Monday, February 24, 2025

Collecting Happy Memories...


Tea Time, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Making Memories

One thing I have been keenly aware of is what your mind

can remember from days gone by!

Many days have come and gone, but there may be a little

moment that was just imprinted upon your heart.

And this can be drawn out by a song you hear on the radio.

Or an aroma that reminds you of a special occasion.

I have found as I have gotten older, I have recalled memories

of my childhood that I have never remembered before.

But, just maybe we can learn to savor a moment and tuck away

A memory that will last for all of our days!

Is there some special trick in collecting these memories?

Maybe not, but just taking a breath and soaking in

the sunshine on your face or holding a moment close

to your heart and ask God to help you capture and remember

the day or the one thing that made you happy.

My new hobby will be collecting happy memories...

Blessings, Roxy

Pictures of your days, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Thursday, February 20, 2025

MailChimp And My Subscribers...

Writing Blog Posts, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Come And get It...

Good Morning, Just a quick note to let you know
My Email delivery MailChimp has stopped sending out
My last few Blog Post.
I was looking at the numbers of my Email subscriber stats.
And I can see very few are actual opening my emails.
So I am asking two things,
 If you do not want my Blog post delivered to you via Email
Please go unsubscribed from it!
To Unsubscribe just open my last blog post
You received via Email 
Go to the bottom of the post and hit UNSUBSCRIBE

Also, if you would just rather go to my Blog
Living From Glory to glory
And just look to see if I have any new content!

As we all know nothing can be easy anymore.

I would have to pay $24.00 dollars for them a month to send
My posts out!
 So I was wondering if you have subscribed
To receive it by email, do you read my post that way?
(Asking for a Friend)

Also, do any of you know of a different way to send
post via email?

Here is the data...


Email marketing engagement
Your subscribers, broken down by how often they open and click your emails.

Your percentage of subscribers who are highly engaged and often open and click your emails.

Target with Campaign
Your percentage of subscribers who are moderately engaged and sometimes open and click your emails.

Target with Campaign
Your percentage of subscribers who are not very engaged and rarely open and click your emails.

I guess that's what I get for trying to blog more often LOL

Blessings, Roxy

Friday, February 14, 2025

You Can Create A Loving Atmosphere In Your Home...

 Love is an action, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Love Atmosphere...

We have a supernatural ability to create;

And one of the most important spheres of influence you have

To create a little bit of heaven on earth is in your Home!

We are called to be homekeeprs.

Your home could be spotless, but if theirs contention,

And unkindness and what I just call ATTITUDE

You now have an atmosphere of strife and unease.

We must always be mindful to work on a sweet presence

About just caring and showing interest in those we have been

given to share our lives with!

I think there is a real power behind a relationship

That sense that they are loved and cared for in ways

They just speak volumes, and it's not always in words.

Being tender with others as we are with a newborn baby!

There is enough harshness in this world;

So by setting your mind to always do what you can do,

To have a HOME, filled with LOVE...


Freshly baked cookies

A little note to say how special they are

Taking a walk together

A clean space to read or study

Get off your phone when they get home

Have a plan for a meal

Don't be rude

Speak in a tone that does not cause anger

Choose words that don't accuse

Choose to release a blessing upon them

Rest in God's timing

Don't be a bulldozer

Share the last piece of cake

Your lips are connected to your heart


Love is the most precious human emotions and is truly

the gem that shines the brightest.

And love is the glue that holds the HOME together!

Blessings, Roxy

Monday, February 10, 2025

Mundane Duties Or Loyal Duty...

Being A Good Steward? Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Being a Good Steward

How do you feel about Monday's?

For some reason it seems a bit harder to get the

body moving and the motivation working.

But maybe I need to look at it a bit differently;

Like I've been given a chance for a new start!

I really don't want to drag my feet and become a whiner!

I need to look at this day and realize I have been given

A mandate that I am responsible for!

I have to ask myself, 

Am I being a good steward of my time?

Am I being Loyal at heart?

I want to use my talents and my skills to bring

Glory to God...

We can become discouraged by what we might call

Mundane duties in our days.

But really think about it,

Are having clean dishes or clean clothes,

Or looking clean and smelling nice not important!?

Or preparing meals that bless and nourish the body and soul!

The Word and good food will bless the Soul!

We have been under a curse of the lie

Nothing Matters;

Well, let me tell you that all you do does matter!!

And everything you do can change the world

And bring Glory to God.

~True faithfulness regards nothing as small or unimportant~

They want us to feel uninspired and to look like freaks.

Don't nibble the bait, spew it out of your mouth.

Shake off the heaviness of the lies.

Rejoice and just get moving...

Because tomorrow is always just a day away!

Hugs, Roxy

Happy To Be Home, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...


Thursday, February 6, 2025

Are You Suffering From Spiritual Drowsiness...

