Wednesday, February 7, 2024

To The Republic, One Nation Under God...

                                         Old Glory, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
 and to the republic for which it stands,
 one nation under God,
 indivisible, with liberty
 and justice for all."

I wonder how many people can say this by heart?
We said the Pledge of  Allegiance every morning in school;
With our hand over our heart!

The Pledge of Allegiance is a Promise to be Loyal to the United States!

Liberty and Justice in America cost so very much!
And these people are coming in and wanting what
We all have worked so hard for!
Many of us have lost loved ones that fought for our liberty.

We are not a Democracy in this country!

We are a Constitutional Republic!

While often categorized as a democracy,
 The United States is more accurately defined as a constitutional federal republic.
 What does this mean?
 refers to the fact that government in the United States is based on a Constitution
 Which is the supreme law of the United States.

It was founded on God's Truth,
Freedom cost so many hardships and Blood, Sweat and Tears!

Are these illegal immigrants going to show loyalty to this country?
We have been invaded by who knows!
We better Pray for a miracle Folks

Just how in the World can we sustain 22 Million people;
That can't speak English and are mostly from Communist regimes?
Just Saying

We must get back to what matters!
God and family and life and Liberty
To Obey God
To obey the Constitution
To Take care of our Families

And To Close Our Borders!!!!!

It's so out of control

Praying Psalm 91 Daily

Believing God for His direction and His protection...

Monday, January 22, 2024

Beware Of Making Promises...


Beware of making Promises, Living Ftom Glory To Glory Blog...

Keeping Your Promises

It is so important to keep your promises.

But keeping them may be harder than you ever imagined.

That is why we must be very careful when and who we

make a promise to.

We have all felt the effects of someone not keeping their promises.

We have seen it all in the divorce of so may couples.

We have all said "I Promise" to someone about something.

A promise is really just being faithful;

In doing what you said you would do.

A promise is giving your word!

What is our word worth?

I realize there are always situations that arise,

That makes it impossible to fulfill a promise.

But we must try to be a person that follows through!

As it has become a serious problem a lack of fidelity

To promises and engagements...

That we have made to others.

We will all be let down at some time.

And I mourn over those that I made promises to

 And did not keep in my lifetime.

But, we can take heart!

We have a God that never will break His promises!

May I encourage you to look in the Word and see,

And believe all His glorious promises!!

His Word will never let us down;

We can trust him always!

But as his Bride may we do our very best to keep

The promise's we make!

We have all heard the saying,

"He is a man of his word"

We are all sick and tired of all the lies and deception...

We do not want to align with the tactics of the father of lies.

There is no truth in him!

So, we may be better to not promise anything,

May our Yes be Yes


Our No be No

~Our Father in Heaven wants us to be Faithful~

Blessings, Roxy

Thanks so much to those who have left 

comments and love all these years!

Monday, January 15, 2024

How To Find Tranquility...


Peaceful Landscape, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

~There Will Be Seasons You Must Just Rest~

When we pull back from all distractions, we can focus!

I have had so many overwhelming feelings.

The world is changing so fast and it seems like for the worst.

Every road just seems bumpy...

So, I had to just stop before I just raged in disappointment

and wrote things that would not edify!

I have very strong feelings and opinions!

But my heart beats more steady when I do all the things

that fill me with joy!

When we expose ourselves to the dark stuff we fade.

I felt like a plant that had no water or sunshine!

So, I really have focused on doing things

 that fill me and provides me with purpose!

"I am a wife so I bless my husband

I am an artist, so I paint

I am a writer, so I write

I am a grandmother

I am a great grandmother

I am a friend

 so I will invest in them"

I do believe we are in for a bumpy ride;

So I will hang on as if I was on a roller coaster,

And enjoy the ride.

And I will cover my eyes when I can't look!

Taking every thought captive!

You must put up boarders;

Around your heart and mind!

~Because out of the heart the mouth speaks~

Fill your days and moments with life...

