Wednesday, October 16, 2019

How To Train Yourself To Become Self Motivated...

Be Motivated, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

How To Become Self Motivated?

I have heard so many people say, I can hardly get myself motivated!

I truly feel bad for these individuals'
Because generally speaking, we all could feel this way!

I asked a young lady the other day what she does all day long,

It just shocked me that her response was;
I just sit around all day, 
"She said some people think that is boring, but, I don't"
But her response was this is what she has been doing all along since she has gotten married!
She has been married for at least a year and has a newborn,

She told me she was bottle feeding so her husband can get up through the night to help feed,
"She said so she can sleep!"
 Now I don't have a problem with formula feeding,
And I think its great for any help the Father wants to help with!
So do not take this out of context,

I tried a comeback to her, do you like to read?
 She said I have some books, but I just look at them!
This not the Baby Blues!

I was told she does nothing;
She waits for her husband to get home, he works a lot of hours!
So then he has to make dinner and clean!

So is this just an isolated incident?

Are we all becoming unmotivated?

Or is it just a few lazy people...

How can you help yourself?

How can you help others?

I believe we are all suppose to carry our own load!
We are all responsible to work and make our lives and homes profitable;
With being clean and cozy and welcoming!

Some things to help you become trained in becoming Self Motivated

Making a list daily
"Write down what needs to be done"
Have a list of things that need to be done this month.
And things that need to be done daily!

Tell yourself that you must be productive!
Tell yourself you will not be lazy!
Be proud that you are setting your hand for a job that needs to be done!
Be intentional about your life habits!
Be focused!

Motivation for being a doer, is not any different than training for the Olympics!
"It takes every single day to work to stay ahead and to gain ground"

Learn how to do tasks in the most efficient way
Keep track of your progress
"I also like to write down what I have done that was not on my list!

Being a motivated person, requires a plan!

Even doing something small will start you flowing to complete a job!

I will ask myself this "Do you want to be like a sloth?"

My heart goes out to that young woman,
She will one day pay a high price for not wanting to work or to learn and grow!

We must never stop moving in the direction of accomplishing tasks!

If you will but ask for help, take advice, seek wisdom.
You will grow into a stronger motivated person!

Maybe we all need a life coach!

If you see someone that might except some help, give it!
If this young new Mom would allow me to help her I would;
But as we all know some people are not willing to allow someone to help!

That's another post for another situation...

But I will be calling her to ask if I might call her or text her to encourage her!

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Why everything Takes Work And Diligence...

Apple Orchard, Working to bring in the harvest, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Apples Galore...

Are you willing to do the hard work of putting up your harvest?

Whether we plant apple trees or peach trees;
Whether we grow a garden filled with all kinds of different seeds.
We must consider the cost!

Everything takes work and diligence...

If we cannot be trusted to take care of what God blesses us with now!
How can you hope for an increase?

We were promised toil and snare after the first sin;
We no longer have the milk and honey land or life.

But we are still being held accountable to take care of our garden;
And this garden I am referring to is everything you have,
Been intrusted with!!

God will test each of us with how we manage His blessings!

We are but stewards of everything we have!
Even your education and all your relationships, Homes!

I guess I am not really a fun Blog, but I assume,
You come here to be encouraged, with a portion of lets get er done attitude.

When you enter a trial of hardship;
Or with every morning you awake,
Can you be counted on to roll up your sleeves and work?

If God gives you seed to plant you better plant them;
Cultivate them, watch over them!
And you must bring in the harvest!

We can take time to rest every night, and even a short nap.
But we must work while it is yet day!

We were created for fellowship with our heavenly Father;
But we have been entrusted to take care of His vineyard.

Everything will require attention;
That is why I think all our technology is a bit of a curse.
Everyone is distracted and not working with their hands!
Do what makes a home run for God's glory...

Work is a blessing...

Hope and Pray each of you become inspired and will set your hands,
To the task at Hand!
(Pun intended)

May we encourage one another to work as onto the Lord...

It's really not all about you...

Ask God for strength to do what is required of you!!

Love, Roxy
~Living From Glory To glory Blog~

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

How To Have A Better Home And Garden...

Be Transformed, Living From glory To glory blog...

Laziness ...

If you don’t think laziness is a problem in America,
Consider the fact that we have a chair, the “Laz-e-boy,”
 Tailored for and marketed to the American home.
And it sells! 

Laziness, much like selfishness, is bent toward the self,
But it gets its marching orders from the comfort committee.
We desire the comfort and refuse to do anything difficult because it could be uncomfortable.

Laziness is chiefly about preserving and promoting the perception of personal comfort.
And laziness becomes a lie to yourself and others!

What has been something you have had a few nudges to accomplish?,
But still have not moved in that direction.

We should know when there is a problem in our marriages and our homes,

And we should also know that it requires a change, perhaps even a painful change.
So what happens? 
Laziness say's,
 “Oh, I’ll get to this another time.”
Or laziness says convincingly, “It’s not that bad. 

Waiting for later can result in a broken marriage!
Your home turning into a broken down shack!

Laziness is a terrible crisis in our culture!
Years ago, there were so many that kept their homes clean!
Planted flowers and trees in their yards!
Painted and reused their furniture!
Made curtains from flour sacks for the windows.
They would even sweep their front porches.
We have so much more to use as resources,
But, So many homes are looking more unloved and not cared for!
If you do not think this is true, take a drive through your town.

