Looking down and seeing my hands has been an indicator of lately.
What exactly is it an indicator of?
I have used these hands for many things!
I think as a woman of God, my hands are symbolic of my heart!
What has been in my heart has been many times worked out with my hands.
I had my hand held by my Hubby many moons ago!
We exchanged these vows;
I think my hands have trembled a time or two, I have held the
hands of my children and grandchildren!
I have laid these hands over a fevered brow.
I have used my hands and folded them to pray!
My hands have held the hands of a dying Mother and Father.
My hands have been idle by my side a time or two!
My hands have sewn a bridle veil,
An a baby blanket bundling a newborn in.
I have used these hands to fold clothes of so many loads of laundry.
I have kneaded and made batches of fresh bread.
These hands have mixed a batch of cookies to eat and savor.
These hands have washed more dishes than I could count!
My hands are His instruments to love and to build and create!
My hands are worn to a soft and tender touch.
I have looked down and said my hands look just like my Mothers!
I have made this statement
these hands now have beauty marks upon them;
The world calls them age spots, I choose to call them
Beauty spots...
When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure.
Peter Marshall