I see this Snowman just standing along side the road carrying this sign!
So I pull over and he jumps in and say's
Hello, Thanks for the ride!
I am shocked and I say; Well, I have never picked up a hitchhiker before!
Especially a snowman,
And I ask him
And I ask him
Have you been standing on the road for very long?
He responses;
All winter long as soon as the first snow storm started!
He responses;
All winter long as soon as the first snow storm started!
People just will not stop to pick me up!
I just think so many people are really turned off by the cold...
But you can bet come August there going to be be beee missing me!
Oh are you cold?
Would you like me to turn my heater up higher?
I will never make it to my Destination if you do that!
So, I ask him (You don't like the cold either)?
He says!!
So I tell him to look buddy, I am on my way to the airport!
I am flying south...
So as far as I can take you is there okay?
Going to visit my daughter !!!
Can you guess where??
But you can bet come August there going to be be beee missing me!
Oh are you cold?
Would you like me to turn my heater up higher?
I will never make it to my Destination if you do that!
So, I ask him (You don't like the cold either)?
He says!!
So I tell him to look buddy, I am on my way to the airport!
I am flying south...
So as far as I can take you is there okay?
Going to visit my daughter !!!
Can you guess where??