Find the tranquility

Find moments in your days to be thankful!

My days will have joy and purpose,

Because whether I eat or drink, I will do it as unto the Lord.

God's timing is perfect, we must just wait upon Him

May You all enjoy the purpose and plan God has for you;

In this season of your lives...

Always, Living From Glory To Glory

Hugs, Roxy

Monday, November 6, 2023

How To Persevere In Your Every Day Life...

Persevering In Your Every Day Lives, Living From Glory To Glory Blog


Persevering In Your Every Day

Some days and seasons will just be harder than others!

But we can overcome even if it's just in our own hearts and mind.

Everything seems like a battle anymore.

But we must have a fight to be a victor;

But as we fight we must always remember who the enemy is!

And as sad as it is, we can see God will allow others to be used,

To cause stress and frustration in our lives.

So this is why we must be very wise and diligent who we allow into our lives.

As these people will affect our homes and children with their stuff.

As the holidays are fast approaching, we can make better choices,

 Of who we spend it with and what we do!!

I always have to remind myself to take every thought captive...

Because it will be your mind that will lead you into trouble.

Ask the Lord for wisdom and endurance.

Pray for Peace of Jeruselum

Pray to be able to make better choices

Pray for God to remove all hindrances as you run your race

Pray to be a good steward of your time and money

Learn to walk in peace as much as it depends upon you!

I love this scripture; But some will not allow peace.

                   ~ If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace
with everyone. ~

Romans 12:18

Practice giving thanks with a grateful heart!!




Living From Glory To Glory

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Are You On Auto Pilot...


Live Life.... Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Today Is What I Have Been Given

How will I use my time at the present time?

Is everything going to be on autopilot?

Will I just do the essentials in my survival mode?

No, I think I will make the mindful attitude of these wonderful choices;

I choose to be Happy

I choose Joy

Live in the Moment

Stay Calm and Drink A Cup Of Tea

Stop and smell the Roses

Maybe this whole Idea Of being in the moment is valuable.

How many times does a sweet moment just fly by?

May I listen to my own advice and take in this day and live;

To the fullest...

Make the time to thank God for all you have been given!

Because we are not promised tomorrow!

~Turn the auto pilot Off~

Hugs, Roxy

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Sturdy Shoes...

Thy shoes shall be iron and brass; and as thy days,
So shall thy strength be.
 Deuteronomy 33:25 KJV

We can be sure that the Lord will provide sturdy shoes for our journey...

I am amazed at the strength the Lord gives us each and every day!

Yet, I am in awe in how we can know that we will have all we need in every journey.

If God sends you, He will provide!

Some terrain in life will be gentle and smooth.
Some will become rocky and steep incline or decline!

Some of these terrain's will be physical, some can be emotional.
Financial or spiritual.

Some days I feel like I am wearing a wimpy pair of

Other days my shoes appear to have no arch support,
Which can really hurt your feet.
I think I must be flat footed!

The other day I wore a pair of ankle boots with a summer dress!
It looked rather interesting, I was prepared to take a hike!
Even though I was sitting through a church service!
But actually my feet were tired and I felt the need for the
extra support.

The Terrain
The sidewalks are uneven and cracked and crumbling!
The dirt roads are dusty and  they have rock's you tumble over!
The highways are filled with vehicles racing at high speeds!
The mud puddles are sloppy!

What's  a girl to do?

it's just best to put on a pair of slippers and just stay home"

My Shoes
I remember having a pair of tap dancing shoes as a little girl
I remember having a pair of white Go-Go boots
I remember having snow boots
 with a little elastic hook and button on the side.
I even had to have a pair of moccasins once.
Wore a pair of wedding shoes!
Each foot covering has its purpose

Now days I own a few pairs of sensible shoes I can just slip on!
Some are kinda cute, some are just sturdy!

