toil of each day bring grace and a sweet home!
May my prayers cover my home
May the meals I prepare be filled with love
May kindness grow up like a well watered flower garden

The place I want to be "Sactuary of Home"
Good works done in faith...

Unselfish toils within your home may be unseen;
But never un-noticed by those that live there or may come to visit!

I am still a work in progress, but I know that as I strive to do
The homework He has given me, I will take each day and carry
My list of things to do, To the Lord in Prayer...

Blessings, Roxy

Fresh Rolls, Sunday Dinner, Living From Glory To glory Blog...

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Healing Benefits Of Lemon Balm Tea...

Lemon Balm Tea, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Lemon Balm Tea

I have discovered that I truly enjoy a cup of Lemon Balm Tea!
Some Herbal teas are just a bit tangy or strong; But this is mild and light!

I have been drinking it for quit a while, and I have not looked into
The benefits of drinking it. So I decided to look into it!

What I found was a pleasant surprise!

It's great for your nerves, it was once called a nerve tonic.
Helps improve your sleep patterns and quality.

Lemon balm is also believed to treat a range of medical disorders affecting the digestive tract, nervous system, and liver.

Today, lemon balm is used in traditional medicine as both a sleep aid and digestive tonic.
 Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) is a lemon-scented herb known for its calming and anti-inflammatory effects.

But, I am sure there can be some side effects also!

Once again, everything in moderation, including herbs and supplements.
And of course, all the different food groups!

I really think the best course of action is to know your own body!

Some foods will wreck havoc on your system,
Everyone is so different!

Getting on the bandwagon for any one thing has never been good!

A little here, a little there!

Just like caffeine, it can be really tough on your system,
But a small cup also has great benefits!

You can make any kind of tea time special!
You can make your morning coffee the catalyst to get moving!

I always have a large array of different teas and coffees,
To enjoy myself and to offer friends and family.

I also enjoy having many different designs and shapes of mugs;
And of course teacups...

Tea Time, Irish Breakfast... Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Irish Breakfast Tea is one of my very favorites!

Make even the small moments special...

May you all take the time to sip your tea or coffee and enjoy your day!

Hugs, Roxy

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Sunflowers Follow The Sun...

Sunflowers, Living from Glory to Glory Blog...

Sunflowers follow the sun...

The other morning as I was coming home very early,
I had one of those moments where you just realize something
 That has been happening for years!

These amazing wild flowers follow the sun;
Their little faces all look to the East;
As the sun comes up to brighten the whole earth
With a blazing warmth and light!

Then they turn their big, bright, happy faces slowly all day long!
Then, once in the early evening comes you will see 
They have all turned their heads to the West...

I started telling this amazing little fact to everyone;
Some people were really surprised and a few said
Yeah, I knew that!
One said an old farmer had told him that! And he thought 
He was just old and didn't know what he was talking about!
But the next day he watched and watched all day long
They did just that, turned to follow the sun.

One man told me when he leaves for work every summer morning they
Are all facing him has he drives, but as he returns home they are
Waving goodbye.

Even Nature Follows The Son. Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I guess the point of this little story and my own revelation;
Is this...

What is going on around you that you are not even aware of?

God is working little miracles each day in our behalf.
We are seeing nature groaning for His return every season
 Even Nature Follows Follows The SON...

We all have things that will cause us to have a face that bears the struggles!
We can have worry lines upon our foreheads,
We have dark bags underneath our eyes,
We can have wrinkles around our eyes,
We can have a mouth that is turned down.

We must look to the Lord and worship Him with all our cares and worries,
Why take on a face that looks troubled and worried and worn?

 We can have a face that follows the SON...

Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in his wonderful face,
And the things of this earth will grow strangely dim
 In the light of His glory and grace.

Wake-Up sleepy heads!
Look around and see all that He is doing in your life...

Living from Glory To Glory
Down those Long country Roads...
 To all my fellow travelers, even if you never leave your HOME!

Hugs, Roxy

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