Time and energy is a gift from the Lord!

Get busy and deep clean your homes!
Even if you start with one room at a time...

Get busy and give some attention to your marriage!
Marriage is always in need of attention
Making time for one another,
Laughing together,
Good food and making time to sup together!

Laziness can be so easily taken care of by just doing something every day!

Get busy and clean up your homes and yards!

Do not be like the slugger, or sloth!

Work and use your time wisely...

Your marriage and homes are worth all the effort you can put into them daily!

Working is what is required of each of us;
Carry your own load!

Trust me, I can get tired easily as I have aged, and as we have all experienced health issues,
Also, having young children at home, financial troubles.
But we must push through and get a handle on these things!

Learn to manage your time...
Look good. Smell good, work hard, pray hard
That is how we become more valuable than rubies.

As Always, Living From glory To Glory
Love, Roxy

Monday, September 9, 2019

How Important Is It To Be Content...

Be Content, Cranberry Vintage Lamps, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Be Content

We have all known people who all their lives are discontent.
They are never satisfied with where they are in life's seasons
Or what they have acquired in their lives.

Never enjoying the time that they are living in!

There is a tension of wanting adventure, but desiring the familiar!

But we can spend our whole life never feeling like we fit in;
Or never doing that one big thing!
A chance of a lifetime, but you secretly are glad!

I think at times that a few are called to wander and do the daring things.
But once again, I may watch it on television, but to climb huge rocks,
 Or dive off a cliff, or ski the swiss alps.

Well, my adventure is quite tame in comparison.
But being a daredevil is not my forte.
I prefer the quiet space and listening to nature in the quiet.

Being a homemaker has allowed me to enjoy the peaceful life..

I am not sure how much longer I can think of things to say too
Ladies that desire to be at home...

It can become lonely if you always need to be stimulated.
But if you enjoy a peaceful home and can take pleasure,
In having simple and nutritious meals, and a clean home.
And a few close friends that will be your friend for all your days.

Being a wife and a mother and knowing it is the highest calling!
You have learned to be content...

I ask the Lord often, Keep me in that secret place,
Give Your Angels charge over me!

If your tired and worn down, take a break.
Revive yourself with God's Word
Speak life to yourself!
Quote scripture...

As you age as a saint of God's chosen (His Elect)
It will get harder, not easier;
Because the Devil knows His time is short...

~Plod On Dear Ones~

Hugs, Roxy

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

A Fully Mature Peach In The Making...

Maturity not Rebellion, Living from Glory To Glory Blog...


 They can be so delicious when they are picked fresh and when they are fully ripened.

Everything in Season

Sometimes when we try to eat something that is not fully matured;
As we might say "green"
We will  be very disappointing, as it will be hard and tasteless.

This is where patience has its perfect work...

When we do things out of season we will not be able to enjoy its full potential.
Fruit is only one example of being mature.

What does being mature look like?
What qualities might it have?

Now. Look, I am not talking about peaches here.

Being mature is something that develops over time!
Learning and desiring maturity seems like we are having a crisis,
Why, would you not want to be mature?

We all start out as children and not knowing much;
But over time if we will watch and wait and desire to learn.
We can become wise and mature in things.

We have too many know it all and very few teachers on one hand,
Then again we have way too many supposedly teachers, and no students.

"Don't tell me what to do"
Don't even suggest it!

Does that sound a little bit like rebellion?
Did I rebel as a child?
Yes, rebellion can be an outward act, or an inward attitude.

Look, if I am going to want to eat a peach, this is what I want.
A mature one that is juicy and delicious,
A peach that is grown mature, no longer green.
And so I may have to wait for a little longer!

As each day passes, we have the responsibility to mature.
Learning how to do things well, and consistently.

I wanted to learn how to play the piano, I needed a teacher.

I had a dear friend teach me the basics and now I am trying to learn on my own.
(Having a good teacher or student is hard to find)

Take the time to learn, be patient with those you are teaching.
Life is a give and take process...

Righteousness will have its perfect work...
But rebellion will leave you ignorant and not useful to anyone.

So if someone might call you a good peach;
That in my opinion is a compliment!

As Always,
Living From Glory To Glory
Roxy xoxo

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Reflect And Grow Content...

Mental glider, Living from glory to glory blog...

Is anybody listening?
Can you hear me?

Random thoughts that were profound to me!

Everyone will go at their own speed.
Trust is something that must be earned.
Fear is an ugly emotion.
Your heart really can feel broken.
Priorities are something a wise person will implement.
Strength is from the Lord.
The cycle of being born and dying is hard to perceive.
A wise woman will stop and contemplate; but not for too long,
As she will become sad and melancholy...
We are told to plod on, I feel like a race horse at times and other times;
I have been put out to pasture.

Desire to make your life a haven; as it is the only place we have
The right to pursue happiness!

I choose to be kind, to enjoy the little things!
Look for the best in others!
Enjoy the home and family and friends that have been given to me!

Reflect and inspire yourself.
Never throw in the towel.
Give yourself room to grow and to heal.
Some people come into your life for a short time.
Look for what is beautiful.

Life will throw you a curve ball;
No worries God saw it coming.

What was that??

You will not understand everything that happens to you;
Or to those you love...

The pain will get your attention!

Concept; then there is the reality.

Another day, another chance!

Every day can be a gift if you will just unwrap it slowly and savor it!

Living from glory To glory
Love, Roxy
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