Maybe I just need to run barefoot!
Dangers of going barefoot- 
Been stung by a bee,
Stepping on a sticker
Getting a splinter in your foot
Finding a sliver of glass
The pavement is hot or freezing
We need protection for our feet...

I'm always amazed to think that as the Jewish people wandered the desert
Their shoes, never wore out!
Two things were provided for these pilgrims journey,
Shoes and Strength

So as a child of God, may I march boldly on!
He will give us strength for each burden and terrain we encounter!

~My only hope is total reliance on His strength~

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Sunshine Or Shadows...

Cream Always Rises To The Top, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

The Goodness is more noticeable as the shadows grow deeper.
I have had the privilege of seeing the goodness in so many people!

I always have this little picture or analogy of when we
had fresh milk and after a little while the cream would
come to the top of the buckets.
It's my most favorite part of the milk.
I like to think that this goodness is like the cream;
It's rising to the top...
So I believe those that persevere in these days and times,
Will be like cream rising to the top.

I think we all have been seeing and hearing and experiencing
so many troubles, it's felt a bit like the shadows 
that are growing longer and darker.

But, We must be like the sunflowers just keep following
The Sunshine...

We all know the darkness will be exposed!
And that the truth will prevail!

Now, this cream has many uses,
We can have ice cream, and then don't forget the butter.

In other words, we have a wonderful future!

"For surely goodness and mercy,
 shall follow you all the days of your life
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever"

Psalm 23:6

Don't allow others to stand in the path of your sunshine!
They are like the long shadows.
Just step around the thing that wants to steal the light.

*You can't stop the cream from rising to the top*

Don't be caught off guard;
You know the shadows are moving closer,
They're getting bolder!
And actually they're telling you what they are doing.
Whatever they accuse you of is what they are doing!
Now, Let that sink in... 

~Hope for the best
Prepare for the worst~

Living From Glory To Glory

Hugs, Roxy

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

When The Enemy Comes In Like A Flood...

Don't Be Easialy Offended, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

When The Enemy Comes In Like A Flood,
The Spirit of the Lord shall raise up a standard against him.

Isaiah 59:19

Sometimes you may feel all alone, But it is not true dear ones!

We can all see a fundamental change that is being implemented!
Many true Americans still believe in one nation under God...
There are many that have been groomed to see a greater good!
But it is a lie!

Everything does seem a bit off!
But none of this is a surprise to God.
We are in a battle daily!
There is a spiritual fight to rob you of your peace!
And we all know the enemy will use other people.
But don't take the bait...

I read a book years ago call the Bait Of Satan
By John Bevere

I do not endorse this author personally, as it was a Bible study
we did many years ago.)

The main point in this book was this;

~Don't Be Easily Offended~

I have seen and heard about more people that have been
just lambasted lately!
Maybe it's the heat!
Maybe they are just not able to regulate their emotions.

I do know even for myself, 
I have been on the receiving end of these assaults.

Just remember when you are falsely accused;
Remember who the accuser is!
The enemy has to use someone to hurt you.

It may take you a little while, but just forgive them!
Because if you don't it will stop you from doing what God
 Has given you to do!

Sometimes it's just easier to limit your time with others.
Stay off social media more.
(There's better things to do with your time)

Be very wise in truly knowing who is a friend!

Keep to yourself more...

Be kind as you can be!

But stop being naive about the dangers in our world!

And I am so sorry for any of you that have been attacked or accused;
Especially when you know in your heart you did nothing wrong.

Many times it is from the accusers own pain and rejection.

You do not need to try and vindicate yourself.
Just ask God for wisdom and repent for anything 
You may have been wrong about.

Check to see if there is any motive that doesn't please the Lord.

Remember do not take the bait from satan; 
He is a liar and he causes division and destroys
Whoever and whatever he can!

Stay strong
Stay focused
Stay close to the Lord Jesus


Forgive others
Forgive yourself
Forget and keep moving ahead...

Blessings, Roxy

Everyday Living From Glory To Glory

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