Remember Monday's Are Wash Day!
No, maybe it's Tuesdays!
Wait a minute, we are suppose to Wash on FREEZE Days!
Really lets all chip in and get this amazing homemaker a dryer.
She, is quite the trooper.
I did have a friend many moons ago that really did hang her clothes on the
Line in the winter time.
I am not sure if I can remember my Mother doing this.
But I do remember her hanging them on a clothes line in the basement.
This gives a whole new meaning to frozen STIFF.
We really have so many amazing modern and convenient appliances,
To help us Homemakers keep our homes clean and tidy,
Yet, I think we have had a real downturn in the training of keeping,
Our homes clean and inviting.
Remember Home Economics class in school?
Remember Mothers taught their daughters how to keep a home?
Remember when Mothers stayed home?
Remember the Donna Reed Show?
Remember when people cared what they looked like?
Remember when everything was NOT okay to do?
Some things may have changed, I will grant you that!
But believe me, I can say this with all my HEART;
There is no place like HOME...
So, Dear Ones,
Even if you have to go the extra mile and do an extra load,
Make keeping your home a priority,
A safe and cozy refuge from the worlds raging storms.
A Homemakers Motto:
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Your HOME is blessed because
Of You!