 Have You Been Rocked To Sleep, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~Spiritual Drowsiness~

Spiritual drowsiness can happen when we are not aware

Of the culture around us is moving so fast toward destruction

And being lulled into apostasy.

Almost like being rocked to sleep.

Or when someone falls asleep at the wheel while driving.

Another example of spiritual drowsiness while in 

Sunday Service, You feel tired and not alert.

Will coffee help?

Maybe, but probably not;

Because we are tired...

Some  people our in the streets screaming and swearing,

And that is even less effective of getting my attention.

It's like the enemy's chatter or what I call

Talking Heads

The Tower of Babbling

It makes no sense...

We must wake-up and ask for clarity.

Gird-up the loins of your mind

Put on your thinking cap

Shake off the lethargic spirit

The real truth must constantly be repeated!

Focus and ask for clarity...

Get off the fence

Set YOUR Alarm

Get-up you sleepy heads

We got work to do today!

Be cognizant of what direction you are traveling in!!

Like the saying: When one is lost while traveling.

"I don't know where I am at, but I'm making good time!"

Blessings, Roxy

Gosh, it feels good to write again...

Jesus asked do you love me?

Then feed my sheep

Even if you give a drink of water in my name

You have done it unto me...

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Love Matters...


Love Is A Divine Seed, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Love Matters

We have used this word Love so often we can forget the meaning!

We know the word love is a verb which makes it an action.

We need to ask ourselves how we can make this word


Alive and practical in our lives

I just wanted to share a simple prayer I pray often:

Father God, I choose this day to be helpful and kind,

Tenderhearted and compassionate.

And to be filled with divine love.

Understanding, loving hearted and forgiving.

And grateful of Gods Blessings and favor.

We can grow in love toward others!

We can speak the truth in love!

You can share the love in a gesture of kindness!

Love is always moving if your heart is tender!

The love of God will compel you to do something!

Love Matters...

Love is a divine seed and it will grow,

But you must tend to the heart of it!

Love, Living From Glory To Glory 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Journaling My Days...


Thoughts That Matter, Living From Glory To Glory Blog


I read something this morning that I believe God had been already 

Speaking to me about at the breaking of this new day.

Don't you just love it when God gives you confirmation,

about something He is doing in your life!

Anyone reading this post can attest of how fast and furious

our days are moving along.

But, I have been staying home these last few years more because

Everything was taking time away of what really mattered;

To me, but most importantly to God 

I stopped Blogging mostly, but I continued to journal my days,

And my thoughts and even some frustrations.

Even crying out to God as the World Turned in my opinion

upside down and in a direction I could not embrace.

So as my Momma use to say;"If you can't say anything nice,

Don't say anything at all"

Or this Blog that God gave me would of turned into a political rant.


But, I realized the journals were for my personal way of processing.

So, here I am again determined to write to the world and share my

One liners and thoughts and ideas...

It's time for me to get down all my journals and read through them.

I will see what 

has been written in them and share a portion with those,

That just might draw encouragement from it's content.

I hope I can see clearly of some of the gems God has

deposited into me all these years.

Really almost all my life.

We must give if we want to receive, we must sow if we

want to reap!

Do what pleases the Lord!

If you can do nothing but live a true Christian life-

Be Patient, be gentle, be kind!

Pray for others as you walk through this day;

You may be the only one that will pray for that person today!

Be QUICK to listen...

Sending a big thank-you to anyone reading this post!

It's a shame that our attention span is about as long as

a two year old anymore.

And YouTube is how we get entertained, we need a visual.

But I have realized you will retain more if you will read it.

I thought about starting a channel, but it just didn't feel right.

So I will just continue to journal and write!

Blessings Always, in His Glourious name...

Hugs, Roxy

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Beware Of Calling Evil Good...

Holly is just beautiful, Living from Glory to Glory Blog...


When seasons change...

The last four years have been the most ridiculous time ever!

The leadership of most everything wanted to enforce us;

"To offend God rather than man"

The scripture than says

Isaiah 5:20:
 "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
 that put darkness for light,
 and light for darkness;
 that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

They wanted to silence everyone, but themselves!
Typical control...

I chose to spend my time being busy doing what really changes the World.
Being a homemaker...

But when someone tells you to be quiet, and it's control,
You must find ways to speak lounder without words.

I did coninue to write!!
Just not on my Blog,
 But I never stopped writing truth.

~Here are a few one liners~

Feelings are not Facts
Our attention span is getting shorter-n-shorter

Avoidance Mode; people and situations that cause distress
And robs you of your peace!

Stupid is as stupid does...

No one can make you feel inferior without your permission
(Eleanor Roosevelt)

Don't join a movement

Don't except the lie, freedom is not a license to sin!

Hard times make tough people,
I's no sort of world for cream puffs these days!

Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might!!

I could go on and on!
But I will leave you with this dear readers;
Never give up!!
Delay the Decay
Fight Fight Fight

Blessings and Love
Living From Glory To Glory
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